$self{texts} = { 'Address' => 'Adresse', 'Bcc' => 'Copie cach�e', 'Cc' => 'Copie', 'Continue' => 'Continuer', 'Customer not on file!' => 'Client absent du fichier!', 'Date' => 'Date', 'Delete Schedule' => 'Effacer transaction planifi�e', 'Description' => 'Description', 'E-mail' => 'E-mail', 'E-mail message' => 'Message e-mail', 'Every' => 'Chaque', 'For' => 'Pour', 'Include Payment' => 'Inclure paiement', 'Message' => 'Message', 'Next Date' => 'Prochaine date', 'Number' => 'Num�ro', 'Print' => 'Imprimer', 'Project not on file!' => 'Projet absent du fichier!', 'Recurring Transaction' => 'Transaction p�riodique', 'Reference' => 'R�f�rence', 'Repeat' => 'R�p�ter', 'Save Schedule' => 'Enregistrer transaction planifi�e', 'Select from one of the names below' => 'S�lectionner un des noms ci-dessous', 'Select from one of the projects below' => 'S�lectionner un des projets ci-dessous', 'Startdate' => 'Date de d�but', 'Subject' => 'Objet', 'To' => '�', 'Vendor not on file!' => 'Fournisseur absent du fichier!', 'Warning!' => 'Attention!', 'You are posting an existing transaction!' => 'Vous enregistrez une transaction existante!', 'You are printing and posting an existing transaction!' => 'Vous imprimez et enregistrez une transaction existante!', 'You are printing and saving an existing order' => 'Vous imprimez et enregistrez une commande existante!', 'You are printing and saving an existing quotation' => 'Vous imprimez et enregistrez un devis existant!', 'You are saving an existing order' => 'Vous enregistrez une commande existante', 'You are saving an existing quotation' => 'Vous enregistrez un devis existant', 'for' => 'pour', 'sent' => 'envoy�', 'time(s)' => 'temps', }; $self{subs} = { 'add_transaction' => 'add_transaction', 'ap_transaction' => 'ap_transaction', 'ar_transaction' => 'ar_transaction', 'check_name' => 'check_name', 'check_project' => 'check_project', 'continue' => 'continue', 'delete_schedule' => 'delete_schedule', 'gl_transaction' => 'gl_transaction', 'name_selected' => 'name_selected', 'post_as_new' => 'post_as_new', 'print_and_post_as_new' => 'print_and_post_as_new', 'project_selected' => 'project_selected', 'rebuild_vc' => 'rebuild_vc', 'repost' => 'repost', 'reprint' => 'reprint', 'sales_invoice_' => 'sales_invoice_', 'save_schedule' => 'save_schedule', 'schedule' => 'schedule', 'select_name' => 'select_name', 'select_project' => 'select_project', 'vendor_invoice_' => 'vendor_invoice_', 'continuer' => 'continue', 'effacer_transaction_planifi�e' => 'delete_schedule', 'enregistrer_transaction_planifi�e' => 'save_schedule', }; 1;