#===================================================================== # LedgerSMB Small Medium Business Accounting # http://www.ledgersmb.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2006 # This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used # with permission. # # This file contains source code included with or based on SQL-Ledger which # is Copyright Dieter Simader and DWS Systems Inc. 2000-2005 and licensed # under the GNU General Public License version 2 or, at your option, any later # version. For a full list including contact information of contributors, # maintainers, and copyright holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file. # # Original Copyright Notice from SQL-Ledger 2.6.17 (before the fork): # Copyright (c) 2001 # # Author: DWS Systems Inc. # Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org # # Contributors: Antonio Gallardo # Benjamin Lee # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #====================================================================== # # module for preparing Income Statement and Balance Sheet # #====================================================================== use Error qw(:try); require "bin/arap.pl"; use LedgerSMB::Template; use LedgerSMB::PE; use LedgerSMB::RP; 1; # end of main # this is for our long dates # $locale->text('January') # $locale->text('February') # $locale->text('March') # $locale->text('April') # $locale->text('May ') # $locale->text('June') # $locale->text('July') # $locale->text('August') # $locale->text('September') # $locale->text('October') # $locale->text('November') # $locale->text('December') # this is for our short month # $locale->text('Jan') # $locale->text('Feb') # $locale->text('Mar') # $locale->text('Apr') # $locale->text('May') # $locale->text('Jun') # $locale->text('Jul') # $locale->text('Aug') # $locale->text('Sep') # $locale->text('Oct') # $locale->text('Nov') # $locale->text('Dec') # $locale->text('Balance Sheet') # $locale->text('Income Statement') # $locale->text('Trial Balance') # $locale->text('AR Aging') # $locale->text('AP Aging') # $locale->text('Tax collected') # $locale->text('Tax paid') # $locale->text('Receipts') # $locale->text('Payments') # $locale->text('Project Transactions') # $locale->text('Non-taxable Sales') # $locale->text('Non-taxable Purchases') sub report { my %hiddens; my %report = ( balance_sheet => { title => 'Balance Sheet' }, income_statement => { title => 'Income Statement' }, trial_balance => { title => 'Trial Balance' }, ar_aging => { title => 'AR Aging', vc => 'customer' }, ap_aging => { title => 'AP Aging', vc => 'vendor' }, tax_collected => { title => 'Tax collected', vc => 'customer' }, tax_paid => { title => 'Tax paid' }, nontaxable_sales => { title => 'Non-taxable Sales', vc => 'customer' }, nontaxable_purchases => { title => 'Non-taxable Purchases' }, receipts => { title => 'Receipts', vc => 'customer' }, payments => { title => 'Payments' }, projects => { title => 'Project Transactions' }, inv_activity => { title => 'Inventory Activity' }, ); $form->{title} = $locale->text( $report{ $form->{report} }->{title} ); my $gifi = 1; # get departments $form->all_departments(\%myconfig, undef, $report{$form->{report}}->{vc}); if ( ref $form->{all_department} eq 'ARRAY' ) { $form->{selectdepartment} = { name => 'department', options => [{value => '', text => ''}], }; push @{$form->{selectdepartment}{options}}, { value => "$_->{description}--$_->{id}", text => $_->{description}, } foreach @{$form->{all_department}}; } if (ref $form->{all_years} eq 'ARRAY') { # accounting years $form->{selectaccountingyear} = { name => 'year', options => [{text => '', value => ''}], }; push @{$form->{selectaccountingyear}{options}}, { text => $_, value => $_, } foreach ( @{ $form->{all_years} } ); $form->{selectaccountingmonth} = { name => 'month', options => [{text => '', value => ''}], }; push @{$form->{selectaccountingmonth}{options}}, { text => $locale->text( $form->{all_month}{$_} ), value => $_, } foreach ( sort keys %{ $form->{all_month} } ); } # get projects $form->all_projects( \%myconfig ); if (ref $form->{all_project} eq 'ARRAY') { $form->{selectproject} = { name => 'projectnumber', options => [{text => '', value => ''}], }; push @{$form->{selectproject}{options}}, { text => $_->{projectnumber}, value => "$_->{projectnumber}--$_->{id}", } foreach ( @{ $form->{all_project} } ); } $hiddens{title} = $form->{title}; my $subform; if ( $form->{report} eq "projects" ) { $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_projects'; $subform = 'generate_projects'; } elsif ( $form->{report} eq "inv_activity" ) { $gifi = 0; $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_inv_activity'; $subform = 'generate_inv_activity'; } elsif ( $form->{report} eq "income_statement" ) { $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_income_statement'; $subform = 'generate_income_statement'; } elsif ( $form->{report} eq "balance_sheet" ) { $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_balance_sheet'; $subform = 'generate_balance_sheet'; } elsif ( $form->{report} eq "trial_balance" ) { $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_trial_balance'; $subform = 'generate_trial_balance'; } elsif ( $form->{report} =~ /^tax_/ ) { $gifi = 0; $form->{db} = ( $form->{report} =~ /_collected/ ) ? "ar" : "ap"; RP->get_taxaccounts( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_tax_report'; $hiddens{db} = $form->{db}; $hiddens{sort} = 'transdate'; $subform = 'generate_tax_report'; my $checked = "checked"; $form->{taxaccountlist} = []; foreach $ref ( @{ $form->{taxaccounts} } ) { push @{$form->{taxaccountlist}}, { name => 'accno', type => 'radio', value => $ref->{accno}, label => $ref->{description}, $checked => $checked, }; $hiddens{"$ref->{accno}_description"} = $ref->{description}; $hiddens{"$ref->{accno}_rate"} = $ref->{rate}; $checked = undef; } if (ref $form->{gifi_taxaccounts} eq 'ARRAY') { $form->{gifitaxaccountlist} = []; foreach $ref ( @{ $form->{gifi_taxaccounts} } ) { push @{$form->{taxaccountlist}}, { name => 'accno', type => 'radio', value => "gifi_$ref->{accno}", label => $ref->{description}, }; $hiddens{"gifi_$ref->{accno}_description"} = $ref->{description}; $hiddens{"gifi_$ref->{accno}_rate"} = $ref->{rate}; } } } elsif ( $form->{report} =~ /^nontaxable_/ ) { $gifi = 0; $form->{db} = ( $form->{report} =~ /_sales/ ) ? "ar" : "ap"; $hiddens{nextsub} = 'generate_tax_report'; $hiddens{db} = $form->{db}; $hiddens{sort} = 'transdate'; $hiddens{report} = $form->{report}; $subform = 'generate_tax_report'; } elsif ( ( $form->{report} eq "ar_aging" ) || ( $form->{report} eq "ap_aging" ) ) { $gifi = 0; $subform = 'aging'; if ( $form->{report} eq 'ar_aging' ) { $label = $locale->text('Customer'); $form->{vc} = 'customer'; $form->{uvc} = 'Customer'; } else { $label = $locale->text('Vendor'); $form->{vc} = 'vendor'; $form->{uvc} = 'Vendor'; } # setup vc selection $form->all_vc( \%myconfig, $form->{vc}, ( $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ) ? "AR" : "AP" ); my $vc; if (ref $form->{"all_$form->{vc}"} eq 'ARRAY') { $vc = {name => $form->{vc}, options => [{text => '', value => ''}]}; for ( @{ $form->{"all_$form->{vc}"} } ) { push @{$vc->{options}}, { text => "$_->{name}", value => "$_->{name}--$_->{id}", }; } $form->{vci} = {type => 'select', input => $vc}; } else { $vc = {name => $form->{vc}, size => 35}; $form->{vci} = {type => 'input', input => $vc}; } $hiddens{type} = 'statement'; $hiddens{format} = 'ps' if $myconfig{printer}; $hiddens{media} = $myconfig{printer}; my $nextsub = "generate_$form->{report}"; $hiddens{nextsub} = $nextsub; $hiddens{action} = $nextsub; } elsif ( $form->{report} =~ /(receipts|payments)$/ ) { $gifi = 0; $subform = 'payments'; $form->{db} = ( $form->{report} =~ /payments$/ ) ? "ap" : "ar"; RP->paymentaccounts( \%myconfig, \%$form ); my $paymentaccounts = ''; $form->{paymentaccounts} = { name => 'account', options => [{text => '', value => ''}], }; foreach $ref ( @{ $form->{PR} } ) { $paymentaccounts .= "$ref->{accno} "; push @{$form->{paymentaccounts}{options}}, { text => "$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}", value => "$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}", }; } chop $paymentaccounts; $hiddens{nextsub} = 'list_payments'; $hiddens{paymentaccounts} = $paymentaccounts; $hiddens{db} = $form->{db}; $hiddens{sort} = 'transdate'; } $form->{login} = 'test'; $hiddens{$_} = $form->{$_} foreach qw(path login sessionid); ##SC: Temporary commenting ## if ( $form->{lynx} ) { ## require "bin/menu.pl"; ## &menubar; ## } my @buttons = ({ name => 'action', value => 'continue', text => $locale->text('Continue'), }); my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new_UI( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'rp-search', ); $template->render({ user => \%myconfig, form => $form, subform => $subform, hiddens => \%hiddens, options => \@options, buttons => \@buttons, gifi => $gifi, }); } sub continue { &{ $form->{nextsub} } } sub generate_inv_activity { my %hiddens; my @options; my $title = $form->{title}; RP->inventory_activity( \%myconfig, \%$form ); # if ($form->{department}) { # ($department) = split /--/, $form->{department}; # $options = $locale->text('Department')." : $department
"; # $department = $form->escape($form->{department}); # } ## if ($form->{projectnumber}) { # ($projectnumber) = split /--/, $form->{projectnumber}; # $options .= $locale->text('Project Number')." : $projectnumber
"; # $projectnumber = $form->escape($form->{projectnumber}); # } # if there are any dates if ( $form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate} ) { if ( $form->{fromdate} ) { $fromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1 ); } if ( $form->{todate} ) { $todate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 ); } $form->{period} = "$fromdate - $todate"; } else { $form->{period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->current_date( \%myconfig ), 1 ); } push @options, $form->{period}; my @column_index = qw(partnumber description sold revenue received expense); my $href = qq|rp.pl?path=$form->{path}&action=continue&accounttype=$form->{accounttype}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&fromdate=$form->{fromdate}&todate=$form->{todate}&l_heading=$form->{l_heading}&l_subtotal=$form->{l_subtotal}&department=$department&projectnumber=$projectnumber&project_id=$form->{project_id}&title=$title&nextsub=$form->{nextsub}|; my %column_header; $column_header{partnumber} = { text => $locale->text('Part Number'), href => "$href&sort_col=partnumber", }; $column_header{description} = { text => $locale->text('Description'), href => "$href&sort_col=description", }; $column_header{sold} = { text => $locale->text('Sold'), href => "$href&sort_col=sold", }; $column_header{revenue} = { text => $locale->text('Revenue'), href => "$href&sort_col=revenue", }; $column_header{received} = { text => $locale->text('Received'), href => "$href&sort_col=received", }; $column_header{expense} = { text => $locale->text('Expense'), href => "$href&sort_col=expense", }; if ( $form->{sort_col} eq 'qty' || $form->{sort_col} eq 'revenue' ) { $form->{sort_type} = 'numeric'; } my $i = 0; my $cols = "l_transdate=Y&l_name=Y&l_invnumber=Y&summary=1"; my $dates = "transdatefrom=$form->{fromdate}&transdateto=$form->{todate}&year=$form->{fromyear}&month=$form->{frommonth}&interval=$form->{interval}"; my $base = "path=$form->{path}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}"; $form->{callback} = "rp.pl?action=continue&$base"; $form->{callback} = $form->escape( $form->{callback} ); $callback = "callback=$form->{callback}"; # sort the whole thing by account numbers and display my @rows; foreach my $ref ( @{ $form->{TB} } ) { my $description = $form->escape( $ref->{description} ); my %column_data; $i = $i % 2; $column_data{i} = $i; $pnumhref = "ic.pl?action=edit&id=$ref->{id}&$base&callback=$form->{callback}"; $soldhref = "ar.pl?action=transactions&partsid=$ref->{id}&$base&$cols&$dates&$callback"; $rechref = "ap.pl?action=transactions&partsid=$ref->{id}&$base&$cols&$dates&callback=$form->{callback}"; $ml = ( $ref->{category} =~ /(A|E)/ ) ? -1 : 1; $debit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{debit}, 2, " " ); $credit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{credit}, 2, " " ); $begbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{balance} * $ml, 2, " " ); $endbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, ( $ref->{balance} + $ref->{amount} ) * $ml, 2, " " ); $column_data{partnumber} = { text => $ref->{partnumber}, href => $pnumhref, }; $column_data{sold} = { text => $ref->{sold}, href => $soldhref, }; $column_data{received} = { text => $ref->{received}, href => $rechref, }; push @rows, \%column_data; ++$i; } my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new_UI( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'form-dynatable', ); $template->render({ form => $form, hiddens => \%hiddens, options => \@options, columns => \@column_index, heading => \%column_header, rows => \@rows, row_alignment => { sold => 'right', revenue => 'right', received => 'right', expense => 'right', }, }); } sub generate_income_statement { RP->income_statement( \%myconfig, \%$form ); ( $form->{department} ) = split /--/, $form->{department}; ( $form->{projectnumber} ) = split /--/, $form->{projectnumber}; $form->{period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->current_date( \%myconfig ), 1 ); $form->{todate} = $form->current_date( \%myconfig ) unless $form->{todate}; # if there are any dates construct a where unless ( $form->{todate} ) { $form->{todate} = $form->current_date( \%myconfig ); } $longtodate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 ); $shorttodate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 0 ); $longfromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1 ); $shortfromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 0 ); $form->{this_period_from} = $shortfromdate; $form->{this_period_to} = $shorttodate; # example output: 2006-01-01 To 2007-01-01 $form->{period} = $locale->text('[_1] To [_2]', $longfromdate, $longtodate); if ( $form->{comparefromdate} || $form->{comparetodate} ) { $longcomparefromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{comparefromdate}, 1 ); $shortcomparefromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{comparefromdate}, 0 ); $longcomparetodate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{comparetodate}, 1 ); $shortcomparetodate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{comparetodate}, 0 ); $form->{last_period_from} = $shortcomparefromdate; $form->{last_period_to} = $shortcomparetodate; $form->{compare_period} = $locale->text('[_1] To [_2]', $longcomparefromdate, $longcomparetodate); } # setup variables for the form my @vars = qw(company address businessnumber); for (@vars) { $form->{$_} = $myconfig{$_} } ##SC: The escaped form will be converted in-template $form->{address} =~ s/\\n/
/g; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'income_statement', format => 'HTML', #no_escape => '1' ); try { $template->render($form); $template->output(%{$form}); } catch Error::Simple with { my $E = shift; $form->error( $E->stacktrace ); }; } sub generate_balance_sheet { RP->balance_sheet( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $form->{asofdate} = $form->current_date( \%myconfig ) unless $form->{asofdate}; $form->{period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->current_date( \%myconfig ), 1 ); ( $form->{department} ) = split /--/, $form->{department}; # define Current Earnings account push( @{ $form->{equity_account} }, { current_earnings => 1, text => $locale->text('Current Earnings') }, ); $form->{this_period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{asofdate}, 0 ); $form->{last_period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{compareasofdate}, 0 ); # setup company variables for the form for (qw(company address businessnumber nativecurr login)) { $form->{$_} = $myconfig{$_}; } ##SC: The escaped form will be converted in-template $form->{address} =~ s/\\n/
/g; $form->{templates} = $myconfig{templates}; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'balance_sheet', format => $form->{format}? uc $form->{format}: 'HTML', no_auto_output => 1, ); try { $template->render($form); $template->output(%{$form}); } catch Error::Simple with { my $E = shift; $form->error( $E->stacktrace ); }; } sub generate_projects { $form->{nextsub} = "generate_projects"; $form->{title} = $locale->text('Project Transactions'); RP->trial_balance( \%myconfig, \%$form ); &list_accounts; } sub csv_generate_projects { &generate_projects } sub xls_generate_projects { &generate_projects } sub ods_generate_projects { &generate_projects } # Antonio Gallardo # # D.S. Feb 16, 2001 # included links to display transactions for period entered # added headers and subtotals # sub generate_trial_balance { # get for each account initial balance, debits and credits RP->trial_balance( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $form->{nextsub} = "generate_trial_balance"; $form->{title} = $locale->text('Trial Balance'); $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=generate_trial_balance"; for ( qw(login path sessionid nextsub fromdate todate month year interval l_heading l_subtotal all_accounts accounttype title) ) { $form->{callback} .= "&$_=$form->{$_}"; } $form->{callback} = $form->escape( $form->{callback} ); &list_accounts; } sub csv_generate_trial_balance { &generate_trial_balance } sub xls_generate_trial_balance { &generate_trial_balance } sub ods_generate_trial_balance { &generate_trial_balance } sub list_accounts { $title = $form->escape( $form->{title} ); my %hiddens = ( path => $form->{path}, sessionid => $form->{sessionid}, login => $form->{login}, accounttype => $form->{accounttype}, fromdate => $form->{fromdate}, todate => $form->{todate}, l_heading => $form->{l_heading}, l_subtotal => $form->{l_subtotal}, all_accounts => $form->{all_accounts}, department => $form->{department}, projectnumber => $form->{projectnumber}, project_id => $form->{project_id}, ); my @options; if ( $form->{department} ) { ($department) = split /--/, $form->{department}; push @options, $locale->text('Department: [_1]', $department); $department = $form->escape( $form->{department} ); } if ( $form->{projectnumber} ) { ($projectnumber) = split /--/, $form->{projectnumber}; push @options, $locale->text('Project Number: [_1]', $projectnumber); $projectnumber = $form->escape( $form->{projectnumber} ); } # if there are any dates if ( $form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate} ) { if ( $form->{fromdate} ) { $fromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1 ); } if ( $form->{todate} ) { $todate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 ); } $form->{period} = "$fromdate - $todate"; } else { $form->{period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->current_date( \%myconfig ), 1 ); } push @options, $form->{period}; my @column_index = qw(accno description begbalance debit credit endbalance); my %column_header; $column_header{accno} = $locale->text('Account'); $column_header{description} = $locale->text('Description'); $column_header{debit} = $locale->text('Debit'); $column_header{credit} = $locale->text('Credit'); $column_header{begbalance} = $locale->text('Balance'); $column_header{endbalance} = $locale->text('Balance'); if ( $form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi' ) { $column_header{accno} = $locale->text('GIFI'); } # sort the whole thing by account numbers and display my @rows; foreach $ref ( sort { $a->{accno} cmp $b->{accno} } @{ $form->{TB} } ) { my %column_data; my $description = $form->escape( $ref->{description} ); my $href = qq|ca.pl?path=$form->{path}&action=list_transactions&accounttype=$form->{accounttype}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&fromdate=$form->{fromdate}&todate=$form->{todate}&sort=transdate&l_heading=$form->{l_heading}&l_subtotal=$form->{l_subtotal}&department=$department&projectnumber=$projectnumber&project_id=$form->{project_id}&title=$title&nextsub=$form->{nextsub}&prevreport=$form->{callback}|; if ( $form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi' ) { $href .= "&gifi_accno=$ref->{accno}&gifi_description=$description"; $na = $locale->text('N/A'); if ( !$ref->{accno} ) { for (qw(accno description)) { $ref->{$_} = $na } } } else { $href .= "&accno=$ref->{accno}&description=$description"; } $ml = ( $ref->{category} =~ /(A|E)/ ) ? -1 : 1; $ml *= -1 if $ref->{contra}; $debit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{debit}, 2, " " ); $credit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{credit}, 2, " " ); $begbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{balance} * $ml, 2, " " ); $endbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, ( $ref->{balance} + $ref->{amount} ) * $ml, 2, " " ); if ( $ref->{charttype} eq "H" && $subtotal && $form->{l_subtotal} ) { if ($subtotal) { for (qw(accno begbalance endbalance)) { $column_data{$_} = " "; } $subtotalbegbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalbegbalance, 2, " " ); $subtotalendbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalendbalance, 2, " " ); $subtotaldebit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotaldebit, 2, " " ); $subtotalcredit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalcredit, 2, " " ); $column_data{description} = $subtotaldescription; $column_data{begbalance} = $subtotalbegbalance; $column_data{endbalance} = $subtotalendbalance; $column_data{debit} = $subtotaldebit; $column_data{credit} = $subtotalcredit; $column_data{class} = 'subtotal'; push @rows, \%column_data; } } if ( $ref->{charttype} eq "H" ) { $subtotal = 1; $subtotaldescription = $ref->{description}; $subtotaldebit = $ref->{debit}; $subtotalcredit = $ref->{credit}; $subtotalbegbalance = 0; $subtotalendbalance = 0; if ( $form->{l_heading} ) { if ( !$form->{all_accounts} and ( $subtotaldebit + $subtotalcredit ) == 0 ) { $subtotal = 0; next; } } else { $subtotal = 0; if ( $form->{all_accounts} || ( $form->{l_subtotal} && ( ( $subtotaldebit + $subtotalcredit ) != 0 ) )) { $subtotal = 1; } next; } for (qw(accno debit credit begbalance endbalance)) { $column_data{$_} = " "; } $column_data{description} = $ref->{description}; $column_data{class} = 'heading'; } if ( $ref->{charttype} eq "A" ) { $column_data{accno} = {text => $ref->{accno}, href => $href}; $column_data{description} = $ref->{description}; $column_data{debit} = $debit; $column_data{credit} = $credit; $column_data{begbalance} = $begbalance; $column_data{endbalance} = $endbalance; $totaldebit += $ref->{debit}; $totalcredit += $ref->{credit}; $cml = ( $ref->{contra} ) ? -1 : 1; $subtotalbegbalance += $ref->{balance} * $ml * $cml; $subtotalendbalance += ( $ref->{balance} + $ref->{amount} ) * $ml * $cml; } if ( $ref->{charttype} eq "H" ) { $column_data{class} = 'heading'; } if ( $ref->{charttype} eq "A" ) { $i++; $i %= 2; $column_data{i} = $i; } push @rows, \%column_data; } # print last subtotal if ( $subtotal && $form->{l_subtotal} ) { my %column_data; for (qw(accno begbalance endbalance)) { $column_data{$_} = " "; } $subtotalbegbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalbegbalance, 2, " " ); $subtotalendbalance = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalendbalance, 2, " " ); $subtotaldebit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotaldebit, 2, " " ); $subtotalcredit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalcredit, 2, " " ); $column_data{description} = $subtotaldescription; $column_data{begbalance} = $subtotalbegbalance; $column_data{endbalance} = $subtotalendbalance; $column_data{debit} = $subtotaldebit; $column_data{credit} = $subtotalcredit; $column_data{class} = 'subtotal'; push @rows, \%column_data; } my %column_data; $totaldebit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totaldebit, 2, " " ); $totalcredit = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalcredit, 2, " " ); for (qw(accno description begbalance endbalance)) { $column_data{$_} = ""; } $column_data{debit} = $totaldebit; $column_data{credit} = $totalcredit; my @buttons; for my $type (qw(CSV XLS ODS)) { push @buttons, { name => 'action', value => lc "${type}_$form->{nextsub}", text => $locale->text("$type Report"), type => 'submit', class => 'submit', }; } my $format; if ($form->{action} eq 'continue') { $format = 'HTML'; } else { $format = uc substr $form->{action}, 0, 3; push @column_index, 'class'; $column_header{class} = 'rowtype'; } my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'form-dynatable', path => 'UI', format => $format, ); $template->render({ form => $form, hiddens => \%hiddens, buttons => \@buttons, options => \@options, columns => \@column_index, heading => \%column_header, rows => \@rows, totals => \%column_data, row_alignment => { 'credit' => 'right', 'debit' => 'right', 'begbalance' => 'right', 'endbalance' => 'right' }, }); } sub generate_ar_aging { # split customer ( $form->{customer} ) = split( /--/, $form->{customer} ); $customer = $form->escape( $form->{customer}, 1 ); $title = $form->escape( $form->{title}, 1 ); $media = $form->escape( $form->{media}, 1 ); $form->{ct} = "customer"; $form->{arap} = "ar"; RP->aging( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $form->{callback} = qq|$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&action=generate_ar_aging&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&todate=$form->{todate}&customer=$customer&title=$title&type=$form->{type}&format=$form->{format}&media=$media&summary=$form->{summary}|; &aging; } sub csv_generate_ar_aging { &generate_ar_aging } sub generate_ap_aging { # split vendor ( $form->{vendor} ) = split( /--/, $form->{vendor} ); $vendor = $form->escape( $form->{vendor}, 1 ); $title = $form->escape( $form->{title}, 1 ); $media = $form->escape( $form->{media}, 1 ); $form->{ct} = "vendor"; $form->{arap} = "ap"; RP->aging( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $form->{callback} = qq|$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&action=generate_ap_aging&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&todate=$form->{todate}&vendor=$vendor&title=$title&type=$form->{type}&format=$form->{format}&media=$media&summary=$form->{summary}|; &aging; } sub aging { my %hiddens; my @buttons; my @options; my %column_header; my @column_index; my %row_alignment; $column_header{statement} = ' '; $column_header{ct} = $locale->text( ucfirst $form->{ct} ); $column_header{language} = $locale->text('Language'); $column_header{invnumber} = $locale->text('Invoice'); $column_header{ordnumber} = $locale->text('Order'); $column_header{transdate} = $locale->text('Date'); $column_header{duedate} = $locale->text('Due Date'); $column_header{c0} = $locale->text('Current'); $column_header{c30} = '30'; $column_header{c60} = '60'; $column_header{c90} = '90'; $column_header{total} = $locale->text('Total'); @column_index = qw(statement ct); if ( @{ $form->{all_language} } && $form->{arap} eq 'ar' ) { push @column_index, "language"; $form->{language_options} = [{text => ' ', value => ''}]; for ( @{ $form->{all_language} } ) { push @{$form->{language_options}}, {text => $_->{description}, value => $_->{code}}; } } my @c = (); for (qw(c0 c30 c60 c90)) { if ( $form->{$_} ) { push @c, $_; $form->{callback} .= "&$_=$form->{$_}"; } } if ( !$form->{summary} ) { push @column_index, qw(invnumber ordnumber transdate duedate); } push @column_index, @c; push @column_index, "total"; if ( $form->{overdue} ) { push @options, $locale->text('Aged Overdue'); $form->{callback} .= "&overdue=$form->{overdue}"; } else { push @options, $locale->text('Aged'); } if ( $form->{department} ) { ($department) = split /--/, $form->{department}; push @options, $locale->text('Department: [_1]', $department); $department = $form->escape( $form->{department}, 1 ); $form->{callback} .= "&department=$department"; } if ( $form->{arap} eq 'ar' ) { if ( $form->{customer} ) { push @options, $form->{customer}; } } if ( $form->{arap} eq 'ap' ) { shift @column_index; if ( $form->{vendor} ) { push @options, $form->{vendor}; } } $todate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 ); push @options, $locale->text('for Period To [_1]', $todate); $ctid = 0; $i = 0; $k = 0; $l = $#{ $form->{AG} }; my @currencies; foreach my $ref ( @{ $form->{AG} } ) { if ( $curr ne $ref->{curr} ) { my %column_data; $ctid = 0; for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } if ($curr) { $c0total = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $c0total, 2, ' '); $c30total = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $c30total, 2, ' '); $c60total = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $c60total, 2, ' '); $c90total = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $c90total, 2, ' '); $total = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $total, 2, ' ' ); for (qw(ct statement language)) { $column_data{$_} = ' '; } $column_data{c0} = $c0total; $column_data{c30} = $c30total; $column_data{c60} = $c60total; $column_data{c90} = $c90total; $column_data{total} = $total; push @{$currencies[0]{totals}}, \%column_data; $c0subtotal = 0; $c30subtotal = 0; $c60subtotal = 0; $c90subtotal = 0; $subtotal = 0; $c0total = 0; $c30total = 0; $c60total = 0; $c90total = 0; $total = 0; } unshift @currencies, {}; $curr = $ref->{curr}; $currencies[0]{curr} = $curr; } $k++; my %column_data; if ( $ctid != $ref->{ctid} or $form->{summary}) { $i++; $column_data{ct} = $ref->{name}; $column_data{language} = { name => "language_code_$i", options => $form->{language_options}, default_value => $ref->{language_code}, } if $form->{language_options}; $column_data{statement} = { name => "statement_$i", type => 'checkbox', value => '1', }; $column_data{statement}{checked} = 'checked' if $ref->{checked}; $hiddens{"$form->{ct}_id_$i"} = $ref->{ctid}; $hiddens{"curr_$i"} = $ref->{curr}; } $ctid = $ref->{ctid}; for (qw(c0 c30 c60 c90)) { $ref->{$_} = $form->round_amount( $ref->{$_} / $ref->{exchangerate}, 2 ); } $c0subtotal += $ref->{c0}; $c30subtotal += $ref->{c30}; $c60subtotal += $ref->{c60}; $c90subtotal += $ref->{c90}; $c0total += $ref->{c0}; $c30total += $ref->{c30}; $c60total += $ref->{c60}; $c90total += $ref->{c90}; $ref->{total} = ( $ref->{c0} + $ref->{c30} + $ref->{c60} + $ref->{c90} ); $subtotal += $ref->{total}; $total += $ref->{total}; $ref->{c0} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{c0}, 2, ' ' ); $ref->{c30} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{c30}, 2, ' ' ); $ref->{c60} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{c60}, 2, ' ' ); $ref->{c90} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{c90}, 2, ' ' ); $ref->{total} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{total}, 2, ' ' ); $href = qq|$ref->{module}.pl?path=$form->{path}&action=edit&id=$ref->{id}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&callback=| . $form->escape( $form->{callback} ); $column_data{invnumber} = {text => $ref->{invnumber}, href => $href}; for (qw(c0 c30 c60 c90 total ordnumber transdate duedate)) { $column_data{$_} = $ref->{$_}; } if ( !$form->{summary} ) { $j++; $j %= 2; $column_data{i} = $j; my $rowref = {}; $rowref->{$_} = $column_data{$_} for keys %column_data; push @{$currencies[0]{rows}}, $rowref; for (qw(ct statement language)) { $column_data{$_} = ' '; } } $column_data{ct} = $ref->{name}; # prepare subtotal $nextid = ( $k <= $l ) ? $form->{AG}->[$k]->{ctid} : 0; if ( $ctid != $nextid ) { $c0subtotal = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c0subtotal, 2, ' ' ); $c30subtotal = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c30subtotal, 2, ' ' ); $c60subtotal = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c60subtotal, 2, ' ' ); $c90subtotal = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c90subtotal, 2, ' ' ); $subtotal = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotal, 2, ' ' ); if ( $form->{summary} ) { $column_data{c0} = $c0subtotal; $column_data{c30} = $c30subtotal; $column_data{c60} = $c60subtotal; $column_data{c90} = $c90subtotal; $column_data{total} = $subtotal; $j++; $j %= 2; $column_data{i} = $j; push @{$currencies[0]{rows}}, \%column_data; } else { for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } $column_data{c0} = $c0subtotal; $column_data{c30} = $c30subtotal; $column_data{c60} = $c60subtotal; $column_data{c90} = $c90subtotal; $column_data{total} = $subtotal; $column_data{class} = 'subtotal'; push @{$currencies[0]{rows}}, \%column_data; } $c0subtotal = 0; $c30subtotal = 0; $c60subtotal = 0; $c90subtotal = 0; $subtotal = 0; } } my %column_data; for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } $c0total = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c0total, 2, ' ' ); $c30total = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c30total, 2, ' ' ); $c60total = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c60total, 2, ' ' ); $c90total = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $c90total, 2, ' ' ); $total = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $total, 2, ' ' ); $column_data{c0} = $c0total; $column_data{c30} = $c30total; $column_data{c60} = $c60total; $column_data{c90} = $c90total; $column_data{total} = $total; $currencies[0]{total} = \%column_data; $row_alignment{c0} = 'right'; $row_alignment{c30} = 'right'; $row_alignment{c60} = 'right'; $row_alignment{c90} = 'right'; $row_alignment{total} = 'right'; $hiddens{rowcount} = $i; &print_options if ( $form->{arap} eq 'ar' ); my @buttons; if ( $form->{arap} eq 'ar' ) { $hiddens{$_} = $form->{$_} foreach qw(todate title summary overdue c0 c30 c60 c90 callback arap ct department path login sessionid); $hiddens{$form->{ct}} = $form->{$form->{ct}}; # type=submit $locale->text('Select all') # type=submit $locale->text('Print') # type=submit $locale->text('E-mail') my %button = ( 'select_all' => { ndx => 1, key => 'A', value => $locale->text('Select all') }, 'print' => { ndx => 2, key => 'P', value => $locale->text('Print') }, 'e_mail' => { ndx => 5, key => 'E', value => $locale->text('E-mail') }, ); for ( sort { $button{$a}->{ndx} <=> $button{$b}->{ndx} } keys %button ) { push @buttons, { accesskey => $button{$_}->{key}, text => $button{$_}->{value}, title => "$button{$_}->{value} [Alt-$button{$_}->{key}]", value => $_, name => 'action', }; } } ##SC: Temporary commenting ## if ( $form->{lynx} ) { ## require "bin/menu.pl"; ## &menubar; ## } for my $type (qw(CSV XLS ODS)) { push @buttons, { name => 'action', value => lc "${type}_$form->{nextsub}", text => $locale->text("$type Report"), type => 'submit', class => 'submit', }; } my $format; if ($form->{action} =~ /^(continue|generate_)/) { $format = 'HTML'; } else { $format = uc substr $form->{action}, 0, 3; push @column_index, 'class'; @column_index = grep {!/^(language|statement)$/} @column_index; $column_header{class} = 'rowtype'; } my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'rp-aging', path => 'UI', format => $format, ); $template->render({ form => $form, hiddens => \%hiddens, buttons => \@buttons, options => \@options, columns => \@column_index, heading => \%column_header, currencies => [reverse @currencies], row_alignment => { 'credit' => 'right', 'debit' => 'right', 'begbalance' => 'right', 'endbalance' => 'right' }, }); } sub select_all { RP->aging( \%myconfig, \%$form ); for ( @{ $form->{AG} } ) { $_->{checked} = "checked" } &aging; } sub print_options { $form->{sendmode} = "attachment"; $form->{copies} = 1 unless $form->{copies}; $form->{print}{format} = {name => 'format', default_values => $form->{format}}; $form->{print}{template} = {name => 'type', default_values => $form->{type}}; my @formats = (); my @media = (); my @templates = (); push @formats, {text => 'HTML', value => 'html'}; push @templates, {text => $locale->text('Statement'), value => 'statement'}; if ( $form->{media} eq 'email' ) { $form->{print}{medium} = {name => 'sendmode', default_values => $form->{sendmode}}; push @media, {text => $locale->text('Attachment'), value => 'attachment'}; push @media, {text => $locale->text('In-line'), value => 'inline'}; if ($form->{SM}{attachment}) { $form->{print}{medium}{default_values} = $form->{SM}{attachment}; } elsif ($form->{SM}{inline}) { $form->{print}{medium}{default_values} = $form->{SM}{inline}; } } else { $form->{print}{medium} = {name => 'media'}; push @media, {text => $locale->text('Screen'), value => 'screen'}; if ( %{LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::printer} && ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::latex} ) { for ( sort keys %{LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::printer} ) { push @media, {text => $_, value => $_}; } } } if ( ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::latex} ) { push @formats, {text => $locale->text('PDF'), value => 'pdf'}; push @formats, {text => $locale->text('Postscript'), value => 'ps'}; } if ( %{LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::printer} && ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::latex} && $form->{media} ne 'email' ) { $form->{print}{copies} = { label => $locale->text('Copies'), name => 'copies', value => $form->{copies}, size => 2, }; } $form->{print}{template}{options} = \@templates; $form->{print}{format}{options} = \@formats; $form->{print}{medium}{options} = \@media; } sub e_mail { my %hiddens; # get name and email addresses for $i ( 1 .. $form->{rowcount} ) { if ( $form->{"statement_$i"} ) { $form->{"$form->{ct}_id"} = $form->{"$form->{ct}_id_$i"}; $form->{"statement_1"} = 1; $form->{"language_code_1"} = $form->{"language_code_$i"}; $form->{"curr_1"} = $form->{"curr_$i"}; RP->get_customer( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $selected = 1; last; } } $form->error( $locale->text('Nothing selected!') ) unless $selected; $form->{media} = "email"; &print_options; for (qw(email cc bcc subject message type sendmode format action nextsub)) { delete $form->{$_}; } for (keys %$form) { $hiddens{$_} = $form->{$_} unless ref $form->{$_}; } my @buttons = ({ name => 'action', value => 'send_email', text => $locale->text('Continue'), }); my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new_UI( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'rp-email', ); $template->render({ form => $form, user => \%myconfig, hiddens => \%hiddens, buttons => \@buttons, }); } sub send_email { $form->{subject} = $locale->text( 'Statement - [_1]', $form->{todate} ) unless $form->{subject}; $form->isblank( "email", $locale->text('E-mail address missing!') ); RP->aging( \%myconfig, $form ); my $data = &print_form; delete $form->{header}; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => \%myconfig, template => $form->{'formname'} || $form->{'type'}, format => uc $form->{format}, method => 'email', output_options => { to => $form->{email}, cc => $form->{cc}, bcc => $form->{bcc}, from => $form->{form}, subject => $form->{subject}, message => $form->{message}, notify => $form->{read_receipt}, attach => ($form->{sendmode} eq 'attachment')? 1: 0, }, ); try { $template->render({data => [$data]}); } catch Error::Simple with { my $E = shift; $form->error( $E->stacktrace ); }; $form->redirect( $locale->text( 'Statement sent to [_1]', $form->{ $form->{ct} } ) ); exit; } sub print { if ( $form->{media} !~ /(screen|email)/ ) { $form->error( $locale->text('Select postscript or PDF!') ) if ( $form->{format} !~ /(postscript|pdf)/ ); } my @batch_data = (); my $selected; for $i ( 1 .. $form->{rowcount} ) { if ( $form->{"statement_$i"} ) { $form->{"$form->{ct}_id"} = $form->{"$form->{ct}_id_$i"}; $language_code = $form->{"language_code_$i"}; $curr = $form->{"curr_$i"}; $selected = 1; if ( $form->{media} !~ /(screen|email)/ ) { # SC: I may not need this anymore... # But I'll wait until lpr output is working before deciding $form->{OUT} = "${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::printer}{$form->{media}}"; $form->{"$form->{ct}_id"} = ""; $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; } else { $form->{"statement_1"} = 1; $form->{"language_code_1"} = $language_code; $form->{"curr_1"} = $curr; } RP->aging( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $printhash = &print_form; push @batch_data, $printhash; } } $form->error( $locale->text('Nothing selected!') ) unless $selected; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => \%myconfig, template => $form->{'formname'} || $form->{'type'}, format => uc $form->{format} ); try { $template->render({data => \@batch_data}); $template->output($form); } catch Error::Simple with { my $E = shift; $form->error( $E->stacktrace ); }; $form->redirect( $locale->text('Statements sent to printer!') ) if ( $form->{media} !~ /(screen|email)/ ); } sub print_form { $form->{statementdate} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 ); $form->{templates} = "$myconfig{templates}"; # setup variables for the form my @vars = qw(company address businessnumber tel fax); for (@vars) { $form->{$_} = $myconfig{$_} } $form->{address} =~ s/\\n/\n/g; @vars = qw(name address1 address2 city state zipcode country contact); push @vars, "$form->{ct}phone", "$form->{ct}fax", "$form->{ct}taxnumber"; push @vars, 'email' if !$form->{media} eq 'email'; my $i = 0; while ( @{ $form->{AG} } ) { my $ref = shift @{ $form->{AG} }; if ( $ctid != $ref->{ctid} ) { $ctid = $ref->{ctid}; $i++; if ( $form->{"statement_$i"} ) { for (@vars) { $form->{$_} = $ref->{$_} } $form->{ $form->{ct} } = $form->{name}; $form->{"$form->{ct}_id"} = $ref->{ctid}; $form->{language_code} = $form->{"language_code_$i"}; $form->{currency} = $form->{"curr_$i"}; for (qw(invnumber ordnumber ponumber notes invdate duedate)) { $form->{$_} = (); } $form->{total} = 0; foreach $item (qw(c0 c30 c60 c90)) { $form->{$item} = (); $form->{"${item}total"} = 0; } &statement_details($ref) if $ref->{curr} eq $form->{currency}; while ($ref) { if ( scalar( @{ $form->{AG} } ) > 0 ) { # one or more left to go if ( $ctid == $form->{AG}->[0]->{ctid} ) { $ref = shift @{ $form->{AG} }; &statement_details($ref) if $ref->{curr} eq $form->{currency}; # any more? $ref = scalar( @{ $form->{AG} } ); } else { $ref = 0; } } else { # set initial ref to 0 $ref = 0; } } for ( "c0", "c30", "c60", "c90", "" ) { $form->{"${_}total"} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $form->{"${_}total"}, 2 ); } my $printhash = {}; for (keys %$form) { $printhash->{$_} = $form->{$_}} return $printhash; } } } } sub statement_details { my ($ref) = @_; $ref->{invdate} = $ref->{transdate}; my @a = qw(invnumber ordnumber ponumber notes invdate duedate); for (@a) { $form->{"${_}_1"} = $ref->{$_} } $form->format_string(qw(invnumber_1 ordnumber_1 ponumber_1 notes_1)); for (@a) { push @{ $form->{$_} }, $form->{"${_}_1"} } foreach $item (qw(c0 c30 c60 c90)) { eval { $ref->{$item} = $form->round_amount( $ref->{$item} / $ref->{exchangerate}, 2 ); }; $form->{"${item}total"} += $ref->{$item}; $form->{total} += $ref->{$item}; push @{ $form->{$item} }, $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{$item}, 2 ); } } sub generate_tax_report { RP->tax_report( \%myconfig, \%$form ); my %hiddens; my @options; my $descvar = "$form->{accno}_description"; my $description = $form->escape( $form->{$descvar} ); my $ratevar = "$form->{accno}_rate"; my $taxrate = $form->{"$form->{accno}_rate"}; if ( $form->{accno} =~ /^gifi_/ ) { $descvar = "gifi_$form->{accno}_description"; $description = $form->escape( $form->{$descvar} ); $ratevar = "gifi_$form->{accno}_rate"; $taxrate = $form->{"gifi_$form->{accno}_rate"}; } my $department = $form->escape( $form->{department} ); # construct href my $href = "$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&direction=$form->{direction}&oldsort=$form->{oldsort}&action=generate_tax_report&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&fromdate=$form->{fromdate}&todate=$form->{todate}&db=$form->{db}&method=$form->{method}&summary=$form->{summary}&accno=$form->{accno}&$descvar=$description&department=$department&$ratevar=$taxrate&report=$form->{report}"; # construct callback $description = $form->escape( $form->{$descvar}, 1 ); $department = $form->escape( $form->{department}, 1 ); $form->sort_order(); my $callback = "$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&direction=$form->{direction}&oldsort=$form->{oldsort}&action=generate_tax_report&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&fromdate=$form->{fromdate}&todate=$form->{todate}&db=$form->{db}&method=$form->{method}&summary=$form->{summary}&accno=$form->{accno}&$descvar=$description&department=$department&$ratevar=$taxrate&report=$form->{report}"; $form->{title} = $locale->text('GIFI') . " - " if ( $form->{accno} =~ /^gifi_/ ); my $title = $form->escape( $form->{title} ); $href .= "&title=$title"; $title = $form->escape( $form->{title}, 1 ); $callback .= "&title=$title"; $form->{title} = qq|$form->{title} $form->{"$form->{accno}_description"} |; my @columns = $form->sort_columns( qw(id transdate invnumber name description netamount tax total)); $form->{"l_description"} = "" if $form->{summary}; my @column_index; foreach my $item (@columns) { if ( $form->{"l_$item"} eq "Y" ) { push @column_index, $item; # add column to href and callback $callback .= "&l_$item=Y"; $href .= "&l_$item=Y"; } } if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) { $callback .= "&l_subtotal=Y"; $href .= "&l_subtotal=Y"; } if ( $form->{department} ) { ($department) = split /--/, $form->{department}; push @options, $locale->text('Department: [_1]', $department); } # if there are any dates my $fromdate; my $todate; if ( $form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate} ) { if ( $form->{fromdate} ) { $fromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1 ); } if ( $form->{todate} ) { $todate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 ); } $form->{period} = "$fromdate - $todate"; } else { $form->{period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->current_date( \%myconfig ), 1 ); } my $name; my $invoice; my $arap; if ( $form->{db} eq 'ar' ) { $name = $locale->text('Customer'); $invoice = 'is.pl'; $arap = 'ar.pl'; } if ( $form->{db} eq 'ap' ) { $name = $locale->text('Vendor'); $invoice = 'ir.pl'; $arap = 'ap.pl'; } push @options, $form->{period}; my %column_header; $column_header{id} = { href => "$href&sort=id", text => $locale->text('ID'), }; $column_header{invnumber} = { href => "$href&sort=invnumber", text => $locale->text('Invoice') }; $column_header{transdate} = { href => "$href&sort=transdate", text => $locale->text('Date'), }; $column_header{netamount} = $locale->text('Amount'); $column_header{tax} = $locale->text('Tax'); $column_header{total} = $locale->text('Total'); $column_header{name} = { href => "$href&sort=name", text => $name, }; $column_header{description} = { href => "$href&sort=description", text => $locale->text('Description'), }; # add sort and escape callback $callback = $form->escape( $callback . "&sort=$form->{sort}" ); my $sameitem; if ( @{ $form->{TR} } ) { $sameitem = $form->{TR}->[0]->{ $form->{sort} }; } my $totalnetamount; my @rows; my $i; foreach my $ref ( @{ $form->{TR} } ) { my %column_data; my $module = ( $ref->{invoice} ) ? $invoice : $arap; $module = 'ps.pl' if $ref->{till}; if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) { if ( $sameitem ne $ref->{ $form->{sort} } ) { push @rows, &tax_subtotal(\@column_index); $sameitem = $ref->{ $form->{sort} }; } } $totalnetamount += $ref->{netamount}; $totaltax += $ref->{tax}; $ref->{total} = $ref->{netamount} + $ref->{tax}; $subtotalnetamount += $ref->{netamount}; $subtotaltax += $ref->{tax}; for (qw(netamount tax total)) { $ref->{$_} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ref->{$_}, 2, ' ' ); } $column_data{id} = $ref->{id}; $column_data{invnumber} = { href => "$module?path=$form->{path}&action=edit&id=$ref->{id}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&callback=$callback", text => $ref->{invnumber}, }; for (qw(id transdate name partnumber description)) { $column_data{$_} = $ref->{$_}; } for (qw(netamount tax total)) { $column_data{$_} = $ref->{$_}; } $i++; $i %= 2; $column_data{i} = $i; push @rows, \%column_data; } if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) { push @rows, &tax_subtotal(\@column_index); } my %column_data; for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } $total = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalnetamount + $totaltax, 2, ' ' ); $totalnetamount = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalnetamount, 2, ' ' ); $totaltax = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totaltax, 2, ' ' ); $column_data{netamount} = $totalnetamount; $column_data{tax} = $totaltax; $column_data{total} = $total; my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new_UI( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'form-dynatable', ); $template->render({ form => $form, hiddens => \%hiddens, options => \@options, columns => \@column_index, heading => \%column_header, rows => \@rows, totals => \%column_data, row_alignment => { netamount => 'right', tax => 'right', total => 'right', }, }); } sub tax_subtotal { my $column_index = shift; my %column_data; for (@{$column_index}) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } #SC: Yes, right now these are global, inherited from generate_tax_report $subtotal = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalnetamount + $subtotaltax, 2, ' ' ); $subtotalnetamount = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalnetamount, 2, ' ' ); $subtotaltax = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotaltax, 2, ' ' ); $column_data{netamount} = { class => 'subtotal', text => $subtotalnetamount, }; $column_data{tax} = { class => 'subtotal', text => $subtotaltax, }; $column_data{total} = { class => 'subtotal', text => $subtotal, }; $subtotalnetamount = 0; $subtotaltax = 0; \%column_data; } sub list_payments { my %hiddens; my @options; my $vc = ($form->{db} eq 'ar') ? 'Customer' : 'Vendor'; if ( $form->{account} ) { ( $form->{paymentaccounts} ) = split /--/, $form->{account}; } if ( $form->{department} ) { ( $department, $form->{department_id} ) = split /--/, $form->{department}; push @options, $locale->text('Department: [_1]', $department); } RP->payments( \%myconfig, \%$form ); my @columns = $form->sort_columns(qw(transdate name paid source meta_number memo)); if ( $form->{till} ) { @columns = $form->sort_columns(qw(transdate name paid curr source meta_number till)); if ( $myconfig{role} ne 'user' ) { @columns = $form->sort_columns( qw(transdate name paid curr source till employee)); } } # construct href my $title = $form->escape( $form->{title} ); $form->{paymentaccounts} =~ s/ /%20/g; my $href = "$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&direction=$form->{direction}&sort=$form->{sort}&oldsort=$form->{oldsort}&action=list_payments&till=$form->{till}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&fromdate=$form->{fromdate}&todate=$form->{todate}&fx_transaction=$form->{fx_transaction}&db=$form->{db}&l_subtotal=$form->{l_subtotal}&prepayment=$form->{prepayment}&paymentaccounts=$form->{paymentaccounts}&title=" . $form->escape( $form->{title} ); $form->sort_order(); $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&direction=$form->{direction}&sort=$form->{sort}&oldsort=$form->{oldsort}&action=list_payments&till=$form->{till}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&fromdate=$form->{fromdate}&todate=$form->{todate}&fx_transaction=$form->{fx_transaction}&db=$form->{db}&l_subtotal=$form->{l_subtotal}&prepayment=$form->{prepayment}&paymentaccounts=$form->{paymentaccounts}&title=" . $form->escape( $form->{title}, 1 ); my $callback; if ( $form->{account} ) { $callback .= "&account=" . $form->escape( $form->{account}, 1 ); $href .= "&account=" . $form->escape( $form->{account} ); push @options, $locale->text('Account: [_1]', $form->{account}); } if ( $form->{department} ) { $callback .= "&department=" . $form->escape( $form->{department}, 1 ); $href .= "&department=" . $form->escape( $form->{department} ); push @options, $locale->text('Department: [_1]', $form->{department}); } if ( $form->{description} ) { $callback .= "&description=" . $form->escape( $form->{description}, 1 ); $href .= "&description=" . $form->escape( $form->{description} ); push @options, $locale->text('Description: [_1]', $form->{description}); } if ( $form->{source} ) { $callback .= "&source=" . $form->escape( $form->{source}, 1 ); $href .= "&source=" . $form->escape( $form->{source} ); push @options, $locale->text('Source: [_1]', $form->{source}); } if ( $form->{memo} ) { $callback .= "&memo=" . $form->escape( $form->{memo}, 1 ); $href .= "&memo=" . $form->escape( $form->{memo} ); push @options, $locale->text('Memo: [_1]', $form->{memo}); } if ( $form->{fromdate} ) { push @options, $locale->text('From [_1]', $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1 )); } if ( $form->{todate} ) { push @options, $locale->text('To [_1]', $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 )); } $callback = $form->escape( $form->{callback} ); my %column_header; $column_header{name} = { href => "$href&sort=name", text => $locale->text('Description'), }; $column_header{transdate} = { href => "$href&sort=transdate", text => $locale->text('Date'), }; $column_header{paid} = $locale->text('Amount'); $column_header{curr} = $locale->text('Curr'); $column_header{source} = { href => "$href&sort=source", text => $locale->text('Source'), }; $column_header{meta_number} = { href => "$href&sort=meta_number", text => $locale->text("$vc Number"), }; $column_header{employee} = { href => "$href&sort=employee", text => $locale->text('Salesperson'), }; $column_header{till} = { href => "$href&sort=till", text => $locale->text('Till'), }; my @column_index = @columns; my @accounts; my $i; foreach my $ref ( sort { $a->{accno} cmp $b->{accno} } @{ $form->{PR} } ) { next unless @{ $form->{ $ref->{id} } }; push @accounts, {header => "$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}"}; if ( @{ $form->{ $ref->{id} } } ) { $sameitem = $form->{ $ref->{id} }[0]->{ $form->{sort} }; } my @rows; foreach my $payment ( @{ $form->{ $ref->{id} } } ) { if ( $form->{l_subtotal} ) { if ( $payment->{ $form->{sort} } ne $sameitem ) { # print subtotal push @rows, &payment_subtotal(\@column_index); } } next if ( $form->{till} && !$payment->{till} ); my %column_data; $column_data{meta_number} = $payment->{meta_number}; $column_data{name} = $payment->{name}; $column_data{transdate} = $payment->{transdate}; $column_data{paid} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $payment->{paid}, 2, ' '); $column_data{curr} = $payment->{curr}; $column_data{source} = $payment->{source}; $column_data{memo} = $payment->{memo}; $column_data{employee} = $payment->{employee}; $column_data{till} = $payment->{till}; $subtotalpaid += $payment->{paid}; $accounttotalpaid += $payment->{paid}; $totalpaid += $payment->{paid}; $i++; $i %= 2; $column_data{i} = $i; push @rows, \%column_data; $sameitem = $payment->{ $form->{sort} }; } push @rows, &payment_subtotal(\@column_index) if $form->{l_subtotal}; $accounts[$#accounts]{rows} = \@rows; # print account totals my %column_data; for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } $column_data{paid} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $accounttotalpaid, 2, ' ' ); $accounts[$#accounts]{totals} = \%column_data; $accounttotalpaid = 0; } # prepare total my %column_data; for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } $column_data{paid} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalpaid, 2, ' ' ); ##SC: Temporary removal ## if ( $form->{lynx} ) { ## require "bin/menu.pl"; ## &menubar; ## } my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new_UI( user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => 'rp-payments', ); $template->render({ form => $form, hiddens => \%hiddens, options => \@options, columns => \@column_index, heading => \%column_header, accounts => \@accounts, totals => \%column_data, row_alignment => { paid => 'right', }, }); } sub payment_subtotal { my $column_index = shift; my %column_data; if ( $subtotalpaid != 0 ) { for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = ' ' } $column_data{paid} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalpaid, 2, ' ' ); $column_data{class} = 'subtotal'; } $subtotalpaid = 0; \%column_data; }