LedgerSMB: LedgerSMB 1.2.0 Ledger Small Medium Business
LedgerSMB: LSMB is a capable yet user-friendly open source accounting 
LedgerSMB: and ERP solution with a web interface. Written in perl with 
LedgerSMB: a PostgresSQL backend, the multi-language multi-curency 
LedgerSMB: accounting package includes General Ledger, Accounts 
LedgerSMB: Receivable, Accounts Payable, Order Entry, Point Of Sale, 
LedgerSMB: Shipping, Quotations, and handles credit cards. LedgerSMB is 
LedgerSMB: a fork of SQL-Ledger which seeks to provide better security, 
LedgerSMB: data integrity, community support, and open documentation. 
LedgerSMB: Package Created By: LSMB Packaging Dept