This set of files is just for initial testing and proof of concept purposes. They will be moved out of here into appropriate upgrade scripts as necessary and are intended only for collaborative development purposes. For people trying to get 1.3 up and running manually, the following load order should work. Note that many of these scripts declare types, so if you want to redefine functions, you will need to drop the types and reload the scripts. Account.sql Session.sql Business_Type.sql Location.sql Company.sql Customer.sql Date.sql Defaults.sql Setting.sql Employee.sql Entity.sql Payment.sql Person.sql Report.sql Voucher.sql Note that the Roles.sql is special and must be preprocessed to get it to work. A command like: sed -e 's/<?lsmb dbname ?>/[dbname]/g' Roles.sql > [dbname]_roles.sql would work where [dbname] represents the name of the database you are installing into. Also Roles.sql MUST be run last because portions of it depend on function declarations in the other scripts.