CREATE TYPE payment_vc_info AS ( id int, name text, entity_class int, discount int ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_entity_accounts (in_account_class int, in_vc_name text, in_vc_idn int) returns SETOF payment_vc_info AS $$ DECLARE out_entity payment_vc_info; BEGIN FOR out_entity IN SELECT, cp.legal_name as name, e.entity_class, ec.discount_account_id FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = JOIN company cp ON (cp.entity_id = WHERE ec.entity_class = in_account_class AND (cp.legal_name ilike coalesce('%'||in_vc_name||'%','%%') OR cp.tax_id = in_vc_idn) LOOP RETURN NEXT out_entity; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- payment_get_open_accounts and the option to get all accounts need to be -- refactored and redesigned. -- CT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_open_accounts(in_account_class int) returns SETOF entity AS $$ DECLARE out_entity entity%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_entity IN SELECT, cp.legal_name as name, e.entity_class, e.created FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = JOIN company cp ON (cp.entity_id = WHERE ec.entity_class = in_account_class -- AND CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN -- IN (SELECT entity_id FROM ap -- WHERE amount <> paid -- GROUP BY entity_id) -- WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN -- IN (SELECT entity_id FROM ar -- WHERE amount <> paid -- GROUP BY entity_id) -- END LOOP RETURN NEXT out_entity; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_open_accounts(int) IS $$ This function takes a single argument (1 for vendor, 2 for customer as always) and returns all entities with open accounts of the appropriate type. $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_all_accounts(in_account_class int) RETURNS SETOF entity AS $$ DECLARE out_entity entity%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_entity IN SELECT,, e.entity_class, e.created FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = WHERE e.entity_class = in_account_class LOOP RETURN NEXT out_entity; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_open_accounts(int) IS $$ This function takes a single argument (1 for vendor, 2 for customer as always) and returns all entities with accounts of the appropriate type. $$; CREATE TYPE payment_invoice AS ( invoice_id int, invnumber text, invoice_date date, amount numeric, discount numeric, due numeric ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_open_invoices (in_account_class int, in_entity_credit_id int, in_curr char(3), in_datefrom date, in_dateto date, in_amountfrom numeric, in_amountto numeric, in_department_id int) RETURNS SETOF payment_invoice AS $$ DECLARE payment_inv payment_invoice; BEGIN FOR payment_inv IN SELECT AS invoice_id, a.invnumber AS invnumber, a.transdate AS invoice_date, a.amount AS amount, (CASE WHEN c.discount_terms < extract('days' FROM age(a.transdate)) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(ac.due, a.amount)) * coalesce(, 0) / 100 END) AS discount, ac.due FROM (SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, 1 as invoice_class, paid, curr, entity_credit_account, department_id FROM ap UNION SELECT id, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, 2 AS invoice_class, paid, curr, entity_credit_account, department_id FROM ar ) a JOIN (SELECT trans_id, chart_id, sum(CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN amount WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN amount * -1 END) as due FROM acc_trans GROUP BY trans_id, chart_id) ac ON (ac.trans_id = JOIN chart ON ( = ac.chart_id) JOIN entity_credit_account c ON ( = a.entity_credit_account OR (a.entity_credit_account IS NULL and a.entity_id = c.entity_id)) WHERE (( = 'AP' AND in_account_class = 1) OR ( = 'AR' AND in_account_class = 2)) AND a.invoice_class = in_account_class AND c.entity_class = in_account_class AND = in_entity_credit_id AND a.amount - a.paid <> 0 AND a.curr = in_curr AND (a.transdate >= in_datefrom OR in_datefrom IS NULL) AND (a.transdate <= in_dateto OR in_dateto IS NULL) AND (a.amount >= in_amountfrom OR in_amountfrom IS NULL) AND (a.amount <= in_amountto OR in_amountto IS NULL) AND (a.department_id = in_department_id OR in_department_id IS NULL) AND due <> 0 GROUP BY a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.amount, discount, ac.due,, c.discount_terms LOOP RETURN NEXT payment_inv; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_open_invoices(int, int, char(3), date, date, numeric, numeric, int) IS $$ This function takes three arguments: Type: 1 for vendor, 2 for customer Entity_id: The entity_id of the customer or vendor Currency: 3 characters for currency ('USD' for example). Returns all open invoices for the entity in question. $$; CREATE TYPE payment_contact_invoice AS ( contact_id int, contact_name text, account_number text, total_due numeric, invoices text[], has_vouchers int ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_all_contact_invoices (in_account_class int, in_business_id int, in_currency char(3), in_date_from date, in_date_to date, in_batch_id int, in_ar_ap_accno text, in_meta_number text) RETURNS SETOF payment_contact_invoice AS $$ DECLARE payment_item payment_contact_invoice; BEGIN FOR payment_item IN SELECT AS contact_id, AS contact_name, c.meta_number AS account_number, sum(p.due) AS total_due, compound_array(ARRAY[[, a.invnumber, a.transdate::text, a.amount::text, (a.amount - p.due)::text, (CASE WHEN c.discount_terms > extract('days' FROM age(a.transdate)) THEN 0 ELSE (a.amount - coalesce((a.amount - p.due), 0)) * coalesce(, 0) / 100 END)::text, (coalesce(p.due, 0) - (CASE WHEN c.discount_terms > extract('days' FROM age(a.transdate)) THEN 0 ELSE (coalesce(p.due, 0)) * coalesce(, 0) / 100 END))::text]]), sum(case when a.batch_id = in_batch_id then 1 else 0 END), bool_and(lock_record(, (select max(session_id) FROM "session" where users_id = ( select id from users WHERE username = SESSION_USER)))) FROM entity e JOIN entity_credit_account c ON ( = c.entity_id) JOIN (SELECT, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, paid, curr, 1 as invoice_class, entity_credit_account, on_hold, v.batch_id FROM ap LEFT JOIN (select * from voucher where batch_class = 1) v ON ( = v.trans_id) WHERE in_account_class = 1 AND (v.batch_class = 1 or v.batch_id IS NULL) UNION SELECT, invnumber, transdate, amount, entity_id, paid, curr, 2 as invoice_class, entity_credit_account, on_hold, v.batch_id FROM ar LEFT JOIN (select * from voucher where batch_class = 2) v ON ( = v.trans_id) WHERE in_account_class = 2 AND (v.batch_class = 2 or v.batch_id IS NULL) ORDER BY transdate ) a ON (a.entity_credit_account = JOIN transactions t ON ( = JOIN (SELECT trans_id, sum(CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN amount WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN amount * -1 END) AS due FROM acc_trans JOIN chart ON ( = acc_trans.chart_id) WHERE (( = 'AP' AND in_account_class = 1) OR ( = 'AR' AND in_account_class = 2)) GROUP BY trans_id) p ON ( = p.trans_id) WHERE a.batch_id = in_batch_id OR (a.invoice_class = in_account_class AND c.business_id = coalesce(in_business_id, c.business_id) AND ((a.transdate >= COALESCE(in_date_from, a.transdate) AND a.transdate <= COALESCE(in_date_to, a.transdate))) AND c.entity_class = in_account_class AND a.curr = in_currency AND a.entity_credit_account = AND p.due <> 0 AND a.amount <> a.paid AND NOT a.on_hold AND NOT (t.locked_by IS NOT NULL AND t.locked_by IN (select "session_id" FROM "session" WHERE users_id IN (select id from users where username <> SESSION_USER))) AND EXISTS (select trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = AND chart_id = (SELECT id frOM chart WHERE accno = in_ar_ap_accno) )) GROUP BY,, c.meta_number, c.threshold HAVING (in_meta_number IS NULL OR in_meta_number = c.meta_number) AND (sum(p.due) > c.threshold OR sum(case when a.batch_id = in_batch_id then 1 else 0 END) > 0) ORDER BY c.meta_number DESC LOOP RETURN NEXT payment_item; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_all_contact_invoices (in_account_class int, in_business_type int, in_currency char(3), in_date_from date, in_date_to date, in_batch_id int, in_ar_ap_accno text) IS $$ This function takes the following arguments (all prefaced with in_ in the db): account_class: 1 for vendor, 2 for customer business_type: integer of currency: char(3) of currency (for example 'USD') date_from, date_to: These dates are inclusive. 1;3B batch_id: For payment batches, where fees are concerned. ar_ap_accno: The AR/AP account number. This then returns a set of contact information with a 2 dimensional array cnsisting of outstanding invoices. $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_bulk_queue (in_transactions numeric[], in_batch_id int, in_source text, in_total numeric, in_ar_ap_accno text, in_cash_accno text, in_payment_date date, in_account_class int) returns int as $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO payments_queue (transactions, batch_id, source, total, ar_ap_accno, cash_accno, payment_date, account_class) VALUES (in_transactions, in_batch_id, in_source, in_total, in_ar_ap_accno, in_cash_accno, in_payment_date, in_account_class); RETURN array_upper(in_transactions, 1) - array_lower(in_transactions, 1); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION job__process_payment(in_job_id int) RETURNS bool AS $$ DECLARE queue_record RECORD; t_auth_name text; t_counter int; BEGIN -- TODO: Move the set session authorization into a utility function SELECT entered_by INTO t_auth_name FROM pending_job WHERE id = in_job_id; EXECUTE 'SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION ' || quote_ident(t_auth_name); t_counter := 0; FOR queue_record IN SELECT * FROM payments_queue WHERE job_id = in_job_id LOOP PERFORM payment_bulk_post (queue_record.transactions, queue_record.batch_id, queue_record.source,, queue_record.ar_ap_accno, queue_record.cash_accno, queue_record.payment_date, queue_record.account_class); t_counter := t_counter + 1; RAISE NOTICE 'Processed record %, starting transaction %', t_counter, queue_record.transactions[1][1]; END LOOP; DELETE FROM payments_queue WHERE job_id = in_job_id; UPDATE pending_job SET completed_at = timeofday()::timestamp, success = true WHERE id = in_job_id; RETURN TRUE; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION job__create(in_batch_class int, in_batch_id int) RETURNS int AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO pending_job (batch_class, batch_id) VALUES (coalesce(in_batch_class, 3), in_batch_id); RETURN currval('pending_job_id_seq'); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE TYPE job__status AS ( completed int, -- 1 for completed, 0 for no success int, -- 1 for success, 0 for no completed_at timestamp, error_condition text -- error if not successful ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION job__status(in_job_id int) RETURNS job__status AS $$ DECLARE out_row job__status; BEGIN SELECT (completed_at IS NULL)::INT, success::int, completed_at, error_condition INTO out_row FROM pending_job WHERE id = in_job_id; RETURN out_row; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_bulk_post (in_transactions numeric[], in_batch_id int, in_source text, in_total numeric, in_ar_ap_accno text, in_cash_accno text, in_payment_date date, in_account_class int) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE out_count int; t_voucher_id int; t_trans_id int; t_amount numeric; t_ar_ap_id int; t_cash_id int; BEGIN IF in_batch_id IS NULL THEN -- t_voucher_id := NULL; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Bulk Post Must be from Batch!'; ELSE INSERT INTO voucher (batch_id, batch_class, trans_id) values (in_batch_id, 3, in_transactions[1][1]); t_voucher_id := currval('voucher_id_seq'); END IF; select id into t_ar_ap_id from chart where accno = in_ar_ap_accno; select id into t_cash_id from chart where accno = in_cash_accno; FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_transactions, 1) .. array_upper(in_transactions, 1) LOOP INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, approved, voucher_id, transdate, source) VALUES (in_transactions[out_count][1], case when in_account_class = 1 THEN t_cash_id WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN t_ar_ap_id ELSE -1 END, in_transactions[out_count][2], CASE WHEN t_voucher_id IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END, t_voucher_id, in_payment_date, in_source); INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, approved, voucher_id, transdate, source) VALUES (in_transactions[out_count][1], case when in_account_class = 1 THEN t_ar_ap_id WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN t_cash_id ELSE -1 END, in_transactions[out_count][2]* -1, CASE WHEN t_voucher_id IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END, t_voucher_id, in_payment_date, in_source); UPDATE ap set paid = paid +in_transactions[out_count][2] where id =in_transactions[out_count][1]; END LOOP; return out_count; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_bulk_post (in_transactions numeric[], in_batch_id int, in_source text, in_total numeric, in_ar_ap_accno text, in_cash_accno text, in_payment_date date, in_account_class int) IS $$ Note that in_transactions is a two-dimensional numeric array. Of each sub-array, the first element is the (integer) transaction id, and the second is the amount for that transaction. If the total of the amounts do not add up to in_total, then an error is generated. $$; -- -- WE NEED A PAYMENT TABLE -- CREATE TABLE payment ( id serial primary key, reference text NOT NULL, gl_id integer references gl(id), payment_class integer NOT NULL, payment_date date default current_date, closed bool default FALSE, entity_id integer references entity(id), employee_id integer references entity_employee(entity_id), currency char(3), notes text, department_id integer default 0); COMMENT ON TABLE payment IS $$ This table will store the main data on a payment, prepayment, overpayment, et$$; COMMENT ON COLUMN payment.reference IS $$ This field will store the code for both receipts and payment order $$; COMMENT ON COLUMN payment.closed IS $$ This will store the current state of a payment/receipt order $$; COMMENT ON COLUMN payment.gl_id IS $$ A payment should always be linked to a GL movement $$; CREATE INDEX payment_id_idx ON payment(id); CREATE TABLE payment_links ( payment_id integer references Payment(id), entry_id integer references acc_trans(entry_id), type integer); COMMENT ON TABLE payment_links IS $$ An explanation to the type field. * A type 0 means the link is referencing an ar/ap and was created using an overpayment movement after the receipt was created * A type 1 means the link is referencing an ar/ap and was made on the payment creation, its not the product of an overpayment movement * A type 2 means the link is not referencing an ar/ap and its the product of the overpayment logic With this ideas in order we can do the following To get the payment amount we will sum the entries with type > 0. To get the linked amount we will sum the entries with type < 2. The overpayment account can be obtained from the entries with type = 2. This reasoning is hacky and i hope it can dissapear when we get to 1.4 - D.M. $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_post (in_datepaid date, in_account_class int, in_entity_id int, in_curr char(3), in_notes text, in_department_id int, in_gl_description text, in_cash_account_id int[], in_amount numeric[], in_cash_approved bool[], in_source text[], in_transaction_id int[], in_op_amount numeric[], in_op_cash_account_id int[], in_op_source text[], in_op_memo text[], in_op_account_id int[], in_approved bool) RETURNS INT AS $$ DECLARE var_payment_id int; DECLARE var_gl_id int; DECLARE var_entry record; DECLARE var_entry_id int[]; DECLARE out_count int; DECLARE coa_id record; DECLARE var_employee int; DECLARE var_account_id int; BEGIN SELECT INTO var_employee entity_id FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER LIMIT 1; -- -- SECOND WE HAVE TO INSERT THE PAYMENT, USING THE GL INFORMATION -- THE ID IS GENERATED BY payment_id_seq -- INSERT INTO payment (reference, payment_class, payment_date, employee_id, currency, notes, department_id, entity_id) VALUES ((CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN setting_increment('rcptnumber') -- I FOUND THIS ON sql/modules/Settings.sql ELSE -- and it is very usefull setting_increment('paynumber') END), in_account_class, in_datepaid, var_employee, in_curr, in_notes, in_department_id, in_entity_id); SELECT currval('payment_id_seq') INTO var_payment_id; -- WE'LL NEED THIS VALUE TO USE payment_link table -- WE'LL NEED THIS VALUE TO JOIN WITH PAYMENT -- NOW COMES THE HEAVY PART, STORING ALL THE POSSIBLE TRANSACTIONS... -- -- FIRST WE SHOULD INSERT THE CASH ACCOUNTS -- -- WE SHOULD HAVE THE DATA STORED AS (ACCNO, AMOUNT), SO FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_cash_account_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_cash_account_id, 1) LOOP INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount, trans_id, transdate, approved, source) VALUES (in_cash_account_id[out_count], CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN in_amount[out_count] ELSE in_amount[out_count]* - 1 END, in_transaction_id[out_count], in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_source[out_count]); INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 1); END LOOP; -- NOW LETS HANDLE THE AR/AP ACCOUNTS -- WE RECEIVED THE TRANSACTIONS_ID AND WE CAN OBTAIN THE ACCOUNT FROM THERE FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_transaction_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_transaction_id, 1) LOOP SELECT INTO var_account_id chart_id FROM acc_trans as ac JOIN chart as c ON ( = ac.chart_id) WHERE trans_id = in_transaction_id[out_count] AND ( = 'AP' OR = 'AR' ); INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount, trans_id, transdate, approved, source) VALUES (var_account_id, CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN in_amount[out_count] * -1 ELSE in_amount[out_count] END, in_transaction_id[out_count], in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_source[out_count]); INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 1); END LOOP; -- -- WE NEED TO HANDLE THE OVERPAYMENTS NOW -- -- -- FIRST WE HAVE TO MAKE THE GL TO HOLD THE OVERPAYMENT TRANSACTIONS -- THE ID IS GENERATED BY gl_id_seq -- IF (array_upper(in_op_cash_account_id, 1) > 0) THEN INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, transdate, person_id, notes, approved, department_id) VALUES (setting_increment('glnumber'), in_gl_description, in_datepaid, var_employee, in_notes, in_approved, in_department_id); SELECT currval('id') INTO var_gl_id; -- -- WE NEED TO SET THE GL_ID FIELD ON PAYMENT'S TABLE -- UPDATE payment SET gl_id = var_gl_id WHERE id = var_payment_id; -- NOW COMES THE HEAVY PART, STORING ALL THE POSSIBLE TRANSACTIONS... -- -- FIRST WE SHOULD INSERT THE OVERPAYMENT CASH ACCOUNTS -- FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_op_cash_account_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_op_cash_account_id, 1) LOOP INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount, trans_id, transdate, approved, source) VALUES (in_op_cash_account_id[out_count], CASE WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN in_op_amount[out_count] ELSE in_op_amount[out_count] * - 1 END, var_gl_id, in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_op_source[out_count]); INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 2); END LOOP; -- NOW LETS HANDLE THE OVERPAYMENT ACCOUNTS FOR out_count IN array_lower(in_op_account_id, 1) .. array_upper(in_op_account_id, 1) LOOP INSERT INTO acc_trans (chart_id, amount, trans_id, transdate, approved, source, memo) VALUES (in_op_account_id[out_count], CASE WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN in_op_amount[out_count] * -1 ELSE in_op_amount[out_count] END, var_gl_id, in_datepaid, coalesce(in_approved, true), in_op_source[out_count], in_op_memo[out_count]); INSERT INTO payment_links VALUES (var_payment_id, currval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'), 2); END LOOP; END IF; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; -- I HAVE TO MAKE A COMMENT ON THIS FUNCTION -- Move this to the projects module when we start on that. CT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION project_list_open(in_date date) RETURNS SETOF project AS $$ DECLARE out_project project%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_project IN SELECT * from project WHERE startdate <= in_date AND enddate >= in_date AND completed = 0 LOOP return next out_project; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; comment on function project_list_open(in_date date) is $$ This function returns all projects that were open as on the date provided as the argument.$$; -- Move this to the projects module when we start on that. CT CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION department_list(in_role char) RETURNS SETOF department AS $$ DECLARE out_department department%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR out_department IN SELECT * from department WHERE role = coalesce(in_role, role) LOOP return next out_department; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; -- Move this into another module. comment on function department_list(in_role char) is $$ This function returns all department that match the role provided as the argument.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payments_get_open_currencies(in_account_class int) RETURNS SETOF char(3) AS $$ DECLARE resultrow record; BEGIN FOR resultrow IN SELECT DISTINCT curr FROM ar UNION SELECT DISTINCT curr FROM ap ORDER BY curr LOOP return next resultrow.curr; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION currency_get_exchangerate(in_currency char(3), in_date date, in_account_class int) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE out_exrate; BEGIN IF in_account_class = 1 THEN SELECT buy INTO out_exrate FROM exchangerate WHERE transdate = in_date AND curr = in_currency; ELSE SELECT sell INTO out_exrate FROM exchangerate WHERE transdate = in_date AND curr = in_currency; END IF; RETURN out_exrate; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION currency_get_exchangerate(in_currency char(3), in_date date, in_account_class int) IS $$ This function return the exchange rate of a given currency, date and exchange rate class (buy or sell). $$; -- -- payment_location_result has the same arch as location_result, except for one field -- This should be unified on the API when we get things working - David Mora -- CREATE TYPE payment_location_result AS ( id int, line_one text, line_two text, line_three text, city text, state text, mail_code text, country text, class text ); -- -- payment_get_vc_info has the same arch as company__list_locations, except for the filtering capabilities -- This should be unified on the API when we get things working - David Mora -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment_get_vc_info(in_entity_credit_id int, in_location_class_id int) RETURNS SETOF payment_location_result AS $$ DECLARE out_row payment_location_result; BEGIN FOR out_row IN SELECT, l.line_one, l.line_two, l.line_three,, l.state, l.mail_code,, lc.class FROM location l JOIN company_to_location ctl ON (ctl.location_id = JOIN company cp ON (ctl.company_id = JOIN location_class lc ON (ctl.location_class = JOIN country c ON ( = l.country_id) JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = cp.entity_id) WHERE = in_entity_credit_id AND = in_location_class_id ORDER BY,, LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; COMMENT ON FUNCTION payment_get_vc_info(in_entity_id int, in_location_class_id int) IS $$ This function returns vendor or customer info $$; CREATE TYPE payment_record AS ( amount numeric, meta_number text, credit_id int, company_paid text, accounts text[], source text, date_paid date ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment__search (in_source text, in_date_from date, in_date_to date, in_credit_id int, in_cash_accno text, in_account_class int) RETURNS SETOF payment_record AS $$ DECLARE out_row payment_record; BEGIN FOR out_row IN select sum(CASE WHEN c.entity_class = 1 then a.amount ELSE a.amount * -1 END), c.meta_number,, co.legal_name, compound_array(ARRAY[ARRAY[, ch.accno, ch.description]]), a.source, a.transdate FROM entity_credit_account c JOIN ( select entity_credit_account, id FROM ar WHERE in_account_class = 2 UNION SELECT entity_credit_account, id FROM ap WHERE in_account_class = 1 ) arap ON (arap.entity_credit_account = JOIN acc_trans a ON ( = a.trans_id) JOIN chart ch ON ( = a.chart_id) JOIN company co ON (c.entity_id = co.entity_id) WHERE (ch.accno = in_cash_accno) AND ( = in_credit_id OR in_credit_id IS NULL) AND (a.transdate >= in_date_from OR in_date_from IS NULL) AND (a.transdate <= in_date_to OR in_date_to IS NULL) AND (source = in_source OR in_source IS NULL) GROUP BY c.meta_number,, co.legal_name, a.transdate, a.source ORDER BY a.transdate, c.meta_number, a.source LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION payment__reverse (in_source text, in_date_paid date, in_credit_id int, in_cash_accno text, in_date_reversed date, in_account_class int, in_batch_id int) RETURNS INT AS $$ DECLARE pay_row record; t_voucher_id int; t_voucher_inserted bool; BEGIN IF in_batch_id IS NOT NULL THEN t_voucher_id := nextval('voucher_id_seq'); t_voucher_inserted := FALSE; END IF; FOR pay_row IN SELECT a.*, c.ar_ap_account_id FROM acc_trans a JOIN (select id, entity_credit_account FROM ar WHERE in_account_class = 2 UNION SELECT id, entity_credit_account FROM ap WHERE in_account_class = 1 ) arap ON (a.trans_id = JOIN entity_credit_account c ON (arap.entity_credit_account = JOIN chart ch ON (a.chart_id = WHERE coalesce(source, '') = coalesce(in_source, '') AND transdate = in_date_paid AND in_credit_id = AND in_cash_accno = ch.accno LOOP IF in_batch_id IS NOT NULL AND t_voucher_inserted IS NOT TRUE THEN INSERT INTO voucher (id, trans_id, batch_id, batch_class) VALUES (t_voucher_id, pay_row.trans_id, in_batch_id, CASE WHEN in_account_class = 1 THEN 4 WHEN in_account_class = 2 THEN 7 END); t_voucher_inserted := TRUE; END IF; INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, source, memo, approved, voucher_id) VALUES (pay_row.trans_id, pay_row.chart_id, pay_row.amount * -1, in_date_reversed, in_source, 'Reversing ' || COALESCE(in_source, ''), case when in_batch_id is not null then false else true end, t_voucher_id); INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, source, memo, approved, voucher_id) VALUES (pay_row.trans_id, pay_row.ar_ap_account_id, pay_row.amount, in_date_reversed, in_source, 'Reversing ' || COALESCE(in_source, ''), case when in_batch_id is not null then false else true end, t_voucher_id); IF in_account_class = 1 THEN UPDATE ap SET paid = amount - (SELECT sum(a.amount) FROM acc_trans a JOIN chart c ON (a.chart_id = WHERE = 'AP' AND trans_id = pay_row.trans_id ) WHERE id = pay_row.trans_id; ELSIF in_account_class = 2 THEN update ar SET paid = amount - (SELECT sum(a.amount) FROM acc_trans a JOIN chart c ON (a.chart_id = WHERE = 'AR' AND trans_id = pay_row.trans_id ) * -1 WHERE id = pay_row.trans_id; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unknown account class for payments %', in_account_class; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;