# #-#-#-#-#  fr_CA.po (LedgerSMB 1.1.1)  #-#-#-#-#
# #####################################################################
# LedgerSMB Small Medium Business Accounting
# Copyright (c) 2005
# French texts:
#  Author: Mathieu Chappuis <mathieu.chappuis@nchp.net>
#          Olivier Cornet <ocornet@biz.tiscali.be>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ######################################################################
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LedgerSMB 1.1.1\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "A"
msgstr "A"

msgid "AP"
msgstr "Dépenses"

msgid "AP Aging"
msgstr "Dépenses exigibles"

msgid "AP Outstanding"
msgstr "Dépenses en retard"

msgid "AP Transaction"
msgstr "Écriture dépenses"

msgid "AP Transactions"
msgstr "Mouvements - Dépenses"

msgid "AR"
msgstr "Recettes"

msgid "AR Aging"
msgstr "Recettes exigibles"

msgid "AR Outstanding"
msgstr "Recettes en retard"

msgid "AR Transaction"
msgstr "Écriture recettes"

msgid "AR Transactions"
msgstr "Mouvements - Recettes"

msgid "AR/AP"
msgstr "Recettes/Dépenses"

msgid "About"
msgstr "À propos"

msgid "Above"
msgstr "En dessus"

msgid "Access Control"
msgstr "Contrôle 'accès"

msgid "Account"
msgstr "Compte"

msgid "Account Number"
msgstr "Numéro de compte"

msgid "Account Number missing!"
msgstr "Numéro de compte manquant!"

msgid "Account Type"
msgstr "Type de compte"

msgid "Account Type missing!"
msgstr "Type de compte manquant!"

msgid "Account deleted!"
msgstr "Compte supprimé"

msgid "Account does not exist!"
msgstr "Compte non existant!"

msgid "Account saved!"
msgstr "Compte enregistré"

msgid "Accounting"
msgstr "Comptabilité"

msgid "Accounting Menu"
msgstr "Menu de comptabilité"

msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Comptes"

msgid "Accrual"
msgstr "Accumulation"

msgid "Activate Audit trail"
msgstr "Activer la journalisation des accès aux écritures clôturées"

msgid "Activate Audit trails"
msgstr "Activer la journalisation des accès aux écritures clôturées"

msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actif"

msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"

msgid "Add AP Transaction"
msgstr "Ajouter une dépense"

msgid "Add AR Transaction"
msgstr "Ajouter une recette"

msgid "Add Account"
msgstr "Ajouter compte"

msgid "Add Assembly"
msgstr "Ajouter produit"

msgid "Add Business"
msgstr "Ajouter type d'affaire"

msgid "Add Cash Transfer Transaction"
msgstr "Saisie d'écriture - Virements internes"

msgid "Add Customer"
msgstr "Ajouter client"

msgid "Add Deduction"
msgstr "Ajouter prélèvement"

msgid "Add Department"
msgstr "Ajouter service"

msgid "Add Employee"
msgstr "Ajouter employé"

msgid "Add Exchange Rate"
msgstr "Ajouter taux de change"

msgid "Add GIFI"
msgstr "Ajouter code d'identification comptable ou fiscale"

msgid "Add General Ledger Transaction"
msgstr "Ajouter une écriture au grand-livre"

msgid "Add Group"
msgstr "Ajouter groupe"

msgid "Add Labor/Overhead"
msgstr "Ajouter coût de production"

msgid "Add Language"
msgstr "Ajouter langue"

msgid "Add POS Invoice"
msgstr "Saisie ticket de caisse"

msgid "Add Part"
msgstr "Ajouter marchandise"

msgid "Add Pricegroup"
msgstr "Ajouter groupe de prix"

msgid "Add Project"
msgstr "Ajouter projet"

msgid "Add Purchase Order"
msgstr "Établir commande d'achat"

msgid "Add Quotation"
msgstr "Établir devis"

msgid "Add Request for Quotation"
msgstr "Établir demande de devis"

msgid "Add SIC"
msgstr "Ajouter code secteur économique"

msgid "Add Sales Invoice"
msgstr "Établir facture de vente"

msgid "Add Sales Order"
msgstr "Établir commande de vente"

msgid "Add Service"
msgstr "Ajouter prestation"

msgid "Add Transaction"
msgstr "Saisie d'écriture"

msgid "Add User"
msgstr "Ajouter utilisateur"

msgid "Add Vendor"
msgstr "Ajouter fournisseur"

msgid "Add Vendor Invoice"
msgstr "Établir facture d'achat"

msgid "Add Warehouse"
msgstr "Ajouter entrepôt"

msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"

msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"

msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administrateur"

msgid "After Deduction"
msgstr "Après prélèvement"

msgid "All"
msgstr "Tous"

msgid "All Accounts"
msgstr "Afficher tous les comptes"

msgid "All Datasets up to date!"
msgstr "Tous les fichiers de données sont à jour!"

msgid "All Items"
msgstr "Tout objet"

msgid "Allowances"
msgstr "Indemnités"

msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Montant"

msgid "Amount Due"
msgstr "Montant dû"

msgid "Amount missing!"
msgstr "Montant manquant!"

msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Avril"

msgid "April"
msgstr "Avril"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la facture n°"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete Order Number"
msgstr "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la commande n°"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete Quotation Number"
msgstr "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le devis n°"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete Transaction"
msgstr "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir effacer la saisie?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the marked entries from the queue?"
msgstr "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir enlever les objets sélectionnés de la queue?"

msgid "Assemblies"
msgstr "Produits finis"

msgid "Assemblies restocked!"
msgstr "Renvoyer produits vers stock!"

msgid "Assembly"
msgstr "Produit fini"

msgid "Asset"
msgstr "Actif"

msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Pièce jointe"

msgid "Audit Control"
msgstr "Clôture périodique"

msgid "Audit trail disabled"
msgstr "Journalisation clôture desactivée"

msgid "Audit trail enabled"
msgstr "Journalisation clôture activée"

msgid "Audit trail removed up to"
msgstr "Annulation de la journalisation des accès aux écritures clôturées jusqu'au"

msgid "Audit trails disabled"
msgstr "Journalisation clôture desactivée"

msgid "Audit trails enabled"
msgstr "Journalisation clôture activée"

msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Août"

msgid "August"
msgstr "Août"

msgid "BIC"
msgstr "BIC"

msgid "BOM"
msgstr "Nomenclature composantes"

msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Sauvegarder"

msgid "Backup sent to"
msgstr "Sauvegarde envoyée à"

msgid "Balance"
msgstr "Solde"

msgid "Balance Sheet"
msgstr "Bilan"

msgid "Based on"
msgstr "Basé sur"

msgid "Bcc"
msgstr "Copie cachée"

msgid "Before Deduction"
msgstr "Avant prélèvement"

msgid "Beginning Balance"
msgstr "Solde du départ"

msgid "Below"
msgstr "En dessous"

msgid "Billing Address"
msgstr "Adresse de facturation"

msgid "Billion"
msgstr "Milliard"

msgid "Bin"
msgstr "Lieu stockage"

msgid "Bin List"
msgstr "Liste des emplacements"

msgid "Bin Lists"
msgstr "Liste des emplacements"

msgid "Books are open"
msgstr "Début exercice"

msgid "Break"
msgstr "Rupture"

msgid "Business"
msgstr "Type d'affaire"

msgid "Business Number"
msgstr "Numéro d'enregistrement société"

msgid "Business deleted!"
msgstr "Type d'affaire effacé!"

msgid "Business saved!"
msgstr "Type d'affaire enregistré!"

msgid "C"
msgstr "C"

msgid "COGS"
msgstr "Coût des produits vendus"

msgid "COGS account does not exist!"
msgstr "Compte des produits vendus inexistant!"

msgid "Cannot create Assembly"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le produit fini"

msgid "Cannot create Labor"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le coût de production"

msgid "Cannot create Lock!"
msgstr "Impossible de verrouiller le fichier!"

msgid "Cannot create Part"
msgstr "Impossible de créer la marchandise"

msgid "Cannot create Service"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le service"

msgid "Cannot delete account!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le compte!"

msgid "Cannot delete customer!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le client!"

msgid "Cannot delete default account!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le compte par défaut!"

msgid "Cannot delete invoice!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la facture!"

msgid "Cannot delete item!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l'objet!"

msgid "Cannot delete order!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la commande!"

msgid "Cannot delete quotation!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le devis!"

msgid "Cannot delete transaction!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l'écriture!"

msgid "Cannot delete vendor!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le fournisseur!"

msgid "Cannot post Payment!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le paiement!"

msgid "Cannot post Receipt!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le reçu!"

msgid "Cannot post invoice for a closed period!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer la facture sur un exercice clos!"

msgid "Cannot post invoice!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer la facture!"

msgid "Cannot post payment for a closed period!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le paiement sur un exercice clos!"

msgid "Cannot post transaction for a closed period!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer l'écriture sur un exercice clos!"

msgid "Cannot post transaction with a debit and credit entry for the same account!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer l'écriture avec un débit et un crédit sur le même compte!"

msgid "Cannot post transaction!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer l'écriture!"

msgid "Cannot remove files!"
msgstr "Impossible d'effacer les fichiers!"

msgid "Cannot save account!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le compte!"

msgid "Cannot save defaults!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les valeurs par défaut!"

msgid "Cannot save order!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer la commande!"

msgid "Cannot save preferences!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les préférences"

msgid "Cannot save quotation!"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le devis!"

msgid "Cannot set account for more than one of AR, AP or IC"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le compte simultanément en tant que compte de recettes, dépenses ou service"

msgid "Cannot set multiple options for"
msgstr "Impossible de choisir plusieurs options pour"

msgid "Cannot stock assemblies!"
msgstr "Impossible de stocker l'assemblage!"

msgid "Cash"
msgstr "Financier"

msgid "Cc"
msgstr "Copie"

msgid "Change"
msgstr "Retour monnaie"

msgid "Change Admin Password"
msgstr "Modifier mot de passe administrateur"

msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Modifier mot de passe"

msgid "Chart of Accounts"
msgstr "Plan Comptable"

msgid "Check"
msgstr "Chèque"

msgid "Check Inventory"
msgstr "Listing chèques"

msgid "Checks"
msgstr "Chèques"

msgid "City"
msgstr "Ville"

msgid "Cleared"
msgstr "Lettré"

msgid "Click on login name to edit!"
msgstr "Cliquer sur votre identifiant pour editer!"

msgid "Close Books up to"
msgstr "Clôturer l'exercice jusqu'au"

msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Clôturé"

msgid "Code"
msgstr "Code"

msgid "Code missing!"
msgstr "Code manquant!"

msgid "Company"
msgstr "Société"

msgid "Company Name"
msgstr "Nom de société"

msgid "Compare to"
msgstr "Comparer à"

msgid "Components"
msgstr "Composants"

msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"

msgid "Confirm!"
msgstr "Confirmer!"

msgid "Connect to"
msgstr "Connecter à"

msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Contact"

msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuer"

msgid "Contra"
msgstr "Contrepartie"

msgid "Copies"
msgstr "Copies"

msgid "Copy to COA"
msgstr "Copier dans le plan comptable"

msgid "Cost"
msgstr "Coût"

msgid "Cost Center"
msgstr "Axé coûts"

msgid "Could not save pricelist!"
msgstr "Enregistrement de la liste de prix impossible!"

msgid "Could not save!"
msgstr "Enregistrement impossible!"

msgid "Could not transfer Inventory!"
msgstr "Impossible de transférer l'inventaire!"

msgid "Country"
msgstr "Pays"

msgid "Create Chart of Accounts"
msgstr "Créer le plan comptable"

msgid "Create Dataset"
msgstr "Créer fichier de données"

msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Crédit"

msgid "Credit Limit"
msgstr "Encours autorisé"

msgid "Curr"
msgstr "Dev."

msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Devise"

msgid "Current"
msgstr "En cours"

msgid "Current Earnings"
msgstr "Bénéfice de l'exercice"

msgid "Customer"
msgstr "Client"

msgid "Customer History"
msgstr "Historique client"

msgid "Customer Number"
msgstr "Numéro de client"

msgid "Customer deleted!"
msgstr "Client supprimé!"

msgid "Customer missing!"
msgstr "Client manquant!"

msgid "Customer not on file!"
msgstr "Client absent du fichier!"

msgid "Customer saved!"
msgstr "Client enregistré!"

msgid "Customers"
msgstr "Clients"

msgid "DBI not installed!"
msgstr "DBI non installée!"

msgid "DOB"
msgstr "Date de naissance"

msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de données"

msgid "Database Administration"
msgstr "Gérer base de données"

msgid "Database Driver not checked!"
msgstr "Pilotes de base de données non verifiés!"

msgid "Database Host"
msgstr "Hôte de base de données"

msgid "Database User missing!"
msgstr "Utilisateur base de données manquant!"

msgid "Dataset"
msgstr "Fichier de données"

msgid "Dataset is newer than version!"
msgstr "Fichier de données plus récent que le logiciel!"

msgid "Dataset missing!"
msgstr "Fichier de données manquant!"

msgid "Dataset updated!"
msgstr "Base de données mise à jour!"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"

msgid "Date Format"
msgstr "Format de date"

msgid "Date Paid"
msgstr "Date de paiement"

msgid "Date Received"
msgstr "Date de réception"

msgid "Date missing!"
msgstr "Date manquante!"

msgid "Date received missing!"
msgstr "Date de réception manquante!"

msgid "Debit"
msgstr "Débit"

msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Déc."

msgid "December"
msgstr "Décembre"

msgid "Decimalplaces"
msgstr "Décimales"

msgid "Decrease"
msgstr "Diminution"

msgid "Deduct after"
msgstr "Prélèver après"

msgid "Deduction deleted!"
msgstr "Prélèvement supprimé!"

msgid "Deduction saved!"
msgstr "Prélèvement enrégistré!"

msgid "Deductions"
msgstr "Prélèvements"

msgid "Defaults"
msgstr "Valeurs par défaut"

msgid "Defaults saved!"
msgstr "Valeurs par défaut enrégistrées!"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"

msgid "Delete Account"
msgstr "Supprimer compte"

msgid "Delete Dataset"
msgstr "Supprimer fichier de données"

msgid "Delivery Date"
msgstr "Date de livraison"

msgid "Department"
msgstr "Service"

msgid "Department deleted!"
msgstr "Service effacé!"

msgid "Department saved!"
msgstr "Service enregistré!"

msgid "Departments"
msgstr "Services"

msgid "Deposit"
msgstr "Dépôt"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"

msgid "Description Translations"
msgstr "Description traductions"

msgid "Description missing!"
msgstr "Description manquante!"

msgid "Detail"
msgstr "Détail"

msgid "Difference"
msgstr "Différence"

msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Répertoire"

msgid "Discount"
msgstr "Remise"

msgid "Done"
msgstr "Fait!"

msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Dessin"

msgid "Driver"
msgstr "Pilote"

msgid "Dropdown Limit"
msgstr "Limite de déroulement"

msgid "Due Date"
msgstr "Échéance"

msgid "Due Date missing!"
msgstr "Date d'échéance manquante!"

msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "E-mail"

msgid "E-mail Statement to"
msgstr "Message éléctronique à"

msgid "E-mail address missing!"
msgstr "Adresse e-mail manquante!"

msgid "E-mailed"
msgstr "E-mail envoyé"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"

msgid "Edit AP Transaction"
msgstr "Modifier une dépense"

msgid "Edit AR Transaction"
msgstr "Modifier une recette"

msgid "Edit Account"
msgstr "Modifier le compte"

msgid "Edit Assembly"
msgstr "Modifier produit fini / transformé"

msgid "Edit Business"
msgstr "Modifier type d'affaire"

msgid "Edit Cash Transfer Transaction"
msgstr "Modifier virements internes"

msgid "Edit Customer"
msgstr "Modifier client"

msgid "Edit Deduction"
msgstr "Modifier prélèvement"

msgid "Edit Department"
msgstr "Modifier service de l'entreprise"

msgid "Edit Description Translations"
msgstr "Modifier traductions description"

msgid "Edit Employee"
msgstr "Modifier employé"

msgid "Edit GIFI"
msgstr "Modifier code d'identification comptable ou fiscale"

msgid "Edit General Ledger Transaction"
msgstr "Modifier écriture grand-livre"

msgid "Edit Group"
msgstr "Modifier groupe"

msgid "Edit Labor/Overhead"
msgstr "Modifier coût de production"

msgid "Edit Language"
msgstr "Modifier langue"

msgid "Edit POS Invoice"
msgstr "Modifier ticket de caisse"

msgid "Edit Part"
msgstr "Modifier marchandise"

msgid "Edit Preferences for"
msgstr "Modifier les préférences pour"

msgid "Edit Pricegroup"
msgstr "Modifier groupe de prix"

msgid "Edit Project"
msgstr "Modifier projet"

msgid "Edit Purchase Order"
msgstr "Modifier commande d'achat"

msgid "Edit Quotation"
msgstr "Modifier devis"

msgid "Edit Request for Quotation"
msgstr "Modifier demande de devis"

msgid "Edit SIC"
msgstr "Modifier code de secteur économique"

msgid "Edit Sales Invoice"
msgstr "Modifier facture de vente"

msgid "Edit Sales Order"
msgstr "Modifier commande de vente"

msgid "Edit Service"
msgstr "Modifier service"

msgid "Edit Template"
msgstr "Modifier squelette"

msgid "Edit User"
msgstr "Modifier utilisateur"

msgid "Edit Vendor"
msgstr "Modifier fournisseur"

msgid "Edit Vendor Invoice"
msgstr "Modifier facture de fournisseur"

msgid "Edit Warehouse"
msgstr "Modifier entrepôt"

msgid "Eight"
msgstr "Huit"

msgid "Eighteen"
msgstr "Dix-huit"

msgid "Eighty"
msgstr "Quatre-vingt"

msgid "Eleven"
msgstr "Onze"

msgid "Employee"
msgstr "Employé"

msgid "Employee Name"
msgstr "Nom employé"

msgid "Employee Number"
msgstr "Numéro d'employé"

msgid "Employee deleted!"
msgstr "Employé effacé!"

msgid "Employee pays"
msgstr "Employé pays"

msgid "Employee saved!"
msgstr "Employé enregistré"

msgid "Employees"
msgstr "Employés"

msgid "Employer"
msgstr "Employeur"

msgid "Employer pays"
msgstr "Employeur pays"

msgid "Enddate"
msgstr "Date de fin"

msgid "Enforce transaction reversal for all dates"
msgstr "Activer la clôture des écritures pour toutes les dates"

msgid "Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies"
msgstr "Entrer le nom de la monnaie nationale et des monnaies étrangères en 3 lettres séparées par (:) (Ex: EUR:USD:CAD)"

msgid "Equity"
msgstr "Capital"

msgid "Exch"
msgstr "Change"

msgid "Exchange Rate"
msgstr "Taux de change"

msgid "Exchange rate for payment missing!"
msgstr "Taux de change manquant pour le paiement!"

msgid "Exchange rate missing!"
msgstr "Taux de change manquant!"

msgid "Existing Datasets"
msgstr "Fichiers de données existants"

msgid "Expense"
msgstr "Dépenses"

msgid "Expense account does not exist!"
msgstr "Compte de dépenses inexistant"

msgid "Expense/Asset"
msgstr "Dépenses/actif"

msgid "Extended"
msgstr "Prix total"

msgid "FX"
msgstr "Devises"

msgid "Fax"
msgstr "Fax"

msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Fév."

msgid "February"
msgstr "Février"

msgid "Fifteen"
msgstr "Quinze"

msgid "Fifty"
msgstr "Cinquante"

msgid "Five"
msgstr "Cinq"

msgid "Foreign Exchange Gain"
msgstr "Produit conversion devises"

msgid "Foreign Exchange Loss"
msgstr "Perte conversion devises"

msgid "Forty"
msgstr "Quarante"

msgid "Four"
msgstr "Quatre"

msgid "Fourteen"
msgstr "Quatorze"

msgid "From"
msgstr "De"

msgid "GIFI"
msgstr "Code d'identification comptable ou fiscale"

msgid "GIFI deleted!"
msgstr "Code d'identification comptable ou fiscale supprimé!"

msgid "GIFI missing!"
msgstr "Code d'identification comptable ou fiscale manquant!"

msgid "GIFI saved!"
msgstr "Code d'identification comptable ou fiscale enregistré!"

msgid "GL Transaction"
msgstr "Transaction grand-livre"

msgid "General Ledger"
msgstr "Grand-livre"

msgid "Goods & Services"
msgstr "Articles & Prestations"

msgid "Group"
msgstr "Groupe"

msgid "Group Items"
msgstr "Grouper objets"

msgid "Group Translations"
msgstr "Grouper traductions"

msgid "Group deleted!"
msgstr "Groupe effacé!"

msgid "Group missing!"
msgstr "Groupe absent!"

msgid "Group saved!"
msgstr "Groupe enregistré!"

msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Groupes"

msgid "HR"
msgstr "Ressources humaines"

msgid "HTML Templates"
msgstr "Squelettes HTML"

msgid "Heading"
msgstr "En-tête"

msgid "History"
msgstr "Historique"

msgid "Home Phone"
msgstr "Téléphone privé"

msgid "Host"
msgstr "Hôte"

msgid "Hostname missing!"
msgstr "Nom de l'hôte manquant"

msgid "Hundred"
msgstr "Cent"

msgid "IBAN"
msgstr "IBAN"

msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

msgid "Image"
msgstr "Image"

msgid "In-line"
msgstr "En ligne"

msgid "Include Exchange Rate Difference"
msgstr "Inclure différence conversion devises"

msgid "Include in Report"
msgstr "Inclure dans l'état"

msgid "Include in drop-down menus"
msgstr "Inclure dans les menus déroulants"

msgid "Income"
msgstr "Recettes"

msgid "Income Statement"
msgstr "Compte de résultat"

msgid "Income account does not exist!"
msgstr "Compte de recettes inexistant"

msgid "Incorrect Dataset version!"
msgstr "Fichier de données incorrect!"

msgid "Increase"
msgstr "Augmentation"

msgid "Individual Items"
msgstr "Composition en marchandises individuelles"

msgid "Internal Notes"
msgstr "Notes internes"

msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventaire"

msgid "Inventory account does not exist!"
msgstr "Compte de stock inexistant"

msgid "Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this assembly obsolete!"
msgstr "La quantité en stock doit être zéro avant de pouvoir annuler cet assemblage!"

msgid "Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this part obsolete!"
msgstr "La quantité en stock doit être zero avant de pouvoir annuler cette pièce!"

msgid "Inventory saved!"
msgstr "Inventaire enregistré!"

msgid "Inventory transferred!"
msgstr "Inventaire transféré!"

msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Facture"

msgid "Invoice Date"
msgstr "Date de facturation"

msgid "Invoice Date missing!"
msgstr "Date de facture manquante!"

msgid "Invoice Number"
msgstr "Numéro de facture"

msgid "Invoice Number missing!"
msgstr "Numéro de facture manquant!"

msgid "Invoice deleted!"
msgstr "Facture supprimée!"

msgid "Invoices"
msgstr "Factures"

msgid "Is this a summary account to record"
msgstr "Est-ce que c'est un compte sommaire à enregistrer?"

msgid "Item already on pricelist!"
msgstr "Objet déjà présent dans la liste des prix"

msgid "Item deleted!"
msgstr "Objet supprimé!"

msgid "Item not on file!"
msgstr "Objet non-listé!"

msgid "Items"
msgstr "Objets"

msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan."

msgid "January"
msgstr "Janvier"

msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Juill."

msgid "July"
msgstr "Juillet"

msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Juin"

msgid "June"
msgstr "Juin"

msgid "LaTeX Templates"
msgstr "Squelettes LaTeX"

msgid "Labor/Overhead"
msgstr "Coût de production"

msgid "Language"
msgstr "Langue"

msgid "Language deleted!"
msgstr "Langue effacée!"

msgid "Language saved!"
msgstr "Langue enregistrée!"

msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Langues"

msgid "Languages not defined!"
msgstr "Langues non définis!"

msgid "Last Numbers & Default Accounts"
msgstr "Derniers numéros et comptes par défauts"

msgid "Leadtime"
msgstr "Délai"

msgid "Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection."
msgstr "Laisser \"port\" et \"hôte\" vide, sauf si vous voulez vous connecter à distance (par réseau)"

msgid "Liability"
msgstr "Passif"

msgid "Licensed to"
msgstr "Licence à"

msgid "Line Total"
msgstr "Total ligne"

msgid "Link"
msgstr "Liens"

msgid "Link Accounts"
msgstr "Lier comptes"

msgid "List"
msgstr "Liste"

msgid "List Accounts"
msgstr "Liste des comptes"

msgid "List Businesses"
msgstr "Liste types d'affaire"

msgid "List Departments"
msgstr "Liste des services"

msgid "List GIFI"
msgstr "Afficher la liste des codes d'identification comptable ou fiscale"

msgid "List Languages"
msgstr "Liste des langues"

msgid "List Price"
msgstr "Prix de revient"

msgid "List Projects"
msgstr "Liste des projets"

msgid "List SIC"
msgstr "Liste des codes secteur économique"

msgid "List Transactions"
msgstr "Afficher écritures"

msgid "List Warehouses"
msgstr "Liste des entrepôts"

msgid "Lock System"
msgstr "Verrouiller le système"

msgid "Lockfile created!"
msgstr "Verrouillage en place!"

msgid "Lockfile removed!"
msgstr "Verrouillage enlevé!"

msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"

msgid "Login name missing!"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur manquant!"

msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Déconnexion"

msgid "Make"
msgstr "Marque"

msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire"

msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mars"

msgid "March"
msgstr "Mars"

msgid "Marked entries printed!"
msgstr "Éléments marqués imprimés!"

msgid "Markup"
msgstr "Majoration"

msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Maximum"

msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"

msgid "May "
msgstr "Mai "

msgid "Memo"
msgstr "Mémo"

msgid "Menu Width"
msgstr "Largeur menu"

msgid "Message"
msgstr "Message"

msgid "Method"
msgstr "Méthode"

msgid "Microfiche"
msgstr "Microfiche"

msgid "Million"
msgstr "Million"

msgid "Model"
msgstr "Modèle"

msgid "Month"
msgstr "Mois"

msgid "Multibyte Encoding"
msgstr "Encodage multibyte"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Non applicable"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"

msgid "Name missing!"
msgstr "Nom manquant!"

msgid "New Templates"
msgstr "Nouveaux squelettes"

msgid "New Window"
msgstr "Nouvelle fenêtre"

msgid "Nine"
msgstr "Neuf"

msgid "Nineteen"
msgstr "Dix-neuf"

msgid "Ninety"
msgstr "Quatre-vignt-dix"

msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"

msgid "No Database Drivers available!"
msgstr "Pas de pilote de base de données disponible!"

msgid "No Dataset selected!"
msgstr "Pas de fichier de données sélectionné!"

msgid "No email address for"
msgstr "Pas d'adresse email pour"

msgid "No."
msgstr "N°"

msgid "Non-taxable"
msgstr "Non imposable"

msgid "Non-taxable Purchases"
msgstr "Achats hors taxe"

msgid "Non-taxable Sales"
msgstr "Ventes hors taxe"

msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notes"

msgid "Nothing entered!"
msgstr "Rien n'a été saisi!"

msgid "Nothing selected!"
msgstr "Pas de sélection!"

msgid "Nothing to delete!"
msgstr "Rien à supprimer"

msgid "Nothing to print!"
msgstr "Rien à imprimer"

msgid "Nothing to transfer!"
msgstr "Rien à transférer!"

msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov."

msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembre"

msgid "Number"
msgstr "Numéro"

msgid "Number Format"
msgstr "Format des numéros"

msgid "Number missing in Row"
msgstr "Numéro manquant dans ligne"

msgid "O"
msgstr "O"

msgid "Obsolete"
msgstr "Obsolète"

msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Oct."

msgid "October"
msgstr "Octobre"

msgid "On Hand"
msgstr "En Stock / disponible"

msgid "One"
msgstr "Un"

msgid "Open"
msgstr "Ouvert"

msgid "Oracle Database Administration"
msgstr "Administration de base de données Oracle"

msgid "Order"
msgstr "Commande"

msgid "Order Date"
msgstr "Date de commande"

msgid "Order Date missing!"
msgstr "Date de commande manquante!"

msgid "Order Entry"
msgstr "Commandes"

msgid "Order Number"
msgstr "Numéro de commande"

msgid "Order Number missing!"
msgstr "Numéro de commande manquant!"

msgid "Order deleted!"
msgstr "Commande supprimée!"

msgid "Order saved!"
msgstr "Commande enregistrée!"

msgid "Orphaned"
msgstr "Orphelin"

msgid "Out of balance transaction!"
msgstr "Écriture non-soldée!"

msgid "Out of balance!"
msgstr "Non-soldée!"

msgid "Outstanding"
msgstr "En retard"

msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"

msgid "POS"
msgstr "Point de vente"

msgid "POS Invoice"
msgstr "Ticket de caisse"

msgid "Packing List"
msgstr "Liste d'envoi"

msgid "Packing List Date missing!"
msgstr "La liste d'envoi n'a pas de date!"

msgid "Packing List Number missing!"
msgstr "Le numéro de la liste d'envoi est manquant!"

msgid "Packing Lists"
msgstr "Listes d'envoi"

msgid "Paid"
msgstr "Total payé"

msgid "Part"
msgstr "Marchandise"

msgid "Partnumber"
msgstr "Numéro de marchandise"

msgid "Parts"
msgstr "Marchandises"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"

msgid "Password changed!"
msgstr "Mot de passe modifié!"

msgid "Password does not match!"
msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect!"

msgid "Passwords do not match!"
msgstr "Mots de passes non-identiques"

msgid "Payables"
msgstr "À payer"

msgid "Payment"
msgstr "Paiement"

msgid "Payment date missing!"
msgstr "Date de paiement manquante!"

msgid "Payment posted!"
msgstr "Paiement enregistré!"

msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Paiements"

msgid "Payroll Deduction"
msgstr "Prélèvement salaire"

msgid "Period"
msgstr "Période"

msgid "Pg Database Administration"
msgstr "Administration base de données PostgreSQL"

msgid "PgPP Database Administration"
msgstr "Administration base de données PgPP"

msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Tél."

msgid "Pick List"
msgstr "Liste de sélection"

msgid "Pick Lists"
msgstr "Liste de sélection"

msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"

msgid "Port missing!"
msgstr "Port manquant!"

msgid "Post"
msgstr "Enregistrer"

msgid "Post as new"
msgstr "Enregistrer comme nouveau"

msgid "Posted!"
msgstr "Enregistré!"

msgid "Postscript"
msgstr "Postcript"

msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Préférences"

msgid "Preferences saved!"
msgstr "Préférences enregistrées!"

msgid "Prepayment"
msgstr "Paiement à l'avance"

msgid "Price"
msgstr "Prix"

msgid "Pricegroup"
msgstr "Groupe de prix"

msgid "Pricegroup deleted!"
msgstr "Groupe de prix supprimé!"

msgid "Pricegroup missing!"
msgstr "Groupe de prix manquant!"

msgid "Pricegroup saved!"
msgstr "Groupe de prix enregistré!"

msgid "Pricegroups"
msgstr "Groupes de prix"

msgid "Pricelist"
msgstr "Liste de prix"

msgid "Print"
msgstr "Imprimer"

msgid "Print and Post"
msgstr "Imprimer et imputer"

msgid "Print and Save"
msgstr "Imprimer et sauver"

msgid "Printed"
msgstr "Imprimé"

msgid "Printer"
msgstr "Imprimante"

msgid "Printing ... "
msgstr "Impression en cours ... "

msgid "Profit Center"
msgstr "Axé profit"

msgid "Project"
msgstr "Projet"

msgid "Project Description Translations"
msgstr "Traductions description de projet"

msgid "Project Number"
msgstr "Numéro de projet"

msgid "Project Number missing!"
msgstr "Numéro du projet manquant!"

msgid "Project Transactions"
msgstr "Mouvements - Projet"

msgid "Project deleted!"
msgstr "Projet supprimé!"

msgid "Project not on file!"
msgstr "Projet absent du fichier!"

msgid "Project saved!"
msgstr "Projet enregistré!"

msgid "Projects"
msgstr "Projets"

msgid "Purchase Order"
msgstr "Commande d'achat"

msgid "Purchase Order Number"
msgstr "Numéro de commande"

msgid "Purchase Orders"
msgstr "Commandes d'achat"

msgid "Qty"
msgstr "Qté"

msgid "Quantity exceeds available units to stock!"
msgstr "La quantité dépasse le nombre d'unités en stock"

msgid "Quarter"
msgstr "Trimestre"

msgid "Quotation"
msgstr "Devis"

msgid "Quotation "
msgstr "Devis "

msgid "Quotation Date"
msgstr "Date de devis"

msgid "Quotation Date missing!"
msgstr "Date de devis manqante!"

msgid "Quotation Number"
msgstr "Numéro de devis"

msgid "Quotation Number missing!"
msgstr "Numéro de devis manquant!"

msgid "Quotation deleted!"
msgstr "Devis effacé!"

msgid "Quotations"
msgstr "Devis"

msgid "R"
msgstr "R"

msgid "RFQ"
msgstr "Demande de devis"

msgid "RFQ "
msgstr "Demande de devis "

msgid "RFQ Number"
msgstr "Numéro de demande de devis"

msgid "RFQs"
msgstr "Demandes de devis"

msgid "ROP"
msgstr "Seuil réapprovisionnement"

msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Taux"

msgid "Rate missing!"
msgstr "Taux manquant!"

msgid "Recd"
msgstr "Reçu"

msgid "Receipt"
msgstr "Reçu"

msgid "Receipt posted!"
msgstr "Reçu enregistré!"

msgid "Receipts"
msgstr "Reçus"

msgid "Receivables"
msgstr "À recevoir"

msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Réception"

msgid "Receive Merchandise"
msgstr "Réception marchandise"

msgid "Reconciliation"
msgstr "Rapprochement"

msgid "Reconciliation Report"
msgstr "Rapport de rapprochement"

msgid "Record in"
msgstr "Enregistrer dans"

msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Référence"

msgid "Remaining"
msgstr "Restant"

msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Effacer"

msgid "Remove Audit trail up to"
msgstr "Annuler la journalisation des accès aux écritures clôturées jusqu'au"

msgid "Remove Audit trails up to"
msgstr "Annuler la journalisation des accès aux écritures clôturées jusqu'au"

msgid "Removed spoolfiles!"
msgstr "File d'attente impression effacée!"

msgid "Removing marked entries from queue ..."
msgstr "Suppression des éléments sélectionnés de la file d'attente ..."

msgid "Report for"
msgstr "Rapport de"

msgid "Reports"
msgstr "Rapports"

msgid "Request for Quotation"
msgstr "Demande de devis"

msgid "Request for Quotations"
msgstr "Demandes de devis"

msgid "Required by"
msgstr "Requis pour"

msgid "Retained Earnings"
msgstr "Éxcédents non distribués"

msgid "Role"
msgstr "Rôle"

msgid "S"
msgstr "S"

msgid "SIC"
msgstr "Code secteur économique"

msgid "SIC deleted!"
msgstr "Code secteur économique effacé!"

msgid "SIC saved!"
msgstr "Code secteur économique enregistré!"

msgid "SKU"
msgstr "SKU"

msgid "SSN"
msgstr "Numéro sécurité sociale"

msgid "Sale"
msgstr "Vente"

msgid "Sales"
msgstr "Ventes"

msgid "Sales Invoice"
msgstr "Facture de vente"

msgid "Sales Invoice "
msgstr "Facture de vente "

msgid "Sales Invoice."
msgstr "Facture de vente."

msgid "Sales Invoices"
msgstr "Factures de vente"

msgid "Sales Order"
msgstr "Commande de vente"

msgid "Sales Order Number"
msgstr "Numéro de commande de vente"

msgid "Sales Orders"
msgstr "Commandes de vente"

msgid "Sales Quotation Number"
msgstr "Numéro de devis de vente"

msgid "Salesperson"
msgstr "Vendeur"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"

msgid "Save Pricelist"
msgstr "Enregistrer la liste de prix"

msgid "Save as new"
msgstr "Enregistrer comme nouveau"

msgid "Save to File"
msgstr "Enregistrer dans un fichier"

msgid "Screen"
msgstr "Écran"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Recherche"

msgid "Select"
msgstr "Sélectionner"

msgid "Select a printer!"
msgstr "Sélectionner une imprimante"

msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Tout sélectionner"

msgid "Select from one of the items below"
msgstr "Sélectionner un des objets ci-dessous"

msgid "Select from one of the names below"
msgstr "Sélectionner un des noms ci-dessous"

msgid "Select from one of the projects below"
msgstr "Sélectionner un des projets ci-dessous"

msgid "Select payment"
msgstr "Sélectionner le payement"

msgid "Select postscript or PDF!"
msgstr "Sélectionner Postscript ou PDF!"

msgid "Select txt, postscript or PDF!"
msgstr "Sélectionner Txt, Postscript ou PDF!"

msgid "Sell"
msgstr "Vente"

msgid "Sell Price"
msgstr "Prix de vente"

msgid "Send by E-Mail"
msgstr "Envoyer par e-mail"

msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Sept."

msgid "September"
msgstr "Septembre"

msgid "Serial No."
msgstr "N° série"

msgid "Serial Number"
msgstr "Numéro de série"

msgid "Service"
msgstr "Prestation de service"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Prestations de services"

msgid "Session Timeout"
msgstr "Fin de session"

msgid "Session expired!"
msgstr "Session terminée!"

msgid "Setup Templates"
msgstr "Configuration des squelettes"

msgid "Seven"
msgstr "Sept"

msgid "Seventeen"
msgstr "Dix-sept"

msgid "Seventy"
msgstr "Soixante-dix"

msgid "Ship"
msgstr "Expédier"

msgid "Ship Merchandise"
msgstr "Expédier marchandise"

msgid "Ship to"
msgstr "Expédier à"

msgid "Ship via"
msgstr "Expédier via"

msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "Expédition"

msgid "Shipping Address"
msgstr "Adresse d'envoi"

msgid "Shipping Date"
msgstr "Date d'expédition"

msgid "Shipping Date missing!"
msgstr "Date d'expédition manquante!"

msgid "Shipping Point"
msgstr "Expéditeur"

msgid "Short"
msgstr "Court"

msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Signature"

msgid "Six"
msgstr "Six"

msgid "Sixteen"
msgstr "Seize"

msgid "Sixty"
msgstr "Soixante"

msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"

msgid "Spoolfile"
msgstr "Fichier file d'attente impression"

msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"

msgid "Standard Industrial Codes"
msgstr "Code secteur économique"

msgid "Startdate"
msgstr "Date de début"

msgid "State"
msgstr "Etat"

msgid "State/Province"
msgstr "Région/État"

msgid "Statement"
msgstr "Relevé"

msgid "Statement Balance"
msgstr "Solde relevé de compte"

msgid "Statement sent to"
msgstr "Relevé envoyé à"

msgid "Statements sent to printer!"
msgstr "Relevés envoyés à l'imprimante!"

msgid "Stock"
msgstr "Stock"

msgid "Stock Assembly"
msgstr "Stock de produits"

msgid "Stylesheet"
msgstr "Feuille de style"

msgid "Sub-contract GIFI"
msgstr "Code d'identification comptable ou fiscale - Sous-traitance"

msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Objet"

msgid "Subtotal"
msgstr "Sous total"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Résumé"

msgid "Supervisor"
msgstr "Chef de service"

msgid "System"
msgstr "Système"

msgid "System Defaults"
msgstr "Préférences système"

msgid "Tax"
msgstr "Taxe"

msgid "Tax Accounts"
msgstr "Comptes de taxe"

msgid "Tax Included"
msgstr "Taxe incluse"

msgid "Tax Number"
msgstr "Numéro de TVA"

msgid "Tax Number / SSN"
msgstr "Numéro de TVA / Sécurité Sociale"

msgid "Tax collected"
msgstr "Taxe collectée"

msgid "Tax paid"
msgstr "Taxe payée"

msgid "Taxable"
msgstr "Imposable"

msgid "Template saved!"
msgstr "Squelette enregistré!"

msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Squelettes"

msgid "Ten"
msgstr "Dix"

msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Crédit limité à"

msgid "Text Templates"
msgstr "Squelettes texte"

msgid "The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted"
msgstr "Les fichiers de données suivants ne sont pas utilisés et peuvent être supprimés."

msgid "The following Datasets need to be updated"
msgstr "Les fichiers de données suivants doivent être mis à jour"

msgid "Thirteen"
msgstr "Treize"

msgid "Thirty"
msgstr "Trente"

msgid "This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!"
msgstr "Ceci est un test préliminaire des sources existantes. Aucune modification à ce stade!"

msgid "Thousand"
msgstr "Mille"

msgid "Three"
msgstr "Trois"

msgid "Till"
msgstr "Caisse"

msgid "To"
msgstr "À"

msgid "To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save.  A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name."
msgstr "Pour ajouter un utilisateur à un groupe, editer un \"nom\", changer le \"login\" et enregistrer. Un nouvel utilisateur avec les mêmes données sera enregistré avec le nouveau \"login\"."

msgid "Top Level"
msgstr "Description principale"

msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"

msgid "Trade Discount"
msgstr "Escompte commercial"

msgid "Transaction"
msgstr "Écriture"

msgid "Transaction Date missing!"
msgstr "Date d'écriture manquante!"

msgid "Transaction deleted!"
msgstr "Écriture supprimée!"

msgid "Transaction posted!"
msgstr "Écriture enregistrée!"

msgid "Transaction reversal enforced for all dates"
msgstr "Inversion des écritures exécutée pour toutes les dates"

msgid "Transaction reversal enforced up to"
msgstr "Inversion des écritures exécutée jusqu'au"

msgid "Transactions"
msgstr "Mouvements"

msgid "Transfer"
msgstr "Transfert"

msgid "Transfer Inventory"
msgstr "Transfert inventaire"

msgid "Transfer to"
msgstr "Transférer vers"

msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Traduction"

msgid "Translation deleted!"
msgstr "Traduction supprimée!"

msgid "Translation not on file!"
msgstr "Pas de traduction dans le fichier"

msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Traductions"

msgid "Translations saved!"
msgstr "Traductions enregistrées"

msgid "Trial Balance"
msgstr "Balance Globale"

msgid "Trillion"
msgstr "Billion"

msgid "Twelve"
msgstr "Douze"

msgid "Twenty"
msgstr "Vingt"

msgid "Two"
msgstr "Deux"

msgid "Type of Business"
msgstr "Type d'affaire"

msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unité"

msgid "Unit of measure"
msgstr "Unité de mesure"

msgid "Unlock System"
msgstr "Déverrouiller le système"

msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"

msgid "Update Dataset"
msgstr "Mise à jour de la base de données"

msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Mis à jour"

msgid "Upgrading to Version"
msgstr "Mise à jour à la version"

msgid "Use Templates"
msgstr "Utiliser les squelettes"

msgid "User"
msgstr "Utilisateur"

msgid "User deleted!"
msgstr "Utilisateur supprimé!"

msgid "User saved!"
msgstr "Utilisateur enregistré!"

msgid "Valid until"
msgstr "Valable jusqu'au"

msgid "Vendor"
msgstr "Fournisseur"

msgid "Vendor History"
msgstr "Historique fournisseurs"

msgid "Vendor Invoice"
msgstr "Facture d'achat"

msgid "Vendor Invoice "
msgstr "Facture d'achat "

msgid "Vendor Invoice."
msgstr "Facture d'achat."

msgid "Vendor Invoices"
msgstr "Factures d'achat"

msgid "Vendor Number"
msgstr "Numéro de fournisseur"

msgid "Vendor deleted!"
msgstr "Fournisseur supprimé!"

msgid "Vendor missing!"
msgstr "Fournisseur manquant!"

msgid "Vendor not on file!"
msgstr "Fournisseur absent du fichier!"

msgid "Vendor saved!"
msgstr "Fournisseur enregistré!"

msgid "Vendors"
msgstr "Fournisseurs"

msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"

msgid "Warehouse"
msgstr "Entrepôt"

msgid "Warehouse deleted!"
msgstr "Entrepôt supprimé"

msgid "Warehouse saved!"
msgstr "Entrepôt enregistré"

msgid "Warehouses"
msgstr "Entrepôts"

msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Attention!"

msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Poids"

msgid "Weight Unit"
msgstr "Unité de poids"

msgid "What type of item is this?"
msgstr "De quel type est cet objet?"

msgid "Work Order"
msgstr "Fiche de traitement"

msgid "Work Orders"
msgstr "Fiche de traitement"

msgid "Work Phone"
msgstr "Téléphone travail"

msgid "Year"
msgstr "Année"

msgid "Yearend"
msgstr "Écriture de fin d'exercice"

msgid "Yearend date missing!"
msgstr "Écriture de fin d'exercice - date manquante"

msgid "Yearend posted!"
msgstr "Écriture de fin d'exercice enregistrée"

msgid "Yearend posting failed!"
msgstr "Échec enregistrement écriture fin d'exercice!"

msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"

msgid "You are logged out"
msgstr "Vous êtes déconnecté!"

msgid "You did not enter a name!"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas saisi de nom!"

msgid "You must enter a host and port for local and remote connections!"
msgstr "Vous devez saisir un \"hôte\" et un \"port\" pour les connexions distantes!"

msgid "Zero"
msgstr "Zéro"

msgid "Zip/Postal Code"
msgstr "Code postal"

msgid "account cannot be set to any other type of account"
msgstr "compte ne peut pas être changé vers un autre type de compte"

msgid "as at"
msgstr "au"

msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"

msgid "does not exist"
msgstr "n'existe pas!"

msgid "done"
msgstr "fait"

msgid "ea"
msgstr "pièce(s)"

msgid "for Period"
msgstr "pour la période"

msgid "is already a member!"
msgstr "est déjà un membre!"

msgid "localhost"
msgstr "hôte local"

msgid "locked!"
msgstr "verrouillé!"

msgid "posted!"
msgstr "enregistré!"

msgid "sent"
msgstr "envoyé"

msgid "successfully created!"
msgstr "créé avec succès"

msgid "successfully deleted!"
msgstr "supprimé avec succès"

msgid "website"
msgstr "site web"