CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_open_accounts(in_account_class int) returns SETOF entity AS $$ DECLARE out_entity entity%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_entity IN SELECT * FROM entity WHERE id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM entity_credit_account WHERE entity_class = in_account_class) AND CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM ap WHERE amount <> paid GROUP BY entity_id) WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN id IN (SELECT entity_id FROM ar WHERE amount <> paid GROUP BY entity_id) END LOOP RETURN NEXT out_entity; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_open_accounts(int) IS $$ This function takes a single argument (1 for vendor, 2 for customer as always) and returns all entities with open accounts of the appropriate type. $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_all_accounts(in_account_class int) RETURNS SETOF entity AS $$ DECLARE out_entity entity%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_entity IN SELECT * FROM entity WHERE id IN (seLECT entity_id FROM entity_credit_account WHERE entity_class = in_account_class) LOOP RETURN NEXT out_entity; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_open_accounts(int) IS $$ This function takes a single argument (1 for vendor, 2 for customer as always) and returns all entities with accounts of the appropriate type. $$; CREATE TYPE payment_invoice AS ( invoice_id int, invnumber text, invoice_date date, amount numeric, discount numeric, due numeric ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_open_invoices (in_account_class int, in_entity_id int, in_curr char(3)) RETURNS SETOF payment_invoice AS $$ DECLARE payment_inv payment_invoice; BEGIN FOR payment_inv IN SELECT AS invoice_id, a.invnumber, a.transdate AS invoice_date, a.amount, CASE WHEN discount_terms > extract('days' FROM age(a.transdate)) THEN 0 ELSE (a.amount - a.paid) * / 100 END AS discount, a.amount - a.paid - CASE WHEN discount_terms > extract('days' FROM age(a.transdate)) THEN 0 ELSE (a.amount - a.paid) * / 100 END AS due FROM (SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, 1 as invoice_class, paid, curr FROM ap UNION SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, 2 AS invoice_class, paid, curr FROM ar ) a JOIN entity_credit_account c USING (entity_id) WHERE a.invoice_class = in_account_class AND c.entity_class = in_account_class AND a.amount - a.paid <> 0 AND a.curr = in_curr AND a.entity_id = coalesce(in_entity_id, a.entity_id) LOOP RETURN NEXT payment_inv; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_open_invoices(int, int, char(3)) IS $$ This function takes three arguments: Type: 1 for vendor, 2 for customer Entity_id: The entity_id of the customer or vendor Currency: 3 characters for currency ('USD' for example). Returns all open invoices for the entity in question. $$; CREATE TYPE payment_contact_invoice AS ( contact_id int, contact_name text, account_number text, total_due numeric, invoices text[] ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_all_contact_invoices (in_account_class int, in_business_type int, in_currency char(3), in_date_from date, in_date_to date, in_batch_id int, in_ar_ap_accno text) RETURNS SETOF payment_contact_invoice AS $$ DECLARE payment_item payment_contact_invoice; BEGIN FOR payment_item IN SELECT AS contact_id, AS contact_name, c.meta_number AS account_number, sum(a.amount - a.paid) AS total_due, compound_array(ARRAY[[, a.invnumber, a.transdate::text, a.amount::text, (CASE WHEN c.discount_terms > extract('days' FROM age(a.transdate)) THEN 0 ELSE (a.amount - a.paid) * / 100 END)::text, (a.amount - a.paid - (CASE WHEN c.discount_terms > extract('days' FROM age(a.transdate)) THEN 0 ELSE (a.amount - a.paid) * / 100 END))::text]]), bool_and(lock_record(, (select max(session_id) FROM "session" where users_id = ( select id from users WHERE username = SESSION_USER)))) FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account c ON ( = c.entity_id) JOIN (SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, paid, curr, 1 as invoice_class FROM ap UNION SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, paid, curr, 2 as invoice_class FROM ar ) a USING (entity_id) JOIN transactions t ON ( = WHERE a.invoice_class = in_account_class AND ((a.transdate >= in_date_from AND a.transdate <= in_date_to) OR IN (select voucher.trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id)) AND c.entity_class = in_account_class AND a.curr = in_currency AND a.amount - a.paid <> 0 AND t.locked_by NOT IN (select "session_id" FROM "session" WHERE users_id IN (select id from users where username <> SESSION_USER)) AND EXISTS (select trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = AND chart_id = (SELECT id frOM chart WHERE accno = in_ar_ap_accno) ) GROUP BY,, c.meta_number, c.threshold HAVING sum(a.amount - a.paid) > c.threshold LOOP RETURN NEXT payment_item; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_all_contact_invoices (in_account_class int, in_business_type int, in_currency char(3), in_date_from date, in_date_to date, in_batch_id int, in_ar_ap_accno text) IS $$ This function takes the following arguments (all prefaced with in_ in the db): account_class: 1 for vendor, 2 for customer business_type: integer of currency: char(3) of currency (for example 'USD') date_from, date_to: These dates are inclusive. batch_id: For payment batches, where fees are concerned. ar_ap_accno: The AR/AP account number. This then returns a set of contact information with a 2 dimensional array cnsisting of outstanding invoices. $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_post (in_trans_id int, in_source text, in_amount numeric, in_ar_ap_accno text, in_cash_accno text, in_approved bool, in_payment_date date, in_account_class int) RETURNS INT AS $$ DECLARE out_entry_id int; BEGIN INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount, trans_id, transdate, approved, source) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = in_ar_ap_accno), CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN in_amount * -1 ELSE amount END, in_trans_id, in_payment_date, in_approved, in_source); INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount, trans_id, transdate, approved, source) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = in_cash_accno), CASE WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN in_amount * -1 ELSE amount END, in_trans_id, in_payment_date, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_source); SELECT currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq') INTO out_entry_id; RETURN out_entry_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_post (in_trans_id int, in_source text, in_amount numeric, in_ar_ap_accno text, in_cash_accno text, in_approved bool, in_payment_date date, in_account_class int) IS $$ This function takes the following arguments (prefaced with in_ in the db): trans_id: Id for ar/ap transaction. source: text for source documnet identifier (for example, check number) amount: numeric for the amount of the transaction ar_ap_accno: AR/AP account number cash_accno: Cash Account number, i.e. the account where the payment will be held approved: False, for a voucher. This function posts the payment or saves the payment voucher. $$; -- Move this to the projects module when we start on that. CT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION project_list_open(in_date date) RETURNS SETOF project AS $$ DECLARE out_project project%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_project IN SELECT * from project WHERE startdate <= in_date AND enddate >= in_date AND completed = 0 LOOP return next out_project; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; comment on function project_list_open(in_date date) is $$ This function returns all projects that were open as on the date provided as the argument.$$; -- Move this to the projects module when we start on that. CT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION department_list(in_role char) RETURNS SETOF department AS $$ DECLARE out_department department%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_department IN SELECT * from department WHERE role = in_role LOOP return next out_department; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; comment on function department_list(in_role char) is $$ This function returns all department that match the role provided as the argument.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payments_get_open_currencies(in_account_class int) RETURNS SETOF char(3) AS $$ DECLARE resultrow record; BEGIN FOR resultrow IN SELECT curr FROM ar WHERE amount <> paid OR paid IS NULL AND in_account_class=2 UNION SELECT curr FROM ap WHERE amount <> paid OR paid IS NULL AND in_account_class=1 ORDER BY curr LOOP return next resultrow.curr; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION currency_get_exchangerate(in_currency char(3), in_date date, in_account_class int) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE out_exrate; BEGIN IF in_account_class = 1 THEN SELECT INTO out_exrate buy FROM exchangerate WHERE transdate = in_date AND curr = in_currency; ELSE SELECT INTO out_exrate sell FROM exchangerate WHERE transdate = in_date AND curr = in_currency; END IF; RETURN out_exrate; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION currency_get_exchangerate(in_currency char(3), in_date date, in_account_class int) IS $$ This function return the exchange rate of a given currency, date and exchange rate class (buy or sell). $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_vc_info(in_entity_id int) RETURNS SETOF entity AS $$ DECLARE out_info entity%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_info IN SELECT, FROM entity e JOIN company c ON ( = c.entity_id) WHERE = in_entity_id --SELECT, c.legal_name, l.line_one, l.city_province, FROM entity e --JOIN company c ON ( = c.entity_id) --JOIN company_to_location cl ON ( = cl.company_id) --JOIN location l ON ( = cl.location_id) --JOIN country cy ON ( = l.country_id) LOOP return next out_info; END LOOP; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'ID % not found!!!!!', in_entity_id; END IF; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_vc_info(in_entity_id int) IS $$ This function return vendor or customer info, its under construction $$;