Upgrading to version 2.4.0 1. install LedgerSMB over top # cd /usr/local # tar zxvf sql-ledger-2.4.0.tar.gz 2. fix permissions # chown -hR nobody:nogroup * # chmod 711 templates users spool replace nobody:nogroup with your web server user and group 3. install the plpgsql language compiler for PostgreSQL # createlang plpgsql 4. install plpgsql in template1 # createlang plpgsql template1 5. Edit your templates! The old address fields are obsolete. The new fields are: address1 address2 city state zipcode country The same applies to the "shipto" addresses. Before you log in edit Pg-upgrade-2.3.4-2.3.5.sql and change the way addresses are rewritten if you don't want US style addresses. North-american addresses are usually in the form of Five Star Stables 123 Horsehoe Blvd. Sweetgrass, MT 19867 U.S.A addr1 --> address1 addr2 --> city addr3 --> country addr4 --> state addr4 was put into the state field to bring the field forward to the new layout. To check if there is something in the field run a report and sort by the "State" field. Either edit the records or run the SQL queries below to take them apart. If you have anything in the "state" field change the records to match the others before you run the following queries. dbname=# update customer set state = substr(city,strpos(city,' ')+1); dbname=# update customer set zipcode = substr(state,strpos(state,' ')+1); dbname=# update customer set state = substr(state,1,strpos(state,' ')-1); dbname=# update customer set city = substr(city,1,strpos(city,',')-1); do the same with the vendor and shipto table. 6. create a new set of templates * load admin.pl and edit one of the user's * in the "New Templates" field enter "new" and save the user * go back in your browser so you have the same screen again as before * change the template directory back to what it was before the change and save the user * drop into a shell window * cd to sql-ledger/templates/new * copy the additional templates to your private template directory 7. Printers printer setup has changed to multiple printers which allow users to choose a printer. Printers can be defined in ledger-smb.conf Oracle and DB2: =============== There is no upgrade available for Oracle and DB2 yet.