$self{texts} = {
  'Address'                     => 'Direcci�n',
  'Bcc'                         => 'Bcc',
  'Cc'                          => 'Cc',
  'Continue'                    => 'Continuar',
  'Customer not on file!'       => '�El cliente no existe en la base datos!',
  'Date'                        => 'Fecha',
  'Day(s)'                      => 'D�a(s)',
  'Delete Schedule'             => 'Eliminar Programaci�n',
  'Description'                 => 'Descripci�n',
  'E-mail'                      => 'E-mail',
  'E-mail message'              => 'Mensaje de E-mail',
  'Every'                       => 'Cada',
  'For'                         => 'Por',
  'Include Payment'             => 'Inclir Pago',
  'Message'                     => 'Mensaje',
  'Month(s)'                    => 'Mes(es)',
  'Next Date'                   => 'Siguiente fecha',
  'Number'                      => 'C�digo',
  'Print'                       => 'Imprimir',
  'Project not on file!'        => '�Proyecto no existe en la Base de Datos!',
  'Recurring Transaction'       => 'Transacci�n Recurrente',
  'Reference'                   => 'Referencia',
  'Repeat'                      => 'Repetir',
  'Save Schedule'               => 'Guardar Programaci�n',
  'Select from one of the names below' => 'Seleccione de uno de los nombres siguientes',
  'Select from one of the projects below' => 'Seleccione uno de los proyectos de la lista',
  'Startdate'                   => 'Fecha de Inicio',
  'Subject'                     => 'Asunto',
  'To'                          => 'Hasta',
  'Vendor not on file!'         => '�Proveedor no se encuentra en la Base de Datos!',
  'Warning!'                    => '�Advertencia!',
  'Week(s)'                     => 'Semana(s)',
  'Year(s)'                     => 'A�o(s)',
  'You are posting an existing transaction!' => 'Est� registrando una transacci�n existente!',
  'You are printing and posting an existing transaction!' => 'Est� registrando e imprimiendo una transacci�n existente!',
  'You are printing and saving an existing order' => 'Est� guardando e imprimiendo una orden existente!',
  'You are printing and saving an existing quotation' => 'Est� guardando e imprimiendo una cotizaci�n existente!',
  'You are saving an existing order' => 'Est� guardando una orden existente!',
  'You are saving an existing quotation' => 'Est� guardando una cotizaci�n existente!',
  'for'                         => 'por',
  'sent'                        => 'enviado',
  'time(s)'                     => 'veces',

$self{subs} = {
  'add_transaction'             => 'add_transaction',
  'ap_transaction'              => 'ap_transaction',
  'ar_transaction'              => 'ar_transaction',
  'check_name'                  => 'check_name',
  'check_project'               => 'check_project',
  'continue'                    => 'continue',
  'delete_schedule'             => 'delete_schedule',
  'gl_transaction'              => 'gl_transaction',
  'name_selected'               => 'name_selected',
  'post_as_new'                 => 'post_as_new',
  'print_and_post_as_new'       => 'print_and_post_as_new',
  'project_selected'            => 'project_selected',
  'rebuild_vc'                  => 'rebuild_vc',
  'repost'                      => 'repost',
  'reprint'                     => 'reprint',
  'sales_invoice_'              => 'sales_invoice_',
  'save_schedule'               => 'save_schedule',
  'schedule'                    => 'schedule',
  'select_name'                 => 'select_name',
  'select_project'              => 'select_project',
  'vendor_invoice_'             => 'vendor_invoice_',
  'continuar'                   => 'continue',
  'eliminar_programaci�n'       => 'delete_schedule',
  'guardar_programaci�n'        => 'save_schedule',
