$self{texts} = {
  'Access Control'              => 'Access Control',
  'Accounting'                  => 'Accounting',
  'Add User'                    => 'Add User',
  'Administration'              => 'Administration',
  'Administrator'               => 'Administrator',
  'All Datasets up to date!'    => 'All Datasets up to date!',
  'Cannot create Lock!'         => 'Cannot create Lock!',
  'Change Admin Password'       => 'Change Admin Password',
  'Change Password'             => 'Change Password',
  'Click on login name to edit!' => 'Click on login name to edit!',
  'Connect to'                  => 'Connect to',
  'Create Chart of Accounts'    => 'Create Chart of Accounts',
  'Create Dataset'              => 'Create Dataset',
  'DBI not installed!'          => 'DBI not installed!',
  'Database'                    => 'Database',
  'Database Administration'     => 'Database Administration',
  'Database Driver not checked!' => 'Database Driver not checked!',
  'Database User missing!'      => 'Database User missing!',
  'Dataset missing!'            => 'Dataset missing!',
  'Dataset updated!'            => 'Dataset updated!',
  'Delete Dataset'              => 'Delete Dataset',
  'Directory'                   => 'Directory',
  'Driver'                      => 'Driver',
  'Edit User'                   => 'Edit User',
  'Existing Datasets'           => 'Existing Datasets',
  'Host'                        => 'Host',
  'Hostname missing!'           => 'Hostname missing!',
  'Lock System'                 => 'Lock System',
  'Lockfile created!'           => 'Lockfile created!',
  'Lockfile removed!'           => 'Lockfile removed!',
  'Login name missing!'         => 'Login name missing!',
  'Multibyte Encoding'          => 'Multibyte Encoding',
  'New Templates'               => 'New Templates',
  'No Database Drivers available!' => 'No Database Drivers available!',
  'No Dataset selected!'        => 'No Dataset selected!',
  'Nothing to delete!'          => 'Nothing to delete!',
  'Oracle Database Administration' => 'Oracle Database Administration',
  'Password changed!'           => 'Password changed!',
  'Pg Database Administration'  => 'Pg Database Administration',
  'PgPP Database Administration' => 'PgPP Database Administration',
  'Port'                        => 'Port',
  'Port missing!'               => 'Port missing!',
  'Setup Templates'             => 'Setup Templates',
  'Templates'                   => 'Templates',
  'The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted' => 'The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted',
  'The following Datasets need to be updated' => 'The following Datasets need to be updated',
  'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!' => 'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!',
  'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save.  A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.' => 'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save.  A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.',
  'Unlock System'               => 'Unlock System',
  'Update Dataset'              => 'Update Dataset',
  'Use Templates'               => 'Use Templates',
  'User deleted!'               => 'User deleted!',
  'User saved!'                 => 'User saved!',
  'does not exist'              => 'does not exist',
  'is already a member!'        => 'is already a member!',
  'successfully created!'       => 'successfully created!',
  'successfully deleted!'       => 'successfully deleted!',
  'website'                     => 'website',

$self{subs} = {
  'add_user'                    => 'add_user',
  'adminlogin'                  => 'adminlogin',
  'change_admin_password'       => 'change_admin_password',
  'change_password'             => 'change_password',
  'check_password'              => 'check_password',
  'continue'                    => 'continue',
  'create_dataset'              => 'create_dataset',
  'dbcreate'                    => 'dbcreate',
  'dbdelete'                    => 'dbdelete',
  'dbdriver_defaults'           => 'dbdriver_defaults',
  'dbselect_source'             => 'dbselect_source',
  'dbupdate'                    => 'dbupdate',
  'delete'                      => 'delete',
  'delete_dataset'              => 'delete_dataset',
  'edit'                        => 'edit',
  'form_footer'                 => 'form_footer',
  'form_header'                 => 'form_header',
  'getpassword'                 => 'getpassword',
  'list_users'                  => 'list_users',
  'lock_system'                 => 'lock_system',
  'login'                       => 'login',
  'login_name'                  => 'login_name',
  'logout'                      => 'logout',
  'oracle_database_administration' => 'oracle_database_administration',
  'pg_database_administration'  => 'pg_database_administration',
  'pgpp_database_administration' => 'pgpp_database_administration',
  'save'                        => 'save',
  'unlock_system'               => 'unlock_system',
  'update_dataset'              => 'update_dataset',
  'add_user'                    => 'add_user',
  'change_admin_password'       => 'change_admin_password',
  'change_password'             => 'change_password',
  'create_dataset'              => 'create_dataset',
  'delete_dataset'              => 'delete_dataset',
  'lock_system'                 => 'lock_system',
  'oracle_database_administration' => 'oracle_database_administration',
  'pg_database_administration'  => 'pg_database_administration',
  'pgpp_database_administration' => 'pgpp_database_administration',
  'unlock_system'               => 'unlock_system',
  'update_dataset'              => 'update_dataset',
