CREATE TYPE draft_search_result AS ( id int, transdate date, reference text, description text, amount numeric ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION draft__search(in_type text, in_with_accno text, in_from_date date, in_to_date date, in_amount_le numeric, in_amount_ge numeric) returns setof draft_search_result AS $$ DECLARE out_row RECORD; BEGIN FOR out_row IN SELECT, trans.transdate, trans.reference, trans.description, sum(case when in_type = 'ap' AND = 'AP' THEN line.amount WHEN in_type = 'ar' AND = 'AR' THEN line.amount * -1 WHEN in_type = 'gl' AND line.amount > 0 THEN line.amount ELSE 0 END) as amount FROM ( SELECT id, transdate, invnumber as reference, description, approved from ap WHERE in_type = 'ap' UNION SELECT id, transdate, invnumber as reference, description, approved from ar WHERE in_type = 'ar' UNION SELECT id, transdate, reference, description, approved from gl WHERE in_type = 'gl' ) trans JOIN acc_trans line ON ( = line.trans_id) JOIN chart ON (line.chart_id = WHERE (in_from_date IS NULL or trans.transdate >= in_from_date) AND (in_to_date IS NULL or trans.transdate <= in_to_date) AND trans.approved IS FALSE AND NOT IN (select trans_id from voucher) GROUP BY, trans.transdate, trans.description HAVING (in_with_accno IS NULL or in_with_accno = ANY(as_array(chart.accno))) LOOP RETURN NEXT out_row; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION draft_approve(in_id int) returns bool as $$ declare t_table text; begin SELECT table_name into t_table FROM transactions where id = in_id; IF (t_table = 'ar') THEN UPDATE ar set approved = true where id = in_id; ELSIF (t_table = 'ap') THEN UPDATE ap set approved = true where id = in_id; ELSIF (t_table = 'gl') THEN UPDATE gl set approved = true where id = in_id; ELSE raise exception 'Invalid table % in draft_approve for transaction %', t_table, in_id; END IF; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; UPDATE transactions SET approved_by = (select entity_id FROM users WHERE username = SESSION_USER), approved_at = now() WHERE id = in_id; RETURN TRUE; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION draft_delete(in_id int) returns bool as $$ declare t_table text; begin SELECT table_name into t_table FROM transactions where id = in_id; IF t_table = 'ar' THEN DELETE FROM ar WHERE id = in_id AND approved IS FALSE; ELSIF t_table = 'ap' THEN DELETE FROM ap WHERE id = in_id AND approved IS FALSE; ELSIF t_table = 'gl' THEN DELETE FROM gl WHERE id = in_id AND approved IS FALSE; ELSE raise exception 'Invalid table % in draft_delete for transaction %', t_table, in_id; END IF; RETURN FOUND; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL SECURITY DEFINER;