-- linuxpoet: -- adding primary key to acc_trans -- We are using standard postgresql names for the sequence for consistency as we move forward -- Do everything in a transaction in case it blows up BEGIN; LOCK acc_trans in EXCLUSIVE mode; ALTER TABLE acc_trans ADD COLUMN entry_id bigint; CREATE SEQUENCE acctrans_entry_id_seq; ALTER TABLE acc_trans ALTER COLUMN entry_id SET DEFAULT nextval('acctrans_entry_id_seq'); UPDATE acc_trans SET entry_id = nextval('acctrans_entry_id_seq'); ALTER TABLE acc_trans ADD PRIMARY key (entry_id); -- The query rewrite rule necessary to notify the email app that a new report -- needs to be sent to the designated administrator. -- By Chris Travers -- chris@metatrontech.com -- Licensed under the GNU GPL 2.0 or later at your option. See accompanying -- GPL.txt CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_parts_short() RETURNS TRIGGER AS ' BEGIN IF NEW.onhand >= NEW.rop THEN NOTIFY parts_short; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; ' LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE TRIGGER parts_short AFTER UPDATE ON parts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_parts_short(); COMMIT;