BEGIN; CREATE TYPE vendor_search_return AS ( legal_name text, id int, entity_id int, entity_class int, discount numeric, taxincluded bool, creditlimit numeric, terms int2, vendornumber int, cc text, bcc text, business_id int, language_code text, pricegroup_id int, curr char, startdate date, enddate date, bic varchar, iban varchar, note text ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vendor_save ( in_id int, in_discount numeric, in_taxincluded bool, in_creditlimit numeric, in_discount_terms int, in_threshold numeric, in_terms int, in_vendornumber varchar(32), in_cc text, in_bcc text, in_business_id int, in_language varchar(6), in_pricegroup_id int, in_curr char, in_startdate date, in_enddate date, in_bic text, in_iban text, in_notes text, in_name text, in_tax_id TEXT ) returns INT as $$ -- does not require entity_class, as entity_class is a known given to be 1 DECLARE t_entity_class int; new_entity_id int; v_row company; l_id int; BEGIN t_entity_class := 1; SELECT INTO v_row * FROM company WHERE id = in_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- do some inserts new_entity_id := nextval('entity_id_seq'); insert into entity (id, name, entity_class) VALUES (new_entity_id, in_name, t_entity_class); INSERT INTO company ( id, entity_id, legal_name, tax_id ) VALUES ( in_id, new_entity_id, in_name, in_tax_id ); INSERT INTO entity_credit_account ( entity_id, entity_class, discount, taxincluded, creditlimit, terms, cc, bcc, business_id, language_code, pricegroup_id, curr, startdate, enddate, meta_number, discount_terms, threshold ) VALUES ( new_entity_id, t_entity_class, in_discount, in_taxincluded, in_creditlimit, in_terms, in_cc, in_bcc, in_business_id, in_language, in_pricegroup_id, in_curr, in_startdate, in_enddate, in_vendornumber, in_discount_terms, in_threshold ); INSERT INTO entity_bank_account ( entity_id, bic, iban ) VALUES ( new_entity_id, in_bic, in_iban ); -- entity note class insert into entity_note (note_class, note, ref_key, vector) VALUES ( 1, in_notes, new_entity_id, ''); ELSIF FOUND THEN update company set tax_id = in_tax_id where id = in_id; update entity_credit_account SET discount = in_discount, taxincluded = in_taxincluded, creditlimit = in_creditlimit, terms = in_terms, cc = in_cc, bcc = in_bcc, business_id = in_business_id, language_code = in_language, pricegroup_id = in_pricegroup_id, curr = in_curr, startdate = in_startdate, enddate = in_enddate, meta_number = in_vendornumber, threshold = in_threshold, discount_terms = in_discount_terms where entity_id = v_row.entity_id; UPDATE entity_bank_account SET bic = in_bic, iban = in_iban WHERE entity_id = v_row.entity_id; UPDATE entity_note SET note = in_note WHERE ref_key = v_row.entity_id; END IF; return in_id; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vendor_location_save ( in_company_id int, in_location_class int, in_line_one text, in_line_two text, in_city_province TEXT, in_mail_code text, in_country_code int, in_created date ) returns int AS $$ BEGIN return _entity_location_save( in_company_id, in_location_class, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_city_province , in_mail_code, in_country_code, in_created); END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function _entity_location_save( in_company_id int, in_location_class int, in_line_one text, in_line_two text, in_city_province TEXT, in_mail_code text, in_country_code int, in_created date ) returns int AS $$ DECLARE l_row location; l_id INT; BEGIN SELECT l.* INTO l_row FROM location l JOIN company_to_location ctl ON ctl.location_id = JOIN company c on ctl.company_id = where = in_company_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN l_id := nextval('location_id_seq'); INSERT INTO location (id, location_class, line_one, line_two, city_province, country_id, mail_code, created) VALUES ( l_id, in_location_class, in_line_one, in_line_two, in_city_province, in_country_code, in_mail_code, in_created ); INSERT INTO company_to_location (location_id, company_id) VALUES (l_id, in_company_id); ELSIF FOUND THEN l_id :=; update location SET location_class = in_location_class, line_one = in_line_one, line_two = in_line_two, city_province = in_city_province, country_id = in_country_code, mail_code = in_mail_code WHERE id = l_id; END IF; return l_id; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE INDEX company_name_gist__idx ON company USING gist(legal_name gist_trgm_ops); CREATE INDEX location_address_one_gist__idx ON location USING gist(line_one gist_trgm_ops); CREATE INDEX location_address_two_gist__idx ON location USING gist(line_two gist_trgm_ops); CREATE INDEX location_address_three_gist__idx ON location USING gist(line_three gist_trgm_ops); CREATE INDEX location_city_prov_gist_idx ON location USING gist(city_province gist_trgm_ops); CREATE INDEX entity_name_gist_idx ON entity USING gist(name gist_trgm_ops); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vendor_search(in_name TEXT, in_address TEXT, in_city_prov TEXT) RETURNS SETOF vendor_search_return AS $$ -- searches vendor name, account number, street address, city, state, -- other location-based stuff declare v_row vendor_search_return; query text; begin for v_row in select c.legal_name, v.* from vendor v join company c on c.entity_id = v.entity_id join entity e on = v.entity_id join company_to_location ctl on = ctl.company_id join location l on = ctl.location_id where ( l.line_one % in_address OR l.line_two % in_address OR l.line_three % in_address ) OR l.city_province % in_city_prov OR ( c.legal_name % in_name OR % in_name ) LOOP RETURN NEXT v_row; END LOOP; RETURN; end; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vendor_retrieve(INT) returns setof vendor as $$ select v.* from vendor v join company c on c.entity_id = v.entity_id where = $1; $$ language 'sql'; COMMIT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vendor_next_vendor_id() returns int as $$ select nextval('company_id_seq'); $$ language 'sql';