#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is copyright (C) 2007the LedgerSMB core team and licensed under # the GNU General Public License. For more information please see the included # LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files package LedgerSMB::Scripts::vouchers; our $VERSION = '0.1'; $menufile = "menu.ini"; use LedgerSMB::Batch; use LedgerSMB::Voucher; use LedgerSMB::Template; use strict; sub create_batch { my ($request) = @_; $request->{hidden} = [ {name => "batch_type", value => $request->{batch_type}}, ]; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user =>$request->{_user}, locale => $request->{_locale}, path => 'UI', template => 'create_batch', format => 'HTML' ); $template->render($request); } sub create_vouchers { my ($request) = shift @_; my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new({base => $request}); $batch->{batch_class} = $request->{batch_type}; $batch->create; add_vouchers($batch); } sub add_vouchers { # This function is not safe for caching as long as the scripts are in bin. # This is because these scripts import all functions into the *current* # namespace. People using fastcgi and modperl should *not* cache this # module at the moment. -- CT # Also-- request is in 'our' scope here due to the redirect logic. our ($request) = shift @_; use LedgerSMB::Form; my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new({base => $request}); our $vouchers_dispatch = { payable => {script => 'bin/ap.pl', function => sub {add()}}, receivable => {script => 'bin/ar.pl', function => sub {add()}}, gl => {script => 'bin/gl.pl', function => sub {add()}}, receipt => {script => 'scripts/payment.pl', function => sub { my ($request) = @_; $request->{account_class} = 2; LedgerSMB::Scripts::payment::payments($request); }}, payment => {script => 'scripts/payment.pl', function => sub { my ($request) = @_; $request->{account_class} = 1; LedgerSMB::Scripts::payment::payments($request); }}, payment_reversal => { script => 'scripts/payment.pl', function => sub { my ($request) = @_; $request->{account_class} = 1; LedgerSMB::Scripts::payment::get_search_criteria($request); }}, receipt_reversal => { script => 'scripts/payment.pl', function => sub { my ($request) = @_; $request->{account_class} = 2; LedgerSMB::Scripts::payment::get_search_criteria($request); }}, }; our $form = new Form; our $locale = $request->{_locale}; for (keys %$request){ $form->{$_} = $request->{$_}; } $form->{batch_id} = $batch->{id}; $form->{approved} = 0; $form->{transdate} = $request->{batch_date}; $request->{batch_id} = $batch->{id}; $request->{approved} = 0; $request->{transdate} = $request->{batch_date}; my $script = $vouchers_dispatch->{$request->{batch_type}}{script}; $form->{script} = $script; $form->{script} =~ s|.*/||; if ($script =~ /^bin/){ # Note that the line below is generally considered incredibly bad form. # However, the code we are including is going to require it for now. # -- CT { no strict; no warnings 'redefine'; do $script; } } elsif ($script =~ /scripts/) { # Maybe we should move this to a require statement? --CT { do $script } } $vouchers_dispatch->{$request->{batch_type}}{function}($request); } sub search_batch { my ($request) = @_; my $batch_request = LedgerSMB::Batch->new(base => $request); $batch_request->get_search_criteria(); my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $request->{_user}, locale => $request->{_locale}, path => 'UI/batch', template => 'filter', format => 'HTML', ); $template->render($batch_request); } sub list_batches { my ($request) = @_; my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new(base => $request); my @search_results = $batch->get_search_results; $batch->{script} = "vouchers.pl"; my @columns = qw(select id control_code description transaction_total payment_total); my $base_href = "vouchers.pl"; my $search_href = "$base_href?action=list_batches"; my $batch_href = "$base_href?action=get_batch"; for my $key ( qw(class_id approved created_by description amount_gt amount_lt) ){ $search_href .= "&$key=$batch->{key}"; } my %column_heading = ( 'select' => $batch->{_locale}->text('Select'), transaction_total => { text => $batch->{_locale}->text('AR/AP/GL Total'), href => "$search_href&order_by=transaction_total" }, payment_total => { text => $batch->{_locale}->text('Paid/Received Total'), href => "$search_href&order_by=payment_total" }, description => { text => $batch->{_locale}->text('Description'), href => "$search_href&order_by=description" }, control_code => { text => $batch->{_locale}->text('Batch Number'), href => "$search_href&order_by=control_code" }, id => { text => $batch->{_locale}->text('ID'), href => "$search_href&order_by=control_code" }, ); my $count = 0; my @rows; for my $result (@search_results){ ++$count; $batch->{"row_$count"} = $result->{id}; push @rows, { 'select' => { input => { type => 'checkbox', value => 1, name => "batch_$result->{id}" } }, transaction_total => $batch->format_amount( amount => $result->{transaction_total} ), payment_total => $batch->format_amount ( amount => $result->{payment_total} ), description => $result->{description}, control_code => { text => $result->{control_code}, href => "$batch_href&batch_id=$result->{id}", }, id => $result->{id}, }; } $batch->{rowcount} = $count; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $request->{_user}, locale => $request->{_locale}, path => 'UI', template => 'form-dynatable', format => ($batch->{format}) ? $batch->{format} : 'HTML', ); my $hiddens = $batch->take_top_level(); $batch->{rowcount} = "$count"; delete $batch->{search_results}; $template->render({ form => $batch, columns => \@columns, heading => \%column_heading, rows => \@rows, hiddens => $hiddens, buttons => [{ name => 'action', type => 'submit', text => $request->{_locale}->text('Post'), value => 'batch_approve', class => 'submit', },{ name => 'action', type => 'submit', text => $request->{_locale}->text('Delete'), value => 'batch_delete', class => 'submit', }] }); } sub get_batch { my ($request) = @_; my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new(base => $request); $batch->{script} = 'vouchers.pl'; my $rows = []; $batch->{id} ||= $batch->{batch_id}; # $batch->get; my @vouchers = $batch->list_vouchers; my $base_href = "vouchers.pl?action=get_batch&batch_id=$batch->{batch_id}"; my @columns = qw(selected id description batch_class reference amount date); my $heading = { selected => $request->{_locale}->text('Selected'), id => { text => $request->{_locale}->text('ID'), href => "$base_href&order_by=id" }, description => { href => "$base_href&order_by=description", text => $request->{_locale}->text('Description'), }, batch_class => { text => $request->{_locale}->text('Class'), href => "$base_href&order_by=class" }, amount => { text => $request->{_locale}->text('Amount'), href => "$base_href&order_by=amount" }, reference => { text => $request->{_locale}->text('Source/Reference'), href => "$base_href&order_by=reference" }, date => { text => $request->{_locale}->text('Date'), href => "$base_href&order_by=date" } }; my $classcount; my $count = 1; for my $row (@vouchers) { $classcount = ($classcount + 1) % 2; $classcount ||= 0; push @$rows, { description => $row->{description}, id => $row->{id}, batch_class => $row->{batch_class}, amount => $batch->format_amount(amount => $row->{amount}), date => $row->{transaction_date}, reference => $row->{reference}, i => "$classcount", selected => { input => { type => 'checkbox', name => "voucher_$row->{id}", value => "1" } } }; $batch->{"row_$count"} = $row->{id}; ++$count; } $batch->{rowcount} = $count; $batch->{title} = "Batch ID: $batch->{batch_id}"; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $request->{_user}, locale => $request->{_locale}, path => 'UI', template => 'form-dynatable', format => ($batch->{format}) ? $batch->{format} : 'HTML', ); my $hiddens = $batch->take_top_level(); $template->render({ form => $batch, columns => \@columns, heading => $heading, rows => $rows, hiddens => $hiddens, buttons => [{ name => 'action', type => 'submit', text => $request->{_locale}->text('Post Batch'), value => 'batch_approve', class => 'submit', },{ name => 'action', type => 'submit', text => $request->{_locale}->text('Delete Batch'), value => 'batch_delete', class => 'submit', },{ name => 'action', type => 'submit', text => $request->{_locale}->text('Delete Vouchers'), value => 'voucher_delete', class => 'submit', }] }); } sub list_batches_batch_delete { batch_delete(@_); } sub list_batches_batch_approve { batch_approve(@_); } sub get_batch_voucher_delete { my ($request) = @_; my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new(base => $request); for my $count (1 .. $batch->{rowcount}){ my $voucher_id = $batch->{"row_$count"}; next unless $batch->{"voucher_$voucher_id"}; $batch->delete_voucher($voucher_id); } search_batch($request); } sub batch_approve { my ($request) = @_; my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new(base => $request); for my $count (1 .. $batch->{rowcount}){ next unless $batch->{"batch_" . $batch->{"row_$count"}}; $batch->{batch_id} = $batch->{"row_$count"}; $batch->post; } search_batch($request); } sub batch_delete { my ($request) = @_; my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new(base => $request); for my $count (1 .. $batch->{rowcount}){ next unless $batch->{"batch_" . $batch->{"row_$count"}}; $batch->{batch_id} = $batch->{"row_$count"}; $batch->delete; } search_batch($request); } require "scripts/custom/vouchers.pl"; 1;