# LedgerSMB Small Medium Business Accounting
# Copyright (c) 2003
#  Author: DWS Systems Inc.
#     Web: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ledger-smb/
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# common routines for gl, ar, ap, is, ir, oe

use SL::AA;

# any custom scripts for this one
if (-f "$form->{path}/custom_arap.pl") {
  eval { require "$form->{path}/custom_arap.pl"; };
if (-f "$form->{path}/$form->{login}_arap.pl") {
  eval { require "$form->{path}/$form->{login}_arap.pl"; };

# end of main

sub check_name {
  my ($name) = @_;

  my ($new_name, $new_id) = split /--/, $form->{$name};
  my $rv = 0;
  # if we use a selection
  if ($form->{"select$name"}) {
    if ($form->{"old$name"} ne $form->{$name}) {
      # this is needed for is, ir and oe
      for (split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}) { delete $form->{"${_}_rate"} }

      # for credit calculations
      $form->{oldinvtotal} = 0;
      $form->{oldtotalpaid} = 0;
      $form->{calctax} = 1;
      $form->{"${name}_id"} = $new_id;
      AA->get_name(\%myconfig, \%$form);

      $form->{$name} = $form->{"old$name"} = "$new_name--$new_id";
      $form->{currency} =~ s/ //g;

      # put employee together if there is a new employee_id
      $form->{employee} = "$form->{employee}--$form->{employee_id}" if $form->{employee_id};

      $rv = 1;
  } else {

    # check name, combine name and id
    if ($form->{"old$name"} ne qq|$form->{$name}--$form->{"${name}_id"}|) {
      # this is needed for is, ir and oe
      for (split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}) { delete $form->{"${_}_rate"} }

      # for credit calculations
      $form->{oldinvtotal} = 0;
      $form->{oldtotalpaid} = 0;
      $form->{calctax} = 1;

      # return one name or a list of names in $form->{name_list}
      if (($rv = $form->get_name(\%myconfig, $name, $form->{transdate})) > 1) {

      if ($rv == 1) {
	# we got one name
	$form->{"${name}_id"} = $form->{name_list}[0]->{id};
	$form->{$name} = $form->{name_list}[0]->{name};
	$form->{"old$name"} = qq|$form->{$name}--$form->{"${name}_id"}|;
	AA->get_name(\%myconfig, \%$form);
	$form->{currency} =~ s/ //g;
	# put employee together if there is a new employee_id
	$form->{employee} = "$form->{employee}--$form->{employee_id}" if $form->{employee_id};

      } else {
	# name is not on file
	$msg = ucfirst $name . " not on file!";



# $locale->text('Customer not on file!')
# $locale->text('Vendor not on file!')

sub select_name {
  my ($table) = @_;
  @column_index = qw(ndx name address);

  $label = ucfirst $table;
  $column_data{ndx} = qq|<th>&nbsp;</th>|;
  $column_data{name} = qq|<th class=listheading>|.$locale->text($label).qq|</th>|;
  $column_data{address} = qq|<th class=listheading colspan=5>|.$locale->text('Address').qq|</th>|;
  # list items with radio button on a form

  $title = $locale->text('Select from one of the names below');

  print qq|

<form method=post action=$form->{script}>

<table width=100%>
    <th class=listtop>$title</th>
  <tr space=5></tr>
      <table width=100%>
	<tr class=listheading>|;

  for (@column_index) { print "\n$column_data{$_}" }
  print qq|

  @column_index = qw(ndx name address city state zipcode country);
  my $i = 0;
  foreach $ref (@{ $form->{name_list} }) {
    $checked = ($i++) ? "" : "checked";

    $ref->{name} = $form->quote($ref->{name});
   $column_data{ndx} = qq|<td><input name=ndx class=radio type=radio value=$i $checked></td>|;
   $column_data{name} = qq|<td><input name="new_name_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{name}">$ref->{name}</td>|;
   $column_data{address} = qq|<td>$ref->{address1} $ref->{address2}</td>|;
   for (qw(city state zipcode country)) { $column_data{$_} = qq|<td>$ref->{$_}&nbsp;</td>| }
    $j++; $j %= 2;
    print qq|
	<tr class=listrow$j>|;

    for (@column_index) { print "\n$column_data{$_}" }

    print qq|

<input name="new_id_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{id}>


  print qq|
    <td><hr size=3 noshade></td>

<input name=lastndx type=hidden value=$i>


  # delete variables
  for (qw(nextsub name_list)) { delete $form->{$_} }
  $form->{action} = "name_selected";

  print qq|
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=name_selected>
<input type=hidden name=vc value=$table>
<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|">



sub name_selected {

  # replace the variable with the one checked

  # index for new item
  $i = $form->{ndx};
  $form->{$form->{vc}} = $form->{"new_name_$i"};
  $form->{"$form->{vc}_id"} = $form->{"new_id_$i"};
  $form->{"old$form->{vc}"} = qq|$form->{$form->{vc}}--$form->{"$form->{vc}_id"}|;

  # delete all the new_ variables
  for $i (1 .. $form->{lastndx}) {
    for (qw(id, name)) { delete $form->{"new_${_}_$i"} }
  for (qw(ndx lastndx nextsub)) { delete $form->{$_} }

  AA->get_name(\%myconfig, \%$form);

  # put employee together if there is a new employee_id
  $form->{employee} = "$form->{employee}--$form->{employee_id}" if $form->{employee_id};



sub rebuild_vc {
  my ($vc, $ARAP, $transdate, $job) = @_;

  ($null, $form->{employee_id}) = split /--/, $form->{employee};
  $form->all_vc(\%myconfig, $vc, $ARAP, undef, $transdate, $job);
  $form->{"select$vc"} = "";
  for (@{ $form->{"all_$vc"} }) { $form->{"select$vc"} .= qq|<option value="$_->{name}--$_->{id}">$_->{name}\n| }
  $form->{selectprojectnumber} = "";
  if (@{ $form->{all_project} }) {
    $form->{selectprojectnumber} = "<option>\n";
    for (@{ $form->{all_project} }) { $form->{selectprojectnumber} .= qq|<option value="$_->{projectnumber}--$_->{id}">$_->{projectnumber}\n| }


sub add_transaction {
  my ($module) = @_;

  delete $form->{script};
  $form->{action} = "add";
  $form->{type} = "invoice" if $module =~ /(is|ir)/;

  $form->{callback} = $form->escape($form->{callback},1);
  $argv = "";
  for (keys %$form) { $argv .= "$_=$form->{$_}&" }

  $form->{callback} = "$module.pl?$argv";


sub check_project {

  for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
    $form->{"project_id_$i"} = "" unless $form->{"projectnumber_$i"};
    if ($form->{"projectnumber_$i"} ne $form->{"oldprojectnumber_$i"}) {
      if ($form->{"projectnumber_$i"}) {
	# get new project
	$form->{projectnumber} = $form->{"projectnumber_$i"};
	if (($rows = PE->projects(\%myconfig, $form)) > 1) {
	  # check form->{project_list} how many there are
	  $form->{rownumber} = $i;

	if ($rows == 1) {
	  $form->{"project_id_$i"} = $form->{project_list}->[0]->{id};
	  $form->{"projectnumber_$i"} = $form->{project_list}->[0]->{projectnumber};
	  $form->{"oldprojectnumber_$i"} = $form->{project_list}->[0]->{projectnumber};
	} else {
	  # not on file
	  $form->error($locale->text('Project not on file!'));
      } else {
	$form->{"oldprojectnumber_$i"} = "";


sub select_project {
  @column_index = qw(ndx projectnumber description);

  $column_data{ndx} = qq|<th>&nbsp;</th>|;
  $column_data{projectnumber} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Number').qq|</th>|;
  $column_data{description} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Description').qq|</th>|;
  # list items with radio button on a form

  $title = $locale->text('Select from one of the projects below');

  print qq|

<form method=post action=$form->{script}>

<input type=hidden name=rownumber value=$form->{rownumber}>

<table width=100%>
    <th class=listtop>$title</th>
  <tr space=5></tr>
      <table width=100%>
	<tr class=listheading>|;

  for (@column_index) { print "\n$column_data{$_}" }
  print qq|

  my $i = 0;
  foreach $ref (@{ $form->{project_list} }) {
    $checked = ($i++) ? "" : "checked";

    $ref->{name} = $form->quote($ref->{name});
   $column_data{ndx} = qq|<td><input name=ndx class=radio type=radio value=$i $checked></td>|;
   $column_data{projectnumber} = qq|<td><input name="new_projectnumber_$i" type=hidden value="$ref->{projectnumber}">$ref->{projectnumber}</td>|;
   $column_data{description} = qq|<td>$ref->{description}</td>|;
    $j++; $j %= 2;
    print qq|
        <tr class=listrow$j>|;

    for (@column_index) { print "\n$column_data{$_}" }

    print qq|

<input name="new_id_$i" type=hidden value=$ref->{id}>


  print qq|
    <td><hr size=3 noshade></td>

<input name=lastndx type=hidden value=$i>


  # delete list variable
  for (qw(nextsub project_list)) { delete $form->{$_} }
  $form->{action} = "project_selected";

  print qq|
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=project_selected>
<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|">



sub project_selected {
  # replace the variable with the one checked

  # index for new item
  $i = $form->{ndx};
  $form->{"projectnumber_$form->{rownumber}"} = $form->{"new_projectnumber_$i"};
  $form->{"oldprojectnumber_$form->{rownumber}"} = $form->{"new_projectnumber_$i"};
  $form->{"project_id_$form->{rownumber}"} = $form->{"new_id_$i"};

  # delete all the new_ variables
  for $i (1 .. $form->{lastndx}) {
    for (qw(id projectnumber description)) { delete $form->{"new_${_}_$i"} }
  for (qw(ndx lastndx nextsub)) { delete $form->{$_} }

  if ($form->{update}) {
    &{ $form->{update} };
  } else {


sub post_as_new {

  for (qw(id printed emailed queued)) { delete $form->{$_} }


sub print_and_post_as_new {

  for (qw(id printed emailed queued)) { delete $form->{$_} }


sub repost {

  if ($form->{type} =~ /_order/) {
    if ($form->{print_and_save}) {
      $form->{nextsub} = "print_and_save";
      $msg = $locale->text('You are printing and saving an existing order');
    } else {
      $form->{nextsub} = "save";
      $msg = $locale->text('You are saving an existing order');
  } elsif ($form->{type} =~ /_quotation/) {
    if ($form->{print_and_save}) {
      $form->{nextsub} = "print_and_save";
      $msg = $locale->text('You are printing and saving an existing quotation');
    } else {
      $form->{nextsub} = "save";
      $msg = $locale->text('You are saving an existing quotation');
  } else {
    if ($form->{print_and_post}) {
      $form->{nextsub} = "print_and_post";
      $msg = $locale->text('You are printing and posting an existing transaction!');
    } else {
      $form->{nextsub} = "post";
      $msg = $locale->text('You are posting an existing transaction!');
  delete $form->{action};
  $form->{repost} = 1;


  print qq|

<form method=post action=$form->{script}>


  print qq|
<h2 class=confirm>|.$locale->text('Warning!').qq|</h2>


<input name=action class=submit type=submit value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|">



sub schedule {
  ($form->{recurringreference}, $form->{recurringstartdate}, $form->{recurringrepeat}, $form->{recurringunit}, $form->{recurringhowmany}, $form->{recurringpayment}, $form->{recurringprint}, $form->{recurringemail}, $form->{recurringmessage}) = split /,/, $form->{recurring};

  $form->{recurringreference} = $form->quote($form->unescape($form->{recurringreference}));
  $form->{recurringmessage} = $form->quote($form->unescape($form->{recurringmessage}));

  $form->{recurringstartdate} ||= $form->{transdate};
  $recurringpayment = "checked" if $form->{recurringpayment};

  if ($form->{paidaccounts}) {
    $postpayment = qq|
	  <th align=right nowrap>|.$locale->text('Include Payment').qq|</th>
	  <td><input name=recurringpayment type=checkbox class=checkbox value=1 $recurringpayment></td>

  if ($form->{recurringnextdate}) {
    $nextdate = qq|
		<th align=right nowrap>|.$locale->text('Next Date').qq|</th>
		<td><input name=recurringnextdate size=11 title="($myconfig{'dateformat'})" value=$form->{recurringnextdate}></td>

  @a = split /<option/, $form->unescape($form->{selectformname});
  %formname = ();
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $#a; $i++) {
    $a[$i] =~ /"(.*)"/;
    $v = $1;
    $a[$i] =~ />(.*)/;
    $formname{$v} = $1;
  for (qw(check receipt)) { delete $formname{$_} }

  $selectformat = $form->unescape($form->{selectformat});

  if ($form->{type} !~ /transaction/ && %formname) {
    $email = qq|
	    <th colspan=2 class=listheading>|.$locale->text('E-mail').qq|</th>

    # formname:format
    @p = split /:/, $form->{recurringemail};
    %p = ();
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#p; $i += 2) {
      $p{$p[$i]}{format} = $p[$i+1];
    foreach $item (keys %formname) {

      $checked = ($p{$item}{format}) ? "checked" : "";
      $selectformat =~ s/ selected//;
      $p{$item}{format} ||= "pdf";
      $selectformat =~ s/(<option value="\Q$p{$item}{format}\E")/$1 selected/;
      $email .= qq|
		  <td><input name="email$item" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=1 $checked></td>
		  <th align=left>$formname{$item}</th>
		  <td><select name="emailformat$item">$selectformat</select></td>
    $email .= qq|

    $message = qq|
	    <th class=listheading>|.$locale->text('E-mail message').qq|</th>

	    <td><textarea name="recurringmessage" rows=10 cols=60 wrap=soft>$form->{recurringmessage}</textarea></td>


  if (%printer && $latex && %formname) {
    $selectprinter = qq|<option>\n|;
    for (sort keys %printer) { $selectprinter .= qq|<option value="$_">$_\n| }
    # formname:format:printer
    @p = split /:/, $form->{recurringprint};

    %p = ();
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#p; $i += 3) {
      $p{$p[$i]}{formname} = $p[$i];
      $p{$p[$i]}{format} = $p[$i+1];
      $p{$p[$i]}{printer} = $p[$i+2];
    $print = qq|
	    <th colspan=2 class=listheading>|.$locale->text('Print').qq|</th>


    $selectformat =~ s/<option.*html//;
    foreach $item (keys %formname) {
      $selectprinter =~ s/ selected//;
      $selectprinter =~ s/(<option value="\Q$p{$item}{printer}\E")/$1 selected/;

      $checked = ($p{$item}{formname}) ? "checked" : "";
      $selectformat =~ s/ selected//;
      $p{$item}{format} ||= "postscript";
      $selectformat =~ s/(<option value="\Q$p{$item}{format}\E")/$1 selected/;
      $print .= qq|
		  <td><input name="print$item" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=1 $checked></td>
		  <th align=left>$formname{$item}</th>
		  <td><select name="printprinter$item">$selectprinter</select></td>
		  <td><select name="printformat$item">$selectformat</select></td>
    $print .= qq|

  $selectrepeat = "";
  for (1 .. 31) { $selectrepeat .= qq|<option value="$_">$_\n| }
  $selectrepeat =~ s/(<option value="$form->{recurringrepeat}")/$1 selected/;
  $selectunit = qq|<option value="days">|.$locale->text('Day(s)').qq|
  <option value="weeks">|.$locale->text('Week(s)').qq|
  <option value="months">|.$locale->text('Month(s)').qq|
  <option value="years">|.$locale->text('Year(s)');

  if ($form->{recurringunit}) {
    $selectunit =~ s/(<option value="$form->{recurringunit}")/$1 selected/;

  if ($form->{$form->{vc}}) {
    $description = $form->{$form->{vc}};
  } else {
    $description = $form->{description};

  $repeat = qq|
		<th colspan=3  class=listheading>|.$locale->text('Repeat').qq|</th>

		<th align=right nowrap>|.$locale->text('Every').qq|</th>
		<td><select name=recurringrepeat>$selectrepeat</td>
		<td><select name=recurringunit>$selectunit</td>
		<th align=right nowrap>|.$locale->text('For').qq|</th>
		<td><input name=recurringhowmany size=3 value=$form->{recurringhowmany}></td>
		<th align=left nowrap>|.$locale->text('time(s)').qq|</th>

  $title = $locale->text('Recurring Transaction') ." ".  $locale->text('for') ." $description";


  print qq|

<form method=post action=$form->{script}>

<table width=100%>
  <tr class=listtop>
    <th class=listtop>$title</th>
  <tr space=5></tr>
		<th align=right nowrap>|.$locale->text('Reference').qq|</th>
		<td><input name=recurringreference size=20 value="$form->{recurringreference}"></td>
		<th align=right nowrap>|.$locale->text('Startdate').qq|</th>
		<td><input name=recurringstartdate size=11 title="($myconfig{'dateformat'})" value=$form->{recurringstartdate}></td>

	<tr valign=top>
	<tr valign=top>  
    <td><hr size=3 noshade></td>


# type=submit $locale->text('Save Schedule')
# type=submit $locale->text('Delete Schedule')

  %button = ('Save Schedule' => { ndx => 1, key => 'S', value => $locale->text('Save Schedule') },
             'Delete Schedule' => { ndx => 16, key => 'D', value => $locale->text('Delete Schedule') },
  $form->print_button(\%button, 'Save Schedule');
  if ($form->{recurring}) {
    $form->print_button(\%button, 'Delete Schedule');

  # delete variables
  for (qw(action recurring)) { delete $form->{$_} }
  for (qw(reference startdate nextdate enddate repeat unit howmany payment print email message)) { delete $form->{"recurring$_"} }


  print qq|




sub save_schedule {

  $form->{recurring} = "";

  $form->{recurringreference} = $form->escape($form->{recurringreference},1);
  $form->{recurringmessage} = $form->escape($form->{recurringmessage},1);
  if ($form->{recurringstartdate}) {
    for (qw(reference startdate repeat unit howmany payment)) { $form->{recurring} .= qq|$form->{"recurring$_"},| }

  @a = split /<option/, $form->unescape($form->{selectformname});
  @p = ();

  for ($i = 1; $i <= $#a; $i++) {
    $a[$i] =~ /"(.*)"/;
    push @p, $1;

  $recurringemail = "";
  for (@p) { $recurringemail .= qq|$_:$form->{"emailformat$_"}:| if $form->{"email$_"} }
  chop $recurringemail;
  $recurringprint = "";
  for (@p) { $recurringprint .= qq|$_:$form->{"printformat$_"}:$form->{"printprinter$_"}:| if $form->{"print$_"} }
  chop $recurringprint;

  $form->{recurring} .= qq|$recurringprint,$recurringemail,$form->{recurringmessage}| if $recurringemail || $recurringprint;

  $form->save_recurring(undef, \%myconfig) if $form->{id};

  if ($form->{recurringid}) {
  } else {


sub delete_schedule {

  $form->{recurring} = "";

  $form->save_recurring(undef, \%myconfig) if $form->{id};

  if ($form->{recurringid}) {
  } else {


sub reprint {

  $myconfig{vclimit} = 0;
  $pf = "print_form";

  for (qw(format formname media message)) { $temp{$_} = $form->{$_} }

  if ($form->{module} eq 'oe') {
    delete $form->{order_details};
    for (keys %$form) { $form->{$_} = $form->unquote($form->{$_}) }
  } else {
    if ($form->{type} eq 'invoice') {
      for (keys %$form) { $form->{$_} = $form->unquote($form->{$_}) }
    } else {
      for (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) { $form->{"amount_$_"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"amount_$_"}, 2) }
      for (split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}) { $form->{"tax_$_"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"tax_$_"}, 2) }
      $pf = "print_transaction";
    for (qw(acc_trans invoice_details)) { delete $form->{$_} }

  for (qw(department employee language month partsgroup project years)) { delete $form->{"all_$_"} }
  for (keys %temp) { $form->{$_} = $temp{$_} }

  delete $form->{paid};

  for (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) { $form->{"paid_$_"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"paid_$_"}, 2) }

  $form->{copies} = 1;


  if ($form->{media} eq 'email') {
    # add email message
    $now = scalar localtime;
    $cc = $locale->text('Cc').qq|: $form->{cc}\n| if $form->{cc};
    $bcc = $locale->text('Bcc').qq|: $form->{bcc}\n| if $form->{bcc};

    $form->{intnotes} .= qq|\n\n| if $form->{intnotes};
    $form->{intnotes} .= qq|[email]\n|
    .$locale->text('Date').qq|: $now\n|
    .$locale->text('To').qq|: $form->{email}\n${cc}${bcc}|
    .$locale->text('Subject').qq|: $form->{subject}\n\n|
    .$locale->text('Message').qq|: |;

    $form->{intnotes} .= ($form->{message}) ? $form->{message} : $locale->text('sent');
    $form->save_intnotes(\%myconfig, $form->{module});

sub continue { &{ $form->{nextsub} } };
sub gl_transaction { &add };
sub ar_transaction { &add_transaction(ar) };
sub ap_transaction { &add_transaction(ap) };
sub sales_invoice_ { &add_transaction(is) };
sub vendor_invoice_ { &add_transaction(ir) };