begin; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION person_save (in_entity_id integer, in_salutation_id int, in_first_name text, in_middle_name text, in_last_name text ) RETURNS INT AS $$ DECLARE e_id int; e entity; loc location; l_id int; p_id int; BEGIN select * into e from entity where id = in_entity_id and entity_class = 3; e_id := in_entity_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO entity (name, entity_class) values (in_first_name || ' ' || in_last_name, 3); e_id := currval('entity_id_seq'); END IF; UPDATE person SET salutation_id = in_salutation_id, first_name = in_first_name, last_name = in_last_name, middle_name = in_middle_name WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN in_entity_id; ELSE -- Do an insert INSERT INTO person (salutation_id, first_name, last_name, entity_id) VALUES (in_salutation_id, in_first_name, in_last_name, e_id); RETURN e_id; END IF; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee__save (in_entity_id int, in_start_date date, in_end_date date, in_dob date, in_role text, in_ssn text, in_sales bool, in_manager_id int, in_employee_number text) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE out_id INT; BEGIN UPDATE entity_employee SET startdate = in_start_date, enddate = in_end_date, dob = in_dob, role = in_role, ssn = in_ssn, manager_id = in_manager_id, employeenumber = in_employee_number, person_id = (select id FROM person WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id) WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; out_id = in_entity_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO entity_employee (startdate, enddate, dob, role, ssn, manager_id, employeenumber, entity_id, person_id) VALUES (in_start_date, in_end_date, in_dob, in_role, in_ssn, in_manager_id, in_employee_number, in_entity_id, (SELECT id FROM person WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id)); RETURN in_entity_id; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION person__list_locations(in_entity_id int) RETURNS SETOF location_result AS $$ DECLARE out_row RECORD; BEGIN FOR out_row IN SELECT, l.line_one, l.line_two, l.line_three,, l.state,, lc.class FROM location l JOIN person_to_location ctl ON (ctl.location_id = JOIN person p ON (ctl.person_id = JOIN location_class lc ON (ctl.location_class = JOIN country c ON ( = l.country_id) WHERE p.entity_id = in_entity_id ORDER BY,, LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION person__list_contacts(in_entity_id int) RETURNS SETOF contact_list AS $$ DECLARE out_row RECORD; BEGIN FOR out_row IN SELECT cc.class, FROM person_to_contact c JOIN contact_class cc ON (c.contact_class_id = JOIN person p ON (c.person_id = WHERE p.entity_id = in_entity_id LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION person__save_contact (in_entity_id int, in_contact_class int, in_contact text) RETURNS INT AS $$ DECLARE out_id int; BEGIN INSERT INTO person_to_contact(person_id, contact_class_id, contact) SELECT id, in_contact_class, in_contact FROM person WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; RETURN 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; create or replace function person_location_save( in_entity_id int, in_location_id int, in_line_one text, in_line_two text, in_line_three text, in_city TEXT, in_state TEXT, in_mail_code text, in_country_code int ) returns int AS $$ DECLARE l_row location; l_id INT; t_person_id int; BEGIN SELECT id INTO t_person_id FROM person WHERE entity_id = in_entity_id; DELETE FROM person_to_location WHERE person_id = t_person_id AND location_id = in_location_id; SELECT location_save(in_line_one, in_line_two, in_line_three, in_city, in_state, in_mail_code, in_country_code) INTO l_id; INSERT INTO person_to_location (person_id, location_id) VALUES (t_person_id, l_id); RETURN l_id; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; commit;