# These are all the texts to build the translations files. # to build unique strings edit the module files instead # this file is just a shortcut to build strings which are the same $self{texts} = { 'A' => '', 'AP' => 'Ctas X Pagar', 'AP Aging' => 'Antiguedad de Saldos - CxP', 'AP Outstanding' => 'CxP Extraordinarias', 'AP Transaction' => 'Transaccion - CxP', 'AP Transactions' => 'Transacciones - Cuentas por Pagar', 'AR' => 'Ctas X Cobrar', 'AR Aging' => 'Antiguedad de Saldos - CxC ', 'AR Outstanding' => 'CxC Extraordinarias', 'AR Transaction' => 'Transaccion - CxC', 'AR Transactions' => 'Transacciones - CxC', 'AR/AP' => '', 'About' => 'Acerca', 'Above' => '', 'Access Control' => 'Control de Acceso', 'Access Denied!' => '', 'Account' => 'Cuenta', 'Account Number' => 'N�mero de Cuenta', 'Account Number missing!' => 'No existe el n�mero de cuenta!', 'Account Type' => 'Tipo de Cuenta', 'Account Type missing!' => 'No existe el tipo de la cuenta!', 'Account deleted!' => 'Cuenta borrada!', 'Account does not exist!' => '', 'Account saved!' => 'Cuenta guardada!', 'Accounting' => 'Contabilidad', 'Accounting Menu' => 'Men� de Contabilidad', 'Accounts' => 'Cuentas', 'Accrual' => '', 'Activate Audit trail' => '', 'Active' => 'Activa', 'Add' => 'Agregar', 'Add AP Transaction' => '', 'Add AR Transaction' => '', 'Add Account' => 'Agregar Cuenta', 'Add Assembly' => 'Agregar Ensamble', 'Add Business' => '', 'Add Cash Transfer Transaction' => 'Agregar Trans. de Transferencia de efectivo', 'Add Customer' => 'Agregar Cliente', 'Add Deduction' => '', 'Add Department' => '', 'Add Employee' => '', 'Add Exchange Rate' => '', 'Add GIFI' => 'A�adir c�digo G GIFI', 'Add General Ledger Transaction' => 'Agregar Transacci�n - Mayor General', 'Add Group' => 'Agregar Grupo', 'Add Job' => '', 'Add Labor/Overhead' => '', 'Add Language' => '', 'Add POS Invoice' => 'Agregar Factura POS', 'Add Part' => 'Agregar Parte', 'Add Pricegroup' => '', 'Add Project' => 'Agregar Proyecto', 'Add Purchase Order' => 'Agregar Orden de Compra', 'Add Quotation' => '', 'Add Request for Quotation' => '', 'Add SIC' => '', 'Add Sales Invoice' => 'Agregar Factura de Venta', 'Add Sales Order' => 'Agregar Nota de Remisi�n', 'Add Service' => 'Agregar Servicio', 'Add Timecard' => '', 'Add Transaction' => 'Agregar Transaccion', 'Add User' => 'Agregar Usuario', 'Add Vendor' => 'Agregar Proveedor', 'Add Vendor Invoice' => 'Agregar Factura Proveedor', 'Add Warehouse' => '', 'Address' => 'Direcci�n', 'Administration' => 'Administraci�n', 'Administrator' => 'Administrador', 'After Deduction' => '', 'All' => 'Todos', 'All Accounts' => '', 'All Datasets up to date!' => '! Todos los conjuntos de datos estan actualizados !', 'All Items' => '', 'Allowances' => '', 'Amount' => 'Total', 'Amount Due' => 'Monto Vencido', 'Amount missing!' => 'Falta monto!', 'Apr' => 'Abr', 'April' => 'Abril', 'Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number' => '�Esta seguro de que desea borrar la Factura No.:', 'Are you sure you want to delete Order Number' => '�Esta seguro de que desea borrar la Orden No.:?', 'Are you sure you want to delete Quotation Number' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete Timecard for' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => '�Est� usted seguro de que desea suprimir la transacci�n?', 'Are you sure you want to remove the marked entries from the queue?' => '', 'Assemblies' => 'Ensamblajes', 'Assemblies restocked!' => 'Conjuntos re-inventariados', 'Assembly' => '', 'Assembly stocked!' => '', 'Asset' => 'Activo', 'Attachment' => 'Adjunto', 'Audit Control' => 'Control de auditoria', 'Audit trail disabled' => '', 'Audit trail enabled' => '', 'Audit trail removed up to' => '', 'Aug' => 'Ago', 'August' => 'Agosto', 'Average Cost' => '', 'Avg Cost' => '', 'BIC' => '', 'BOM' => 'Lista de Materiales', 'Backup' => 'Respaldo', 'Backup sent to' => 'Respaldo enviado a', 'Balance' => 'Balance', 'Balance Sheet' => 'Hoja de Balance', 'Based on' => '', 'Bcc' => 'Bcc', 'Before Deduction' => '', 'Beginning Balance' => 'Inicio de balance', 'Below' => '', 'Billing Address' => '', 'Bin' => 'Bin', 'Bin List' => '', 'Bin Lists' => '', 'Books are open' => 'Los libros estan abiertos', 'Break' => '', 'Business' => '', 'Business Number' => 'Numero de Negocio', 'Business deleted!' => '', 'Business saved!' => '', 'C' => 'C', 'COGS' => 'Costo de Ventas', 'COGS account does not exist!' => '', 'Cannot add timecard for a completed job!' => '', 'Cannot change timecard for a completed job!' => '', 'Cannot create Assembly' => '', 'Cannot create Labor' => '', 'Cannot create Lock!' => '', 'Cannot create Part' => '', 'Cannot create Service' => '', 'Cannot delete Timecard!' => '', 'Cannot delete account!' => 'No puede borrar cuenta!', 'Cannot delete customer!' => 'No puede borrar cliente!', 'Cannot delete default account!' => 'No se puede borrar cuenta por defecto!', 'Cannot delete invoice!' => 'No puede borraar factura!', 'Cannot delete item!' => 'No puede borrar �tem!', 'Cannot delete order!' => 'No puede borrar pedido!', 'Cannot delete quotation!' => '', 'Cannot delete transaction!' => 'No puede borrar transacci�n!', 'Cannot delete vendor!' => 'No puede borrar proveedor!', 'Cannot post Payment!' => '', 'Cannot post Receipt!' => '', 'Cannot post invoice for a closed period!' => 'No se puede registrar factura para un periodo cerrado!', 'Cannot post invoice!' => 'No puede registrar factura!', 'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => 'No se puede registrar pago para un periodo cerrado', 'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => 'No se puede registrar una transacci�n para un periodo cerrado', 'Cannot post transaction with a debit and credit entry for the same account!' => '', 'Cannot post transaction!' => 'No puede registrar transacci�n!', 'Cannot remove files!' => '', 'Cannot save account!' => 'No puede guardar cuenta!', 'Cannot save defaults!' => '', 'Cannot save order!' => 'No puede guardar �rden!', 'Cannot save preferences!' => 'No puede guardar preferencias!', 'Cannot save quotation!' => '', 'Cannot save timecard for a closed period!' => '', 'Cannot save timecard!' => '', 'Cannot set account for more than one of AR, AP or IC' => '', 'Cannot set multiple options for' => '', 'Cannot set multiple options for Item' => '', 'Cannot stock Assembly!' => '', 'Cannot stock assemblies!' => 'No puede inventariar conjuntos!', 'Cash' => 'Caja', 'Cc' => 'Cc', 'Change' => 'Cambio', 'Change Admin Password' => 'Cambiar Contrase�a de Administrador', 'Change Password' => 'Cambiar Contrase�a', 'Charge' => '', 'Chart of Accounts' => 'Cat�logo Contable', 'Check' => 'Cheque', 'Check Inventory' => '', 'Checks' => '', 'City' => '', 'Cleared' => '', 'Click on login name to edit!' => 'Haga clic en el nombre de acceso a editar', 'Clocked' => '', 'Close Books up to' => 'Se cerraron los libros hasta', 'Closed' => 'Cerrado', 'Code' => '', 'Code missing!' => '', 'Company' => 'Compa��a', 'Company Name' => '', 'Compare to' => 'Comparar a', 'Completed' => '', 'Components' => '', 'Confirm' => '', 'Confirm!' => 'Confirmar!', 'Connect to' => 'Conectar a', 'Contact' => 'Contacto', 'Continue' => 'Continuar', 'Contra' => '', 'Copies' => 'Copias', 'Copy to COA' => 'Copiar al cat�logo de cuentas', 'Cost' => '', 'Cost Center' => '', 'Could not save pricelist!' => '', 'Could not save!' => '', 'Could not transfer Inventory!' => '', 'Country' => '', 'Create Chart of Accounts' => 'Crear cat�logo de cuentas', 'Create Dataset' => 'Crear set de datos', 'Credit' => 'Cr�dito', 'Credit Limit' => 'Limite de Credito', 'Curr' => 'Mon.', 'Currency' => 'Moneda', 'Current' => 'Actual', 'Current Earnings' => '', 'Customer' => 'Cliente', 'Customer History' => '', 'Customer Number' => '', 'Customer deleted!' => 'Cliente borrado!', 'Customer missing!' => 'Falta cliente!', 'Customer not on file!' => 'Cliente no existe en archivo!', 'Customer saved!' => 'Cliente guardado!', 'Customers' => 'Clientes', 'DBI not installed!' => 'DBI no instalado!', 'DOB' => '', 'Database' => 'Base de datos', 'Database Administration' => 'Administraci�n de base de datos', 'Database Driver not checked!' => '!No selecciono driver de base de datos!', 'Database Host' => 'Servidor de Base de Datos', 'Database User missing!' => 'No se encuentra usuario de base de datos', 'Dataset' => 'Set de datos', 'Dataset is newer than version!' => 'El conjunto de datos es mas nuevo que la version!!', 'Dataset missing!' => 'No se encuentra Set de datos!', 'Dataset updated!' => 'Base de datos actualizada!', 'Date' => 'Fecha', 'Date Format' => 'Formato de Fecha', 'Date Paid' => 'Fecha de pago', 'Date Received' => '', 'Date missing!' => 'Falta fecha!', 'Date received missing!' => '', 'Date worked' => '', 'Day' => '', 'Day(s)' => '', 'Days' => '', 'Debit' => 'D�bito', 'Dec' => 'Dic', 'December' => 'Diciembre', 'Decimalplaces' => 'Posiciones decimales', 'Decrease' => 'Decrementa', 'Deduct after' => '', 'Deduction deleted!' => '', 'Deduction saved!' => '', 'Deductions' => '', 'Default Template' => '', 'Defaults' => '', 'Defaults saved!' => '', 'Delete' => 'Borrar', 'Delete Account' => 'Borrar Cuenta', 'Delete Dataset' => 'Borrar Set de Datos', 'Delete Schedule' => '', 'Deleting a language will also delete the templates for the language' => '', 'Delivery Date' => 'Fecha de Entrega', 'Department' => '', 'Department deleted!' => '', 'Department saved!' => '', 'Departments' => '', 'Deposit' => 'Deposit', 'Description' => 'Descripci�n', 'Description Translations' => '', 'Description missing!' => '', 'Detail' => 'Detalle', 'Difference' => 'Diferencia', 'Directory' => 'Directorio', 'Discount' => 'Descuento', 'Done' => 'Listo', 'Drawing' => 'Retiro', 'Driver' => 'Manejador', 'Dropdown Limit' => 'L�mite menu dropdown', 'Due Date' => 'Fecha de Vencimiento', 'Due Date missing!' => 'Falta Fecha de Vencimiento!', 'E-mail' => 'Correo Electr�nico', 'E-mail Statement to' => 'Enviar estado de cuenta por E-mail a', 'E-mail address missing!' => 'Falta E-mail!', 'E-mail message' => '', 'E-mailed' => '', 'Edit' => 'Editar', 'Edit AP Transaction' => '', 'Edit AR Transaction' => '', 'Edit Account' => 'Editar Cuenta', 'Edit Assembly' => 'Editar Ensamblaje', 'Edit Business' => '', 'Edit Cash Transfer Transaction' => 'Editar Transaccion de Transferencia de Efectivo', 'Edit Customer' => 'Editar Cliente', 'Edit Deduction' => '', 'Edit Department' => '', 'Edit Description Translations' => '', 'Edit Employee' => '', 'Edit GIFI' => 'Editar GIFI', 'Edit General Ledger Transaction' => 'Editar Transacci�n de Mayor General', 'Edit Group' => 'Editar Grupo', 'Edit Job' => '', 'Edit Labor/Overhead' => '', 'Edit Language' => '', 'Edit POS Invoice' => 'Editar Factura POS', 'Edit Part' => 'Editar Parte', 'Edit Preferences for' => 'Editar Preferencias para', 'Edit Pricegroup' => '', 'Edit Project' => 'Editar Proyecto', 'Edit Purchase Order' => 'Editar Orden de Compra', 'Edit Quotation' => '', 'Edit Request for Quotation' => '', 'Edit SIC' => '', 'Edit Sales Invoice' => 'Editar Factura de Venta', 'Edit Sales Order' => 'Editar Remisi�n', 'Edit Service' => 'Editar Servicio', 'Edit Template' => 'Editar Plantilla', 'Edit Timecard' => '', 'Edit User' => 'Editar Usuario', 'Edit Vendor' => 'Editar Proveedor', 'Edit Vendor Invoice' => 'Editar Factura Proveedor', 'Edit Warehouse' => '', 'Employee' => 'Empleado', 'Employee Name' => '', 'Employee Number' => '', 'Employee deleted!' => '', 'Employee pays' => '', 'Employee saved!' => '', 'Employees' => '', 'Employer' => '', 'Employer pays' => '', 'Enddate' => '', 'Ends' => '', 'Enforce transaction reversal for all dates' => 'Forzar la anulaci�n de las transacciones para todas las fechas', 'Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies' => 'Ingrese s�mbolo de hasta 3 letras para divisas nativa y extranjeras (USD:EUR)', 'Equity' => 'Capital', 'Every' => '', 'Excempt age <' => '', 'Exch' => 'Interc.', 'Exchange Rate' => 'Tasa de Intercambio', 'Exchange rate for payment missing!' => 'No se encuentra pago por cambio de moneda', 'Exchange rate missing!' => 'No se encuentra cambio de moneda', 'Existing Datasets' => 'Sets de dato existentes', 'Expense' => 'Egreso', 'Expense account does not exist!' => '', 'Expense/Asset' => 'Egreso/Activo', 'Extended' => 'Extendido', 'FX' => 'FX', 'Failed to save order!' => '', 'Fax' => 'Fax', 'Feb' => 'Feb', 'February' => 'Febrero', 'For' => '', 'Foreign Exchange Gain' => 'Ganancia en Moneda Extranjera', 'Foreign Exchange Loss' => 'P�rdida en Moneda Extranjera', 'Friday' => '', 'From' => 'Desde', 'From Warehouse' => '', 'GIFI' => 'C�digo GIFI', 'GIFI deleted!' => 'GIFI borrado!', 'GIFI missing!' => 'No se ha definido el c�digo GIFI', 'GIFI saved!' => 'GIFI guardado!', 'GL' => '', 'GL Reference Number' => '', 'GL Transaction' => 'Transacci�n de mayor', 'General Ledger' => 'Mayor General', 'Generate' => '', 'Generate Orders' => '', 'Generate Purchase Orders' => '', 'Generate Purchase Orders from Sales Order' => '', 'Generate Sales Order' => '', 'Generate Sales Order from Purchase Orders' => '', 'Generate Sales Orders' => '', 'Goods & Services' => 'Bienes y servicios', 'Group' => 'Grupo', 'Group Items' => 'Elementos de Grupo', 'Group Translations' => '', 'Group deleted!' => 'Grupo borrado!', 'Group missing!' => 'Falta Grupo!', 'Group saved!' => 'Grupo guardado!', 'Groups' => 'Grupos', 'HR' => '', 'HTML Templates' => 'Plantillas HTML', 'Heading' => 'Encabezado', 'History' => 'Historico', 'Home Phone' => '', 'Host' => 'Servidor base de datos', 'Hostname missing!' => 'No se encuentra servidor de base de datos', 'IBAN' => '', 'ID' => 'ID', 'Image' => 'Imagen', 'In-line' => 'En linea', 'Inactive' => '', 'Include Exchange Rate Difference' => 'Incluya diferencia de tasa de cambio', 'Include Payment' => '', 'Include in Report' => 'Incluya en informe', 'Include in drop-down menus' => 'Incluya en men�s desplegables', 'Income' => 'Ingreso', 'Income Statement' => 'Estado de Cuentas', 'Income account does not exist!' => '', 'Incorrect Dataset version!' => '!Version incorrecta de conjunto de datos!', 'Increase' => 'Incrementa', 'Individual Items' => 'Items Individuales', 'Internal Notes' => '', 'Inventory' => 'Inventario', 'Inventory account does not exist!' => '', 'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this assembly obsolete!' => 'La cantidad en inventario debe ser cero antes de cambiar este ensamblaje a obsoleto!', 'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this part obsolete!' => 'La cantidad en inventario debe ser cero antes de cambiar esta parte a obsoleto', 'Inventory saved!' => '', 'Inventory transferred!' => '', 'Invoice' => 'Factura', 'Invoice Date' => 'Fecha de Factura', 'Invoice Date missing!' => 'Falta la Fecha de la Factura!', 'Invoice Number' => 'N�mero de Factura', 'Invoice Number missing!' => 'Falta el N�mero de Factura!', 'Invoice deleted!' => 'Factura borrada!', 'Invoices' => 'Facturas', 'Is this a summary account to record' => 'Es esta una cuenta de resumen a registrar?', 'Item already on pricelist!' => '', 'Item deleted!' => 'Item borrado!', 'Item not on file!' => '�El art�culo no se encuentra en archivo!', 'Items' => '', 'Jan' => 'Ene', 'January' => 'Enero', 'Job' => '', 'Job Name' => '', 'Job Number' => '', 'Job Number missing!' => '', 'Job deleted!' => '', 'Job saved!' => '', 'Jobs' => '', 'Jul' => 'Jul', 'July' => 'Julio', 'Jun' => 'Jun', 'June' => 'Junio', 'LaTeX Templates' => 'Plantillas de LaTeX', 'Labor Code' => '', 'Labor/Overhead' => '', 'Language' => '', 'Language deleted!' => '', 'Language saved!' => '', 'Languages' => '', 'Languages not defined!' => '', 'Last Cost' => '', 'Last Numbers & Default Accounts' => '', 'Lead' => '', 'Leadtime' => '', 'Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection.' => '', 'Liability' => 'Pasivo', 'Licensed to' => 'Licenciado a Moran Mendez y Asociados', 'Line Total' => 'Total de la linea', 'Link' => 'Enlaces', 'Link Accounts' => 'Enlazar Cuentas', 'List' => '', 'List Accounts' => 'Listar Cuentas', 'List Businesses' => '', 'List Departments' => '', 'List GIFI' => 'Listar c�digo GIFI', 'List Languages' => '', 'List Price' => 'Precio de Lista', 'List Projects' => '', 'List SIC' => '', 'List Transactions' => 'Listar Transacciones', 'List Warehouses' => '', 'Lock System' => 'Enllavar Sistema', 'Lockfile created!' => 'Archivo de Enllavado Creado', 'Lockfile removed!' => 'Archivo de enllavado borrado', 'Login' => 'Nombre de Acceso', 'Login name missing!' => 'Falta nombre de acceso!', 'Logout' => 'Salir', 'Make' => 'Marca', 'Manager' => '', 'Mar' => 'Mar', 'March' => 'Marzo', 'Marked entries printed!' => '', 'Markup' => '', 'Maximum' => '', 'May' => 'May', 'May ' => 'Mayo', 'Memo' => '', 'Menu Width' => '', 'Message' => 'Mensaje', 'Method' => '', 'Microfiche' => 'Microficha', 'Model' => 'Modelo', 'Monday' => '', 'Month' => '', 'Month(s)' => '', 'Months' => '', 'Multibyte Encoding' => 'Codificaci�n conjunto de caracteres', 'N/A' => 'N/A', 'Name' => 'Nombre', 'Name missing!' => 'Falta nombre!', 'New Templates' => 'Nuevas Plantillas', 'New Window' => '', 'Next' => '', 'Next Date' => '', 'Next Number' => '', 'No' => 'No', 'No Database Drivers available!' => 'No hay manejador de base de datos disponible!', 'No Dataset selected!' => 'No se ha seleccionado el set de datos', 'No Employees on file!' => '', 'No Labor codes on file!' => '', 'No email address for' => 'Falta email para', 'No open Jobs!' => '', 'No open Projects!' => '', 'No.' => ' No ', 'Non-taxable' => '', 'Non-taxable Purchases' => '', 'Non-taxable Sales' => '', 'Non-tracking Items' => '', 'Notes' => 'Notas', 'Nothing entered!' => '', 'Nothing selected!' => 'Nada seleccionado!', 'Nothing to delete!' => '!Nada para borrar!', 'Nothing to print!' => '', 'Nothing to transfer!' => '', 'Nov' => 'Nov', 'November' => 'Noviembre', 'Number' => 'N�mero', 'Number Format' => 'Formato de Numero', 'Number missing in Row' => 'No se encuentra el n�mero en la fila', 'O' => 'O', 'OH' => '', 'Obsolete' => 'Obsoleto', 'Oct' => 'Oct', 'October' => 'Octubre', 'On Hand' => 'En Existencia', 'Open' => 'Abierto', 'Oracle Database Administration' => 'Oracle Administraci�n de base de datos', 'Order' => 'Orden', 'Order Date' => 'Fecha de Orden', 'Order Date missing!' => 'No se encuentra la fecha de orden!', 'Order Entry' => 'Orden de Entrada', 'Order Number' => 'Orden N�mero', 'Order Number missing!' => 'No se encuentra el n�mero de orden!', 'Order deleted!' => 'Orden borrada!', 'Order generation failed!' => '', 'Order saved!' => 'Orden guardada!', 'Orders generated!' => '', 'Orphaned' => 'Huerfano', 'Out of balance transaction!' => '', 'Out of balance!' => 'Fuera de balance!', 'Outstanding' => 'Extraordinario', 'PDF' => 'PDF', 'PO Number' => '', 'POS' => 'POS', 'POS Invoice' => 'Factura POS', 'Packing List' => 'Lista de Empaque', 'Packing List Date missing!' => '!Falta fecha en lista de empaque!', 'Packing List Number missing!' => '!Falta nzmero en lista de empaque!', 'Packing Lists' => '', 'Paid' => 'Total Pagado', 'Part' => 'Partes', 'Part Number' => '', 'Partnumber' => '', 'Parts' => 'Partes', 'Password' => 'Contrase�a', 'Password changed!' => 'Contrase�a cambiada!', 'Password does not match!' => '', 'Passwords do not match!' => '', 'Payables' => 'Por Pagar', 'Payment' => 'Pago', 'Payment date missing!' => 'No se encuentra la fecha de Pago!', 'Payment posted!' => 'Pago registrado!', 'Payments' => 'Pagos', 'Payments posted!' => '', 'Payroll Deduction' => '', 'Period' => '', 'Pg Database Administration' => 'Pg Administraci�n de base de datos', 'PgPP Database Administration' => 'Adminsitracion de base de datos PgPP', 'Phone' => 'Tel�fono', 'Pick List' => '', 'Pick Lists' => '', 'Port' => 'Puerto', 'Port missing!' => 'No se encuentra el Puerto!', 'Pos' => '', 'Post' => 'Registrar', 'Post as new' => 'Registrar como nuevo', 'Posted!' => 'Enviado!', 'Posting' => '', 'Posting failed!' => '', 'Postscript' => 'Postscript', 'Preferences' => 'Preferencias', 'Preferences saved!' => 'Preferencias guardadas!', 'Prepayment' => '', 'Price' => 'Precio', 'Pricegroup' => '', 'Pricegroup deleted!' => '', 'Pricegroup missing!' => '', 'Pricegroup saved!' => '', 'Pricegroups' => '', 'Pricelist' => '', 'Print' => 'Imprimir', 'Print and Post' => '', 'Print and Post as new' => '', 'Print and Save' => '', 'Print and Save as new' => '', 'Print and post as new' => '', 'Print and save as new' => '', 'Printed' => '', 'Printer' => 'Impresora', 'Printing' => '', 'Printing ... ' => '', 'Process Transactions' => '', 'Production' => '', 'Profit Center' => '', 'Project' => 'Proyecto', 'Project Description Translations' => '', 'Project Name' => '', 'Project Number' => 'N�mero de Proyecto', 'Project Number missing!' => 'Falta n�mero de proyecto!', 'Project Transactions' => '', 'Project deleted!' => 'Proyecto borrado!', 'Project not on file!' => '', 'Project saved!' => 'Proyecto guardado!', 'Project/Job Name' => '', 'Project/Job Number' => '', 'Projects' => 'Proyectos', 'Purchase Order' => 'Orden de Compra', 'Purchase Order Number' => '', 'Purchase Orders' => 'Ordenes de Compra', 'Qty' => 'Cant.', 'Quantity exceeds available units to stock!' => '', 'Quarter' => '', 'Quotation' => '', 'Quotation ' => '', 'Quotation Date' => '', 'Quotation Date missing!' => '', 'Quotation Number' => '', 'Quotation Number missing!' => '', 'Quotation deleted!' => '', 'Quotations' => '', 'R' => 'R', 'RFQ' => '', 'RFQ ' => '', 'RFQ Number' => '', 'RFQs' => '', 'ROP' => 'ROP', 'Rate' => 'Tarifa', 'Rate missing!' => '', 'Recd' => 'Rec', 'Receipt' => 'Recibo', 'Receipt posted!' => '', 'Receipts' => 'Ingresos', 'Receivables' => 'Por Cobrar', 'Receive' => '', 'Receive Merchandise' => '', 'Reconciliation' => 'Conciliaci�n', 'Reconciliation Report' => '', 'Record in' => 'Registrar en', 'Recurring Transaction' => '', 'Recurring Transactions' => '', 'Reference' => 'Referencia', 'Remaining' => 'Faltan', 'Remove' => '', 'Remove Audit trail up to' => '', 'Removed spoolfiles!' => '', 'Removing marked entries from queue ...' => '', 'Repeat' => '', 'Report for' => 'Informe para', 'Reports' => 'Reportes', 'Req' => '', 'Request for Quotation' => '', 'Request for Quotations' => '', 'Required by' => 'Requerido por', 'Retained Earnings' => 'Ganacias Retenidas', 'Role' => '', 'S' => '', 'SIC' => '', 'SIC deleted!' => '', 'SIC saved!' => '', 'SKU' => '', 'SSN' => '', 'Sale' => 'Venta', 'Sales' => 'Ventas', 'Sales Invoice' => 'Factura de Venta', 'Sales Invoice ' => '', 'Sales Invoice.' => '', 'Sales Invoice/AR Transaction Number' => '', 'Sales Invoices' => 'Facturas de Venta', 'Sales Order' => 'Orden de venta', 'Sales Order Number' => '', 'Sales Orders' => 'Ordenes de venta', 'Sales Quotation Number' => '', 'Salesperson' => 'Vendedor', 'Saturday' => '', 'Save' => 'Salvar', 'Save Pricelist' => '', 'Save Schedule' => '', 'Save as new' => 'Guardar como nuevo', 'Save to File' => 'Guardar en archivo', 'Saving' => '', 'Schedule' => '', 'Scheduled' => '', 'Screen' => 'Pantalla', 'Search' => 'Buscar', 'Select' => '', 'Select Customer' => '', 'Select Vendor' => '', 'Select a Printer!' => '', 'Select a printer!' => '', 'Select all' => 'Seleccione todos', 'Select from one of the items below' => 'Seleccione uno de los elementos', 'Select from one of the names below' => 'Seleccione uno de los elementos listados', 'Select from one of the projects below' => '', 'Select items' => '', 'Select payment' => '', 'Select postscript or PDF!' => 'Seleccione postscript o PDF', 'Select txt, postscript or PDF!' => '', 'Sell' => '', 'Sell Price' => 'Precio de Venta', 'Send by E-Mail' => 'Enviar por E-Mail', 'Sending' => '', 'Sep' => 'Sep', 'September' => 'Septiembre', 'Serial No.' => '', 'Serial Number' => '', 'Service' => 'Servicio', 'Service Code' => '', 'Service/Labor Code' => '', 'Services' => 'Servicios', 'Session Timeout' => '', 'Session expired!' => '', 'Setup Templates' => 'Configurar Plantillas', 'Ship' => 'Env�e', 'Ship Merchandise' => '', 'Ship to' => 'Env�e a', 'Ship via' => 'Env�a v�a', 'Shipping' => '', 'Shipping Address' => '', 'Shipping Date' => '', 'Shipping Date missing!' => '', 'Shipping Point' => '', 'Short' => 'Corto', 'Signature' => 'Firma', 'Source' => 'Fuente', 'Spoolfile' => '', 'Standard' => 'Estandar', 'Standard Industrial Codes' => '', 'Startdate' => '', 'State' => '', 'State/Province' => '', 'Statement' => 'Estado de Cuenta', 'Statement Balance' => 'Balance Estado de Cuenta', 'Statement sent to' => 'Estado de Cuenta enviado a', 'Statements sent to printer!' => 'Estados de Cuenta enviados a impresora!', 'Stock' => 'Existencia', 'Stock Assembly' => 'Inventariar Ensamblaje?', 'Stocking Date' => '', 'Stylesheet' => 'Estilo de hoja', 'Sub-contract GIFI' => '', 'Subject' => 'Asunto', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Resumen', 'Sunday' => '', 'Supervisor' => '', 'System' => 'Sistema', 'System Defaults' => '', 'Tax' => 'Impuesto', 'Tax Accounts' => 'Cuentas De Impuesto', 'Tax Included' => 'Impuesto Incluido', 'Tax Number' => '', 'Tax Number / SSN' => '', 'Tax collected' => 'Impuesto recaudado', 'Tax paid' => 'Impuesto pagado', 'Taxable' => 'Gravable de Impuesto', 'Template saved!' => 'Plantilla guardada!', 'Templates' => 'Plantillas', 'Terms' => '', 'Text' => '', 'Text Templates' => 'Plantillas de Texto', 'The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted' => 'Los siguientes conjuntos de datos no estan en uso y pueden ser borrados', 'The following Datasets need to be updated' => 'Es necesario actualizar las siguientes bases de datos', 'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!' => 'Esta es una verificacion preliminar de fuentes existentes. Nada ser� creado o borrado en esta etapa!', 'Thursday' => '', 'Till' => 'Hasta', 'Time In' => '', 'Time Out' => '', 'Timecard' => '', 'Timecard deleted!' => '', 'Timecard saved!' => '', 'Timecards' => '', 'Times' => '', 'To' => 'Hasta ', 'To Warehouse' => '', 'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.' => 'Para agregar un usuario a un grupo, edite un nombre, cambie el nombre de entrada (login) y guarde los cambios. Un nuevo usuario, con las mismas variables ser� guardado bajo el nuevo nombre de entrada. (login)', 'Top Level' => 'Nivel superior', 'Total' => 'Total', 'Tracking Items' => '', 'Trade Discount' => '', 'Transaction' => '', 'Transaction Date missing!' => 'Falta la fecha de la transacci�n!', 'Transaction Dates' => '', 'Transaction deleted!' => 'Transacci�n borrada!', 'Transaction posted!' => 'Transacci�n registrada!', 'Transaction reversal enforced for all dates' => 'Se ha forzado la anulaci�n de las transacciones para todas las fechas', 'Transaction reversal enforced up to' => 'Se ha forzado la anulaci�n de las transacciones hasta', 'Transactions' => 'Transacciones', 'Transfer' => 'Transferencia', 'Transfer Inventory' => '', 'Transfer from' => '', 'Transfer to' => '', 'Translation' => '', 'Translation deleted!' => '', 'Translation not on file!' => '', 'Translations' => '', 'Translations saved!' => '', 'Trial Balance' => 'Balance De Comprobaci�n', 'Tuesday' => '', 'Type of Business' => '', 'Unit' => 'Unidad', 'Unit of measure' => 'Unidad de medida', 'Unlock System' => 'Desenllavar sistema', 'Update' => 'Actualizar', 'Update Dataset' => 'Actualizar conjunto de datos', 'Updated' => 'Actalizado', 'Upgrading to Version' => '', 'Use Templates' => 'Plantillas de Usuarios', 'User' => 'Usuario', 'User deleted!' => 'Usuario borrado!', 'User saved!' => 'Usuario guardado!', 'Valid until' => '', 'Vendor' => 'Proveedor', 'Vendor History' => '', 'Vendor Invoice' => 'Factura de Proveedor', 'Vendor Invoice ' => '', 'Vendor Invoice.' => '', 'Vendor Invoice/AP Transaction Number' => '', 'Vendor Invoices' => 'Factura de Proveedor', 'Vendor Number' => '', 'Vendor deleted!' => 'Proveedor borrado!', 'Vendor missing!' => 'Falta proveedor!', 'Vendor not on file!' => 'Proveedor no est� en archivo!', 'Vendor saved!' => 'Proveedor guardado!', 'Vendors' => 'Proveedores', 'Version' => 'Versi�n', 'Warehouse' => '', 'Warehouse deleted!' => '', 'Warehouse saved!' => '', 'Warehouses' => '', 'Warning!' => '', 'Wednesday' => '', 'Week' => '', 'Week(s)' => '', 'Weeks' => '', 'Weight' => 'Peso', 'Weight Unit' => 'Unidad de Peso', 'What type of item is this?' => '�Que tipo de Item es este?', 'Work Order' => '', 'Work Orders' => '', 'Work Phone' => '', 'Year' => '', 'Year(s)' => '', 'Yearend' => '', 'Yearend date missing!' => '', 'Yearend posted!' => '', 'Yearend posting failed!' => '', 'Years' => '', 'Yes' => 'Si', 'You are logged out' => '', 'You are posting an existing transaction!' => '', 'You are printing and posting an existing transaction!' => '', 'You are printing and saving an existing order' => '', 'You are printing and saving an existing quotation' => '', 'You are printing and saving an existing transaction!' => '', 'You are saving an existing order' => '', 'You are saving an existing quotation' => '', 'You are saving an existing transaction!' => '', 'You did not enter a name!' => 'No introdujo un nombre!', 'You must enter a host and port for local and remote connections!' => 'Debe introducir un servidor de base de datos y un puerto para conexiones locales y remotas!', 'Zip/Postal Code' => '', 'account cannot be set to any other type of account' => 'Cuenta no puede ser establecida a ningun otro tipo', 'as at' => 'Al', 'days' => 'D�as', 'does not exist' => 'No existe', 'done' => 'Hecho', 'ea' => 'c/u', 'failed' => '', 'for' => '', 'for Period' => 'para el per�odo', 'is already a member!' => 'ya es miembro!', 'localhost' => 'servidor local', 'locked!' => 'asegurado!', 'partsgroup' => '', 'posted!' => '', 'sent' => '', 'successfully created!' => 'creado con �xito!', 'successfully deleted!' => 'creado con �xito!', 'time(s)' => '', 'unexpected error!' => '', 'website' => 'sitio web', }; 1;