digraph g {
graph [
rankdir = "LR",
concentrate = true,
ratio = auto
node [
fontsize = "10",
shape = record
edge [
"acc_trans" [shape = plaintext, label = <
| \N | |
| trans_id | integer | | | |
| chart_id | integer | | FK | |
| amount | numeric | | | |
| transdate | date | | | |
| source | text | | | |
| cleared | boolean | | | |
| fx_transaction | boolean | | | |
| project_id | integer | | | |
| memo | text | | | |
| invoice_id | integer | | | |
| entry_id | serial | PK | | |
> ];
"ap" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| invnumber | text | | | |
| transdate | date | | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| taxincluded | boolean | | | |
| amount | numeric | | | |
| netamount | numeric | | | |
| paid | numeric | | | |
| datepaid | date | | | |
| duedate | date | | | |
| invoice | boolean | | | |
| ordnumber | text | | | |
| curr | character(3) | | | |
| notes | text | | | |
| person_id | integer | | FK | |
| till | character varying(20) | | | |
| quonumber | text | | | |
| intnotes | text | | | |
| department_id | integer | | | |
| shipvia | text | | | |
| language_code | character varying(6) | | | |
| ponumber | text | | | |
| shippingpoint | text | | | |
| terms | smallint | | | |
> ];
"ar" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| invnumber | text | | | |
| transdate | date | | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| taxincluded | boolean | | | |
| amount | numeric | | | |
| netamount | numeric | | | |
| paid | numeric | | | |
| datepaid | date | | | |
| duedate | date | | | |
| invoice | boolean | | | |
| shippingpoint | text | | | |
| terms | smallint | | | |
| notes | text | | | |
| curr | character(3) | | | |
| ordnumber | text | | | |
| person_id | integer | | FK | |
| till | character varying(20) | | | |
| quonumber | text | | | |
| intnotes | text | | | |
| department_id | integer | | | |
| shipvia | text | | | |
| language_code | character varying(6) | | | |
| ponumber | text | | | |
> ];
"assembly" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | integer | PK | | |
| parts_id | integer | PK | | |
| qty | numeric | | | |
| bom | boolean | | | |
| adj | boolean | | | |
> ];
"audittrail" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| trans_id | integer | | | |
| tablename | text | | | |
| reference | text | | | |
| formname | text | | | |
| action | text | | | |
| transdate | timestamp without time zone | | | |
| person_id | integer | | FK | |
| entry_id | bigserial | PK | | |
> ];
"business" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| description | text | | | |
| discount | numeric | | | |
> ];
"chart" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| accno | text | | | |
| description | text | | | |
| charttype | character(1) | | | |
| category | character(1) | | | |
| link | text | | | |
| gifi_accno | text | | | |
| contra | boolean | | | |
> ];
"company" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| legal_name | text | PK | | |
| entity_class_id | integer | | FK | |
| primary_location_id | integer | PK | | |
| tax_id | text | | | |
> ];
"company_to_contact" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| company_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| contact_class_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| contact | text | PK | | |
> ];
"company_to_entity" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| company_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| entity_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| related_how | text | | | |
| created | date | | | |
> ];
"company_to_location" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| location_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| company_id | integer | PK | FK | |
> ];
"contact_class" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | | | |
| class | text | PK | | |
> ];
"country" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| name | text | | | |
| short_name | text | | | |
| itu | text | | | |
> ];
"custom_field_catalog" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| field_id | serial | PK | | |
| table_id | integer | | FK | |
| field_name | text | | | |
> ];
"custom_table_catalog" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| table_id | serial | PK | | |
| extends | text | | | |
| table_name | text | | | |
> ];
"customer" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| discount | numeric | | | |
| taxincluded | boolean | | | |
| creditlimit | numeric | | | |
| terms | smallint | | | |
| customernumber | character varying(32) | | | |
| cc | text | | | |
| bcc | text | | | |
| business_id | integer | | | |
| sic_code | character varying(6) | | | |
| iban | character varying(34) | | | |
| bic | character varying(11) | | | |
| language_code | character varying(6) | | | |
| pricegroup_id | integer | | | |
| curr | character(3) | | | |
| startdate | date | | | |
| enddate | date | | | |
| invoice_notes | text | | | |
> ];
"customertax" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| customer_id | integer | PK | | |
| chart_id | integer | PK | | |
> ];
"defaults" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| setting_key | text | PK | | |
| value | text | | | |
> ];
"department" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| description | text | | | |
| role | character(1) | | | |
> ];
"dpt_trans" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| trans_id | integer | PK | | |
| department_id | integer | | | |
> ];
"employee" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| login | text | | | |
| startdate | date | | | |
| enddate | date | | | |
| notes | text | | | |
| role | character varying(20) | | | |
| sales | boolean | | | |
| ssn | character varying(20) | | | |
| iban | character varying(34) | | | |
| bic | character varying(11) | | | |
| managerid | integer | | | |
| employeenumber | character varying(32) | | | |
| dob | date | | | |
> ];
"entity" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| name | text | | | |
| entity_class | integer | | FK | |
> ];
"entity_class" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| class | text | | | |
| active | boolean | | | |
> ];
"entity_class_to_entity" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| entity_class_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| entity_id | integer | PK | FK | |
> ];
"entity_other_name" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| entity_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| other_name | text | PK | | |
> ];
"exchangerate" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| curr | character(3) | PK | | |
| transdate | date | PK | | |
| buy | numeric | | | |
| sell | numeric | | | |
> ];
"gifi" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| accno | text | PK | | |
| description | text | | | |
> ];
"gl" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| reference | text | | | |
| description | text | | | |
| transdate | date | | | |
| person_id | integer | | FK | |
| notes | text | | | |
| department_id | integer | | | |
> ];
"inventory" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| warehouse_id | integer | | | |
| parts_id | integer | | | |
| trans_id | integer | | | |
| orderitems_id | integer | | | |
| qty | numeric | | | |
| shippingdate | date | | | |
| person_id | integer | | FK | |
| entry_id | serial | PK | | |
> ];
"invoice" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| trans_id | integer | | | |
| parts_id | integer | | | |
| description | text | | | |
| qty | integer | | | |
| allocated | integer | | | |
| sellprice | numeric | | | |
| fxsellprice | numeric | | | |
| discount | real | | | |
| assemblyitem | boolean | | | |
| unit | character varying(5) | | | |
| project_id | integer | | | |
| deliverydate | date | | | |
| serialnumber | text | | | |
| notes | text | | | |
> ];
"jcitems" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| project_id | integer | | | |
| parts_id | integer | | | |
| description | text | | | |
| qty | numeric | | | |
| allocated | numeric | | | |
| sellprice | numeric | | | |
| fxsellprice | numeric | | | |
| serialnumber | text | | | |
| checkedin | timestamp with time zone | | | |
| checkedout | timestamp with time zone | | | |
| person_id | integer | | FK | |
| notes | text | | | |
> ];
"language" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| code | character varying(6) | PK | | |
| description | text | | | |
> ];
"location" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| line_one | text | | | |
| line_two | text | | | |
| line_three | text | | | |
| city_province | text | | | |
| country_id | integer | | FK | |
| mail_code | text | | | |
> ];
"makemodel" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| parts_id | integer | PK | | |
| make | text | | | |
| model | text | | | |
> ];
"oe" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| ordnumber | text | | | |
| transdate | date | | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| amount | numeric | | | |
| netamount | numeric | | | |
| reqdate | date | | | |
| taxincluded | boolean | | | |
| shippingpoint | text | | | |
| notes | text | | | |
| curr | character(3) | | | |
| person_id | integer | | FK | |
| closed | boolean | | | |
| quotation | boolean | | | |
| quonumber | text | | | |
| intnotes | text | | | |
| department_id | integer | | | |
| shipvia | text | | | |
| language_code | character varying(6) | | | |
| ponumber | text | | | |
| terms | smallint | | | |
| oe_class_id | integer | | FK | |
> ];
"oe_class" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | smallint | | | |
| oe_class | text | PK | | |
> ];
"orderitems" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| trans_id | integer | | | |
| parts_id | integer | | | |
| description | text | | | |
| qty | numeric | | | |
| sellprice | numeric | | | |
| discount | numeric | | | |
| unit | character varying(5) | | | |
| project_id | integer | | | |
| reqdate | date | | | |
| ship | numeric | | | |
| serialnumber | text | | | |
| notes | text | | | |
> ];
"parts" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| partnumber | text | | | |
| description | text | | | |
| unit | character varying(5) | | | |
| listprice | numeric | | | |
| sellprice | numeric | | | |
| lastcost | numeric | | | |
| priceupdate | date | | | |
| weight | numeric | | | |
| onhand | numeric | | | |
| notes | text | | | |
| makemodel | boolean | | | |
| assembly | boolean | | | |
| alternate | boolean | | | |
| rop | real | | | |
| inventory_accno_id | integer | | | |
| income_accno_id | integer | | | |
| expense_accno_id | integer | | | |
| bin | text | | | |
| obsolete | boolean | | | |
| bom | boolean | | | |
| image | text | | | |
| drawing | text | | | |
| microfiche | text | | | |
| partsgroup_id | integer | | | |
| project_id | integer | | | |
| avgcost | numeric | | | |
> ];
"partscustomer" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| parts_id | integer | | | |
| customer_id | integer | | | |
| pricegroup_id | integer | | | |
| pricebreak | numeric | | | |
| sellprice | numeric | | | |
| validfrom | date | | | |
| validto | date | | | |
| curr | character(3) | | | |
| entry_id | serial | PK | | |
> ];
"partsgroup" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| partsgroup | text | | | |
> ];
"partstax" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| parts_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| chart_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| taxcategory_id | integer | | FK | |
> ];
"partsvendor" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| parts_id | integer | | | |
| partnumber | text | | | |
| leadtime | smallint | | | |
| lastcost | numeric | | | |
| curr | character(3) | | | |
| entry_id | serial | PK | | |
> ];
"person" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| salutation_id | integer | | FK | |
| first_name | text | | | |
| middle_name | text | | | |
| last_name | text | | | |
| primary_location_id | integer | | FK | |
> ];
"person_to_company" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| location_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| person_id | integer | PK | FK | |
> ];
"person_to_contact" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| person_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| contact_class_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| contact | text | PK | | |
> ];
"person_to_entity" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| person_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| entity_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| related_how | text | | | |
| created | date | | | |
> ];
"pricegroup" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| pricegroup | text | | | |
> ];
"project" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| projectnumber | text | | | |
| description | text | | | |
| startdate | date | | | |
| enddate | date | | | |
| parts_id | integer | | | |
| production | numeric | | | |
| completed | numeric | | | |
| customer_id | integer | | | |
> ];
"recurring" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | integer | PK | | |
| reference | text | | | |
| startdate | date | | | |
| nextdate | date | | | |
| enddate | date | | | |
| repeat | smallint | | | |
| unit | character varying(6) | | | |
| howmany | integer | | | |
| payment | boolean | | | |
> ];
"recurringemail" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | integer | PK | | |
| formname | text | | | |
| format | text | | | |
| message | text | | | |
> ];
"recurringprint" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | integer | PK | | |
| formname | text | | | |
| format | text | | | |
| printer | text | | | |
> ];
"salutation" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | | | |
| salutation | text | PK | | |
> ];
"shipto" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| trans_id | integer | | | |
| shiptoname | character varying(64) | | | |
| shiptoaddress1 | character varying(32) | | | |
| shiptoaddress2 | character varying(32) | | | |
| shiptocity | character varying(32) | | | |
| shiptostate | character varying(32) | | | |
| shiptozipcode | character varying(10) | | | |
| shiptocountry | character varying(32) | | | |
| shiptocontact | character varying(64) | | | |
| shiptophone | character varying(20) | | | |
| shiptofax | character varying(20) | | | |
| shiptoemail | text | | | |
| entry_id | serial | PK | | |
> ];
"sic" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| code | character varying(6) | PK | | |
| sictype | character(1) | | | |
| description | text | | | |
> ];
"status" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| trans_id | integer | PK | | |
| formname | text | | | |
| printed | boolean | | | |
| emailed | boolean | | | |
| spoolfile | text | | | |
> ];
"tax" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| chart_id | integer | PK | FK | |
| rate | numeric | | | |
| taxnumber | text | | | |
| validto | date | | | |
| pass | integer | | | |
| taxmodule_id | integer | | FK | |
> ];
"taxcategory" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| taxcategory_id | serial | PK | | |
| taxcategoryname | text | | | |
| taxmodule_id | integer | | FK | |
> ];
"taxmodule" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| taxmodule_id | serial | PK | | |
| taxmodulename | text | | | |
> ];
"transactions" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | integer | PK | | |
| table_name | text | | | |
> ];
"translation" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| trans_id | integer | PK | | |
| language_code | character varying(6) | PK | | |
| description | text | | | |
> ];
"vendor" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| entity_id | integer | | FK | |
| terms | smallint | | | |
| taxincluded | boolean | | | |
| vendornumber | character varying(32) | | | |
| cc | text | | | |
| bcc | text | | | |
| gifi_accno | character varying(30) | | | |
| business_id | integer | | | |
| taxnumber | character varying(32) | | | |
| sic_code | character varying(6) | | | |
| discount | numeric | | | |
| creditlimit | numeric | | | |
| iban | character varying(34) | | | |
| bic | character varying(11) | | | |
| language_code | character varying(6) | | | |
| pricegroup_id | integer | | | |
| curr | character(3) | | | |
| startdate | date | | | |
| enddate | date | | | |
> ];
"vendortax" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| vendor_id | integer | PK | | |
| chart_id | integer | PK | | |
> ];
"warehouse" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| id | serial | PK | | |
| description | text | | | |
> ];
"yearend" [shape = plaintext, label = < | \N | |
| trans_id | integer | PK | | |
| transdate | date | | | |
> ];
"acc_trans":rtcol2 -> "chart":ltcol1 [label="acc_trans_chart_id_fkey"];
"ap":rtcol4 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="ap_entity_id_fkey"];
"ap":rtcol15 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="ap_person_id_fkey"];
"ar":rtcol4 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="ar_entity_id_fkey"];
"ar":rtcol17 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="ar_person_id_fkey"];
"audittrail":rtcol7 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="audittrail_person_id_fkey"];
"company":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="company_entity_id_fkey"];
"company":rtcol4 -> "entity_class":ltcol1 [label="company_entity_class_id_fkey"];
"company":rtcol5 -> "location":ltcol1 [label="company_primary_location_id_fkey"];
"company_to_contact":rtcol1 -> "company":ltcol1 [label="company_to_contact_company_id_fkey"];
"company_to_contact":rtcol2 -> "contact_class":ltcol1 [label="company_to_contact_contact_class_id_fkey"];
"company_to_entity":rtcol1 -> "company":ltcol1 [label="company_to_entity_company_id_fkey"];
"company_to_entity":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="company_to_entity_entity_id_fkey"];
"company_to_location":rtcol1 -> "location":ltcol1 [label="company_to_location_location_id_fkey"];
"company_to_location":rtcol2 -> "company":ltcol1 [label="company_to_location_company_id_fkey"];
"custom_field_catalog":rtcol2 -> "custom_table_catalog":ltcol1 [label="custom_field_catalog_table_id_fkey"];
"customer":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="customer_entity_id_fkey"];
"employee":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="employee_entity_id_fkey"];
"entity":rtcol3 -> "entity_class":ltcol1 [label="entity_entity_class_fkey"];
"entity_class_to_entity":rtcol1 -> "entity_class":ltcol1 [label="entity_class_to_entity_entity_class_id_fkey"];
"entity_class_to_entity":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="entity_class_to_entity_entity_id_fkey"];
"entity_other_name":rtcol1 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="entity_other_name_entity_id_fkey"];
"gl":rtcol5 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="gl_person_id_fkey"];
"inventory":rtcol7 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="inventory_person_id_fkey"];
"jcitems":rtcol12 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="jcitems_person_id_fkey"];
"location":rtcol6 -> "country":ltcol1 [label="location_country_id_fkey"];
"oe":rtcol4 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="oe_entity_id_fkey"];
"oe":rtcol12 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="oe_person_id_fkey"];
"oe":rtcol22 -> "oe_class":ltcol1 [label="oe_oe_class_id_fkey"];
"partstax":rtcol1 -> "parts":ltcol1 [label="partstax_parts_id_fkey"];
"partstax":rtcol2 -> "chart":ltcol1 [label="partstax_chart_id_fkey"];
"partstax":rtcol3 -> "taxcategory":ltcol1 [label="partstax_taxcategory_id_fkey"];
"partsvendor":rtcol1 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="partsvendor_entity_id_fkey"];
"person":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="person_entity_id_fkey"];
"person":rtcol3 -> "salutation":ltcol1 [label="person_salutation_id_fkey"];
"person":rtcol7 -> "location":ltcol1 [label="person_primary_location_id_fkey"];
"person_to_company":rtcol1 -> "location":ltcol1 [label="person_to_company_location_id_fkey"];
"person_to_company":rtcol2 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="person_to_company_person_id_fkey"];
"person_to_contact":rtcol1 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="person_to_contact_person_id_fkey"];
"person_to_contact":rtcol2 -> "contact_class":ltcol1 [label="person_to_contact_contact_class_id_fkey"];
"person_to_entity":rtcol1 -> "person":ltcol1 [label="person_to_entity_person_id_fkey"];
"person_to_entity":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="person_to_entity_entity_id_fkey"];
"tax":rtcol1 -> "chart":ltcol1 [label="tax_chart_id_fkey"];
"tax":rtcol6 -> "taxmodule":ltcol1 [label="tax_taxmodule_id_fkey"];
"taxcategory":rtcol3 -> "taxmodule":ltcol1 [label="taxcategory_taxmodule_id_fkey"];
"vendor":rtcol2 -> "entity":ltcol1 [label="vendor_entity_id_fkey"];