-- VERSION 1.3.0 BEGIN; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee__save( in_person int, in_entity int, in_startdate date, in_enddate date, in_role text, in_sales boolean, in_dob date, in_managerid integer, in_employeenumber text ) returns int AS $$ DECLARE e_ent entity_employee; e entity; p person; BEGIN select * into e from entity where id = in_entity and entity_class = 3; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No entity found for ID %', in_entity; END IF; select * into p from person where id = in_person; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No person found for ID %', in_person; END IF; -- Okay, we're good. Check to see if we update or insert. select * into e_ent from entity_employee where person_id = in_person and entity_id = in_entity; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- insert. INSERT INTO entity_employee (person_id, entity_id, startdate, enddate, role, sales, manager_id, employeenumber, dob) VALUES (in_person, in_entity, in_startdate, in_enddate, in_role, in_sales, in_managerid, in_employeenumber, in_dob); return in_entity; ELSE -- update UPDATE entity_employee SET startdate = in_startdate, enddate = in_enddate, role = in_role, sales = in_sales, manager_id = in_managerid, employeenumber = in_employeenumber, dob = in_dob WHERE entity_id = in_entity AND person_id = in_person; return in_entity; END IF; END; $$ language 'plpgsql'; create view employees as select s.salutation, p.first_name, p.last_name, ee.* FROM person p JOIN entity_employee ee USING (entity_id) JOIN salutation s ON (p.salutation_id = s.id); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee__get (in_id integer) returns employees as $$ DECLARE emp employees%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT ee.* INTO emp FROM employees ee WHERE ee.entity_id = in_id; RETURN emp; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee__list_managers (in_id integer) RETURNS SETOF employees as $$ DECLARE emp employees%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR emp IN SELECT e.salutation, e.first_name, e.last_name, ee.* FROM entity_employee ee JOIN entity e on e.id = ee.entity_id WHERE ee.sales = 't'::bool AND ee.role='manager' AND ee.entity_id <> coalesce(in_id, -1) ORDER BY name LOOP RETURN NEXT emp; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee_delete (in_id integer) returns void as $$ BEGIN DELETE FROM employee WHERE entity_id = in_id; RETURN; END; $$ language plpgsql; -- as long as we need the datatype, might as well get some other use out of it! -- -- % type is pg_trgm comparison. CREATE INDEX notes_idx ON entity_note USING gist(note gist_trgm_ops); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW employee_search AS SELECT e.*, em.name AS manager, emn.note, en.name as name FROM entity_employee e LEFT JOIN entity en on (e.entity_id = en.id) LEFT JOIN entity_employee m ON (e.manager_id = m.entity_id) LEFT JOIN entity em on (em.id = m.entity_id) LEFT JOIN entity_note emn on (emn.ref_key = em.id); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee_search (in_startdatefrom date, in_startdateto date, in_name varchar, in_notes text, in_enddateto date, in_enddatefrom date, in_sales boolean) RETURNS SETOF employee_search AS $$ DECLARE emp employee_search%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR emp IN SELECT * FROM employee_search WHERE coalesce(startdate, 'infinity'::timestamp) >= coalesce(in_startdateto, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(startdate, '-infinity'::timestamp) <= coalesce(in_startdatefrom, 'infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(enddate, '-infinity'::timestamp) <= coalesce(in_enddateto, 'infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(enddate, 'infinity'::timestamp) >= coalesce(in_enddatefrom, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND (name % in_name OR note % in_notes) AND (sales = 't' OR coalesce(in_sales, 'f') = 'f') LOOP RETURN NEXT emp; END LOOP; return; END; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function employee_set_location (in_employee int, in_location int) returns void as $$ INSERT INTO person_to_location (person_id,location_id) VALUES ($1, $2); $$ language 'sql'; COMMIT;