
\RequirePackage{url, palatino, color}
\RequirePackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=black, urlcolor=black]{hyperref}

% For centralized management of company information
\newcommand{\metaname}[1][]{Metatron Technology Consulting#1\space}
\newcommand{\metaddress}{130 Henderson Terrace \\ Chelan, WA 98816}

% Necessary because \url does not allow for variable substitution

% Simple email functions to make life easier.

% Copyright notices (central management)
% Internal (private) macro for base statements)
\newcommand{\meta@base@copyright}{\textcopyright \space \today \space  

% For redistributables

Copyright\meta@base@copyright.  Permission is granted for verbatim 
redistribution of this document provided that this copyright notice remains 


% For a standard "All rights reserved" copyright notice

Copyright \meta@base@copyright. All rights reserved.


% Other copyright notices may be added below.  Please keep them separate from
% documents so that they can be maintained separately. 
