CREATE TABLE reports ( id bigserial primary key not null, report_id int NOT NULL, account text not null, scn text not null, -- SCN is the check # their_balance numeric, our_balance numeric, errorcode INT, user int references entity(id) not null, -- why ois this not an entity reference? corrections INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 clear_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, insert_time TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), ledger_id int REFERENCES acc_trans(entry_id), overlook boolean not null default 'f', approved boolean not null default 'f' ); CREATE TABLE coa_to_account ( chart_id int not null references chart(id), account text not null CHECK (account ~ '[0-9]{7}(xxx)') ); CREATE TABLE report_corrections ( id serial primary key not null, correction_id int not null default 1, entry references reports(id) not null, user references entity(id) not null, -- why is this not an entity reference? reason text not null, insert_time timestamptz not null default now() ); -- to correct OUR wrong amount. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__correct_ledger (in_report_id INT, in_id int, in_new_amount NUMERIC, reason TEXT) returns INT AS $$ DECLARE new_code INT; current_row RECORD; l_row acc_trans; in_user TEXT; full_reason TEXT; BEGIN select into in_user from current_user; select into current_row from reports where = in_report_id and = in_id; select into l_row from acc_trans where entry_id = current_row.lid; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No such id % in this report.', in_scn; END IF; IF user <> current_row.user THEN IF current_row.our_balance <> in_new_amount AND in_new_amount = current_row.their_balance THEN update reports pr set pr.corrections = reports.corrections + 1, pr.new_balance = in_new_amount, error_code = 0 where id = in_report_id and scn = in_scn; return 0; -- After that, it is required to update the general ledger. full_reason := "User % is filing a reconciliation correction on the general ledger, changing amount % to amount %. Their reason given is: %", in_user, current_row.our_balance, in_new_amount, reason; perform select reconciliation__update_ledger(current_row.lid, in_new_amount, full_reason) ELSE IF current_row.our_balance = in_new_amount THEN -- This should be something, does it equal the original -- balance? If so, there's no change. return current_row.error_code; END IF; END IF; return current_row.error_code; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; -- to correct an incorrect bank statement value. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__correct_bank_statement (in_report_id INT, in_id int, in_new_amount NUMERIC) returns INT AS $$ DECLARE new_code INT; current_row RECORD; in_user TEXT; BEGIN select into in_user from current_user; select into current_row from reports where = in_id and reports.report_id = in_report_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No such SCN % in this report.', in_scn; END IF; IF user <> current_row.user THEN IF current_row.their_balance <> in_new_amount AND in_new_amount = current_row.our_balance THEN update reports pr set pr.corrections = reports.corrections + 1, pr.new_balance = in_new_amount, error_code = 0 where id = in_report_id and scn = in_scn; return 0; ELSE IF current_row.their_balance = in_new_amount THEN -- This should be something, does it equal the original -- balance? If so, there's no change. return current_row.error_code; END IF; END IF; return current_row.error_code; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE reconciliation__correct_passthrough ( in_report_id int, in_id int ) returns INT AS $$ DECLARE in_user TEXT; pending_entry reports; BEGIN select into in_user from current_user; select into pending_entry from reports where report_id = in_report_id and id = in_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- Raise an exception. RAISE EXCEPTION "Cannot find entry."; ELSE IF pending_entry.errorcode <> 4 THEN -- Only error codes of 4 may be "passed through" safely. RAISE EXCEPTION "Selected entry not permitted to be passed through."; ELSE -- Then we mark it passthroughable, and "approve" will overlook it. update reports set overlook = 't', errorcode = 0 where report_id = in_report_id and id = in_id; return 0; END IF; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__correct_bank_charge (in_report_id int, in_id int) returns INT AS $$ DECLARE in_user TEXT; pending_entry reports; BEGIN IF NOT FOUND THEN -- Raise an exception. RAISE EXCEPTION "Cannot find entry with ID % in report %.", in_id, in_report_id; ELSE IF pending_entry.errorcode <> 2 THEN -- Only error codes of 2 may be "passed through" safely. RAISE EXCEPTION "Attempt to retroactively add a non-bank-charge entry to the ledger."; ELSE -- Then we mark it passthroughable, and "approve" will overlook it. select create_entry (pending_entry.their_balance, 'payable', pending_entry.clear_date, 'Bank charge'); update reports set errorcode = 0 where report_id = in_report_id and id = in_id; return 0; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__correct_unaccounted_charge (in_report_id int, in_id int, reason TEXT) RETURNS INT AS $$ DECLARE in_user TEXT; pending_entry reports; note TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT FOUND THEN -- Raise an exception. RAISE EXCEPTION "Cannot find entry with ID % in report %.", in_id, in_report_id; ELSE IF pending_entry.errorcode <> 3 THEN -- Only error codes of 3 may be "passed through" safely. RAISE EXCEPTION "Not an unaccounted charge; cannot be retroactively added to the ledger."; ELSE -- Then we mark it passthroughable, and "approve" will overlook it. note := 'Retroactive addition of an unaccounted entry, of value %. Being added by user % with the following explanation: %', pending_entry.their_balance, in_user, in_reason; select create_entry (pending_entry.their_balance, 'payable', pending_entry.clear_date,note); update reports set errorcode = 0 where report_id = in_report_id and id = in_id; return in_id; END IF; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__report_approve (in_report_id INT) returns INT as $$ -- Does some basic checks before allowing the approval to go through; -- moves the approval to "reports", I guess, or some other "final" table. -- -- Pending may just be a single flag in the database to mark that it is -- not finalized. Will need to discuss with Chris. DECLARE current_row RECORD; completed reports; total_errors INT; in_user TEXT; BEGIN select into in_user current_user; select into current_row distinct on user * from reports where report_id = in_report_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION "Fatal Error: Pending report % not found", in_report_id; END IF; IF current_row.user = in_user THEN RAISE EXCEPTION "Fatal Error: User % cannot self-approve report!", in_user; END IF; SELECT INTO total_errors count(*) from reports where report_id = in_report_id and error_code <> 0; IF total_errors <> 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION "Fatal Error: Cannot approve while % uncorrected errors remain.", total_errors; END IF; -- so far, so good. Different user, and no errors remain. Therefore, we can move it to completed reports. -- -- User may not be necessary - I would think it better to use the -- in_user, to note who approved the report, than the user who -- filed it. This may require clunkier syntax.. -- update reports set approved = 't', clear_time = now() where report_id = in_report_id; return 1; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__new_report_id () returns INT as $$ SELECT nextval('pending_report_report_id_seq'); $$ language 'sql'; create or replace function reconciliation__add_entry( in_report_id INT, in_scn INT, in_amount numeric, in_account INT, in_user TEXT, in_date TIMESTAMP ) RETURNS INT AS $$ DELCARE la RECORD; errorcode INT; our_value NUMERIC; lid INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO la FROM acc_trans gl JOIN chart c on gl.chart_id = JOIN ap ON gl.trans_id = JOIN coa_to_account cta on cta.chart_id = gl.chart_id WHERE gl.source ~ in_scn -- does it look like it? and cta.account = in_account and gl.amount = in_amount AND gl.transdate = in_date; lid := NULL; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- they have it, we don't. This is Bad, and implies either a bank -- charge or an unaccounted cheque. if in_scn <> '' and in_scn IS NOT NULL THEN -- It's a bank charge. Approval action will probably be -- adding it as an entry to the general ledger. errorcode := 2; our_value := 0; ELSE -- Okay, now this is bad. -- They have a cheque/sourced charge that we don't. -- REsolution action is going to be errorcode := 3; our_value := 0; END IF; ELSE if la.amount <> in_amount THEN errorcode := 1; our_value := la.amount; lid := la.entry_id; ELSE -- it reconciles. No problem. errorcode := 0; our_value := la.amount; lid := la.entry_id; END IF; INSERT INTO reports ( report_id, scn, their_balance, our_balance, error_code, user, clear_time, ledger_id ) VALUES ( in_report_id, in_scn, in_amount, gl.amount, errorcode, in_user, in_date, lid ); -- success, basically. This could very likely be collapsed to -- do the compare check here, instead of in the Perl app. Save us a DB -- call. return 1; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function reconciliation__pending_transactions (in_month DATE) RETURNS setof acc_trans as $$ DECLARE gl_row acc_trans; BEGIN FOR gl_row IN select gl.* from acc_trans gl, reports pr where gl.cleared = 'f' and date_trunc('month',gl.transdate) <= date_trunc('month', in_month) and gl.entry_id <> pr.ledger_id -- there's no entries in the reports for this LOOP RETURN NEXT gl_row; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__report (in_report_id INT) RETURNS setof reports as $$ DECLARE row reports; BEGIN FOR row IN select * from reports where report_id = in_report_id LOOP RETURN NEXT row; END LOOP; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__get_total (in_report_id INT) returns setof reports AS $$ DECLARE row reports; BEGIN SELECT INTO row FROM reports WHERE ledger_id IS NULL and report_id = in_report_id AND scn = -1; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- I think this is a fairly major error condition RAISE EXCEPTION "No Bank Total found."; ELSE return row; END IF; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__corrections (in_report_id INT, in_id INT) returns setof report_corrections AS $$ DECLARE corr report_corrections; BEGIN SELECT INTO corr FROM report_corrections WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND id = in_id LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION "No corrections for selected entry."; ELSE FOR corr IN select * from report_corrections WHERE report_id = in_report_id AND id = in_id LOOP RETURN NEXT corr; END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ language 'plplsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__single_entry (in_report_id INT, in_id INT) returns setof reports AS $$ DECLARE row reports; BEGIN SELECT INTO row FROM reports WHERE report_id = in_report_id and id = in_id LIMIT 1; -- if there's more than one, that's a Bad Thing IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION "Could not find selected report entry"; ELSE RETURN row; END IF; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reconciliation__search ( in_date_begin DATE, in_date_end DATE, in_account TEXT, in_status TEXT ) RETURNS setof reports AS $$ DECLARE row reports; statement text; where_stmt text; v_status BOOLEAN; v_accum NUMERIC; BEGIN if in_status = "pending" then v_status = 'ft'::bool; ELSIF in_status = "approved" THEN v_status = 't'::bool; END IF; IF in_date_begin IS NOT NULL or in_date_end IS NOT NULL or in_account IS NOT NULL or v_status IS NOT NULL THEN statement = "select pr.* from reports pr "; statement = statement + "join acc_trans at on pr.ledger_id = at.entry_id "; IF in_account IS NOT NULL THEN statement = statement + "join chart c on at.chart_id = "; where_stmt = "c.accno =~ " + quote_literal(in_account) + " AND "; END IF; IF in_date_begin IS NOT NULL THEN where_stmt = where_stmt + "insert_time >= " + quote_literal(in_date_begin) + " AND "; END IF; IF in_date_end IS NOT NULL THEN where_stmt = where_stmt + "insert_time <= " + quote_literal(in_date_end) + " AND "; END IF; IF in_status IS NOT NULL THEN if v_status == 't'::bool THEN where_stmt = where_stmt + " approved = 't'::bool AND "; ELSIF v_status == 'f'::bool THEN where_stmt = where_stmt + " approved = 'f'::bool AND "; END IF; END IF; FOR row in EXECUTE statement LOOP RETURN NEXT row; END LOOP; ELSE FOR row IN SELECT * FROM reports LOOP RETURN NEXT row; END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; create type recon_accounts as ( name text, id int ); create or replace function reconciliation__get_accounts () returns setof recon_accounts as $$ SELECT coa.accno || ' ' || coa.description as name, as id FROM chart coa, coa_to_account cta WHERE cta.chart_id =; $$ language sql;