$self{charset} = 'BIG5';

$self{texts} = {
  'AP'                          => '���I�b��',
  'AR'                          => '�����b��',
  'Account'                     => '�b��',
  'Accounting Menu'             => '�|�p���',
  'Address'                     => '�a�}',
  'All'                         => '����',
  'Amount'                      => '���B',
  'Amount Due'                  => '������B',
  'Bcc'                         => '����ܧ۰e',
  'Cannot post Payment!'        => '����[�J�ڶ��I',
  'Cannot post Receipt!'        => '����[�J���ڡI',
  'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => '����b�w�������ɬq���[�J�ڶ��I',
  'Cc'                          => '�۰e',
  'Continue'                    => '�~��',
  'Currency'                    => '���O',
  'Customer'                    => '�Ȥ�',
  'Customer not on file!'       => '�S�����Ȥ᪺�O���I',
  'Date'                        => '���',
  'Date missing!'               => '����������I',
  'Day(s)'                      => '��',
  'Delete Schedule'             => '�R���ɶ���',
  'Department'                  => '����',
  'Deposit'                     => '�s��',
  'Description'                 => '����',
  'Due Date'                    => '�����',
  'E-mail'                      => '�q�l�l��',
  'E-mail message'              => '�q�l�l��T��',
  'Every'                       => '�C',
  'Exchange Rate'               => '�ײv',
  'Exchange rate missing!'      => '�������ײv�I',
  'For'                         => '����',
  'From'                        => '�q',
  'Include Payment'             => '�]�A�I��',
  'Invoice'                     => '�o��',
  'Invoices'                    => '�o��',
  'Language'                    => '�y��',
  'Memo'                        => '�Ƨѿ�',
  'Message'                     => '�T��',
  'Month(s)'                    => '��',
  'Next Date'                   => '�U�@��',
  'Number'                      => '�s��',
  'PDF'                         => 'PDF',
  'Payment'                     => '�I��',
  'Payment posted!'             => '�w�[�J�I�ڡI',
  'Payments'                    => '�I��',
  'Payments posted!'            => '�w�[�J�I�ڡI',
  'Post'                        => '�[�J',
  'Posting failed!'             => '�[�J���ѡI',
  'Postscript'                  => 'Postscript',
  'Prepayment'                  => '�wú',
  'Print'                       => '�C�L',
  'Project not on file!'        => '�S�������ت��O���I',
  'Receipt'                     => '����',
  'Receipt posted!'             => '�w�[�J���ڡI',
  'Receipts'                    => '����',
  'Recurring Transaction'       => '���ХX�{�����',
  'Reference'                   => '�ѦҸ��',
  'Repeat'                      => '����',
  'Save Schedule'               => '�x�s�ɶ���',
  'Screen'                      => '�ù�',
  'Select'                      => '���',
  'Select all'                  => '����',
  'Select from one of the names below' => '��U�C�m�W����ܤ@��',
  'Select from one of the projects below' => '��U�C���ؤ���ܤ@��',
  'Select postscript or PDF!'   => '���postscript��PDF�I',
  'Source'                      => '�ӷ�',
  'Startdate'                   => '�}�l���',
  'Subject'                     => '���D',
  'To'                          => '��',
  'Update'                      => '��s',
  'Vendor'                      => '������',
  'Vendor not on file!'         => '�S���������Ӫ��O���I',
  'Warning!'                    => 'ĵ�i�I',
  'Week(s)'                     => '�P��',
  'Year(s)'                     => '�~',
  'You are posting an existing transaction!' => '�z���b�[�J�@�Ӳ{�s������I',
  'You are printing and posting an existing transaction!' => '�z���b�C�L�Υ[�J�@�Ӳ{�s������I',
  'You are printing and saving an existing order' => '�z���b�C�L���x�s�@�i�{�s���q��I',
  'You are printing and saving an existing quotation' => '�z���b�C�L���x�s�@�i�{�s��������I',
  'You are saving an existing order' => '�z���b�x�s�@�i�{�s���q��I',
  'You are saving an existing quotation' => '�z���b�x�s�@�i�{�s��������I',
  'for'                         => '���F',
  'sent'                        => '�w�e�X',
  'time(s)'                     => '��',

$self{subs} = {
  'acc_menu'                    => 'acc_menu',
  'add_transaction'             => 'add_transaction',
  'ap_transaction'              => 'ap_transaction',
  'ar_transaction'              => 'ar_transaction',
  'check_form'                  => 'check_form',
  'check_name'                  => 'check_name',
  'check_openvc'                => 'check_openvc',
  'check_project'               => 'check_project',
  'continue'                    => 'continue',
  'customer_details'            => 'customer_details',
  'delete_schedule'             => 'delete_schedule',
  'display'                     => 'display',
  'gl_transaction'              => 'gl_transaction',
  'invoices_due'                => 'invoices_due',
  'js_menu'                     => 'js_menu',
  'list_invoices'               => 'list_invoices',
  'menubar'                     => 'menubar',
  'name_selected'               => 'name_selected',
  'payment'                     => 'payment',
  'payment_footer'              => 'payment_footer',
  'payment_header'              => 'payment_header',
  'payments'                    => 'payments',
  'payments_footer'             => 'payments_footer',
  'payments_header'             => 'payments_header',
  'post'                        => 'post',
  'post_as_new'                 => 'post_as_new',
  'post_payment'                => 'post_payment',
  'post_payments'               => 'post_payments',
  'print'                       => 'print',
  'print_and_post_as_new'       => 'print_and_post_as_new',
  'print_form'                  => 'print_form',
  'print_payment'               => 'print_payment',
  'print_payments'              => 'print_payments',
  'project_selected'            => 'project_selected',
  'rebuild_vc'                  => 'rebuild_vc',
  'repost'                      => 'repost',
  'reprint'                     => 'reprint',
  'sales_invoice_'              => 'sales_invoice_',
  'save_schedule'               => 'save_schedule',
  'schedule'                    => 'schedule',
  'section_menu'                => 'section_menu',
  'select_all'                  => 'select_all',
  'select_name'                 => 'select_name',
  'select_project'              => 'select_project',
  'update'                      => 'update',
  'update_payment'              => 'update_payment',
  'update_payments'             => 'update_payments',
  'vendor_details'              => 'vendor_details',
  'vendor_invoice_'             => 'vendor_invoice_',
  '�~��'                        => 'continue',
  '�r���ɶ���'                  => 'delete_schedule',
  '�[�j'                        => 'post',
  '�c�l'                        => 'print',
  '�x�s�ɶ���'                  => 'save_schedule',
  '����'                        => 'select_all',
  '��s'                        => 'update',
