#===================================================================== # LedgerSMB Small Medium Business Accounting # http://www.ledgersmb.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2006 # This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used # with permission. # # This file contains source code included with or based on SQL-Ledger which # is Copyright Dieter Simader and DWS Systems Inc. 2000-2005 and licensed # under the GNU General Public License version 2 or, at your option, any later # version. For a full list including contact information of contributors, # maintainers, and copyright holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file. # # Original Copyright Notice from SQL-Ledger 2.6.17 (before the fork): # Copyright (C) 2001 # # Author: DWS Systems Inc. # Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org # # Contributors: # # # Author: DWS Systems Inc. # Web: http://www.ledgersmb.org/ # # Contributors: # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #====================================================================== # # module for Chart of Accounts, Income Statement and Balance Sheet # search and edit transactions posted by the GL, AR and AP # #====================================================================== use LedgerSMB::CA; 1; # end of main # this is for our long dates # $locale->text('January') # $locale->text('February') # $locale->text('March') # $locale->text('April') # $locale->text('May ') # $locale->text('June') # $locale->text('July') # $locale->text('August') # $locale->text('September') # $locale->text('October') # $locale->text('November') # $locale->text('December') # this is for our short month # $locale->text('Jan') # $locale->text('Feb') # $locale->text('Mar') # $locale->text('Apr') # $locale->text('May') # $locale->text('Jun') # $locale->text('Jul') # $locale->text('Aug') # $locale->text('Sep') # $locale->text('Oct') # $locale->text('Nov') # $locale->text('Dec') sub chart_of_accounts { CA->all_accounts( \%myconfig, \%$form ); @column_index = qw(accno gifi_accno description debit credit); $column_header{accno} = qq|<th class=listtop>| . $locale->text('Account') . qq|</th>\n|; $column_header{gifi_accno} = qq|<th class=listtop>| . $locale->text('GIFI') . qq|</th>\n|; $column_header{description} = qq|<th class=listtop>| . $locale->text('Description') . qq|</th>\n|; $column_header{debit} = qq|<th class=listtop>| . $locale->text('Debit') . qq|</th>\n|; $column_header{credit} = qq|<th class=listtop>| . $locale->text('Credit') . qq|</th>\n|; $form->{title} = $locale->text('Chart of Accounts'); $colspan = $#column_index + 1; $form->header; print qq| <body> <table border=0 width=100%> <tr><th class=listtop colspan=$colspan>$form->{title}</th></tr> <tr height="5"></tr> <tr class=listheading>|; for (@column_index) { print $column_header{$_} } print qq| </tr> |; foreach $ca ( @{ $form->{CA} } ) { $description = $form->escape( $ca->{description} ); $gifi_description = $form->escape( $ca->{gifi_description} ); $href = qq|$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&action=list&accno=$ca->{accno}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&description=$description&gifi_accno=$ca->{gifi_accno}&gifi_description=$gifi_description|; if ( $ca->{charttype} eq "H" ) { print qq|<tr class=listheading>|; for (qw(accno description)) { $column_data{$_} = "<th class=listheading>$ca->{$_}</th>"; } $column_data{gifi_accno} = "<th class=listheading>$ca->{gifi_accno} </th>"; } else { $i++; $i %= 2; print qq|<tr class=listrow$i>|; $column_data{accno} = "<td><a href=$href>$ca->{accno}</a></td>"; $column_data{gifi_accno} = "<td><a href=$href&accounttype=gifi>$ca->{gifi_accno}</a> </td>"; $column_data{description} = "<td>$ca->{description}</td>"; } $column_data{debit} = "<td align=right>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ca->{debit}, 2, " " ) . "</td>\n"; $column_data{credit} = "<td align=right>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ca->{credit}, 2, " " ) . "</td>\n"; $totaldebit += $ca->{debit}; $totalcredit += $ca->{credit}; for (@column_index) { print "$column_data{$_}\n" } print qq| </tr> |; } for (qw(accno gifi_accno description)) { $column_data{$_} = "<td> </td>"; } $column_data{debit} = "<th align=right class=listtotal>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totaldebit, 2, 0 ) . "</th>"; $column_data{credit} = "<th align=right class=listtotal>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalcredit, 2, 0 ) . "</th>"; print "<tr class=listtotal>"; for (@column_index) { print "$column_data{$_}\n" } print qq| </tr> <tr> <td colspan=$colspan><hr size=3 noshade></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> |; } sub list { $form->{title} = $locale->text('List Transactions'); if ( $form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi' ) { $form->{title} .= " - " . $locale->text('GIFI') . " $form->{gifi_accno} - $form->{gifi_description}"; } else { $form->{title} .= " - " . $locale->text('Account') . " $form->{accno} - $form->{description}"; } # get departments $form->all_departments( \%myconfig ); if ( @{ $form->{all_department} } ) { $form->{selectdepartment} = "<option>\n"; for ( @{ $form->{all_department} } ) { $form->{selectdepartment} .= qq|<option value="$_->{description}--$_->{id}">$_->{description}\n|; } } $department = qq| <tr> <th align=right nowrap>| . $locale->text('Department') . qq|</th> <td colspan=3><select name=department>$form->{selectdepartment}</select></td> </tr> | if $form->{selectdepartment}; if ( @{ $form->{all_years} } ) { # accounting years $form->{selectaccountingyear} = "<option>\n"; for ( @{ $form->{all_years} } ) { $form->{selectaccountingyear} .= qq|<option>$_\n|; } $form->{selectaccountingmonth} = "<option>\n"; for ( sort keys %{ $form->{all_month} } ) { $form->{selectaccountingmonth} .= qq|<option value=$_>| . $locale->text( $form->{all_month}{$_} ) . qq|\n|; } $selectfrom = qq| <tr> <th align=right>| . $locale->text('Period') . qq|</th> <td colspan=3> <select name=month>$form->{selectaccountingmonth}</select> <select name=year>$form->{selectaccountingyear}</select> <input name=interval class=radio type=radio value=0 checked> | . $locale->text('Current') . qq| <input name=interval class=radio type=radio value=1> | . $locale->text('Month') . qq| <input name=interval class=radio type=radio value=3> | . $locale->text('Quarter') . qq| <input name=interval class=radio type=radio value=12> | . $locale->text('Year') . qq| </td> </tr> |; } $form->header; print qq| <body> <form method=post action=$form->{script}> <input type=hidden name=accno value=$form->{accno}> <input type=hidden name=description value="$form->{description}"> <input type=hidden name=sort value=transdate> <input type=hidden name=oldsort value=transdate> <input type=hidden name=accounttype value=$form->{accounttype}> <input type=hidden name=gifi_accno value=$form->{gifi_accno}> <input type=hidden name=gifi_description value="$form->{gifi_description}"> <table border=0 width=100%> <tr><th class=listtop>$form->{title}</th></tr> <tr height="5"></tr> <tr valign=top> <td> <table> $department <tr> <th align=right>| . $locale->text('From') . qq|</th> <td><input name=fromdate size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}"></td> <th align=right>| . $locale->text('To') . qq|</th> <td><input name=todate size=11 title="$myconfig{dateformat}"></td> </tr> $selectfrom <tr> <th align=right>| . $locale->text('Include in Report') . qq|</th> <td colspan=3> <input name=l_accno class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> | . $locale->text('AR/AP') . qq| <input name=l_subtotal class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> | . $locale->text('Subtotal') . qq| </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr><td><hr size=3 noshade></td></tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="login" value="$form->{login}"> <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}"> <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}"> <br><button class="submit" type="submit" name="action" value="list_transactions">| . $locale->text('List Transactions') . qq|</button> </form> </body> </html> |; } sub list_transactions { CA->all_transactions( \%myconfig, \%$form ); $department = $form->escape( $form->{department} ); $projectnumber = $form->escape( $form->{projectnumber} ); $title = $form->escape( $form->{title} ); # construct href $href = "$form->{script}?action=list_transactions&department=$department&projectnumber=$projectnumber&title=$title"; for ( qw(path oldsort accno login sessionid fromdate todate accounttype gifi_accno l_heading l_subtotal l_accno) ) { $href .= "&$_=$form->{$_}"; } $drilldown = $href; $drilldown .= "&sort=$form->{sort}"; $href .= "&direction=$form->{direction}"; $form->sort_order(); $drilldown .= "&direction=$form->{direction}"; $form->{prevreport} = $href unless $form->{prevreport}; $href .= "&prevreport=" . $form->escape( $form->{prevreport} ); $drilldown .= "&prevreport=" . $form->escape( $form->{prevreport} ); # figure out which column comes first $column_header{transdate} = qq|<th><a class=listheading href=$href&sort=transdate>| . $locale->text('Date') . qq|</a></th>|; $column_header{reference} = qq|<th><a class=listheading href=$href&sort=reference>| . $locale->text('Reference') . qq|</a></th>|; $column_header{description} = qq|<th><a class=listheading href=$href&sort=description>| . $locale->text('Description') . qq|</a></th>|; $column_header{cleared} = qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('R') . qq|</th>|; $column_header{source} = qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Source') . qq|</th>|; $column_header{debit} = qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Debit') . qq|</th>|; $column_header{credit} = qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Credit') . qq|</th>|; $column_header{balance} = qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Balance') . qq|</th>|; $column_header{accno} = qq|<th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('AR/AP') . qq|</th>|; @columns = qw(transdate reference description debit credit); if ( $form->{link} =~ /_paid/ ) { @columns = qw(transdate reference description source cleared debit credit); } push @columns, "accno" if $form->{l_accno}; @column_index = $form->sort_columns(@columns); if ( $form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi' ) { for (qw(accno description)) { $form->{$_} = $form->{"gifi_$_"} } } if ( $form->{accno} ) { push @column_index, "balance"; } $form->{title} = ( $form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi' ) ? $locale->text('GIFI') : $locale->text('Account'); $form->{title} .= " $form->{accno} - $form->{description}"; if ( $form->{department} ) { ($department) = split /--/, $form->{department}; $options = $locale->text('Department') . " : $department<br>"; } if ( $form->{projectnumber} ) { ($projectnumber) = split /--/, $form->{projectnumber}; $options .= $locale->text('Project Number') . " : $projectnumber<br>"; } if ( $form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate} ) { if ( $form->{fromdate} ) { $fromdate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1 ); } if ( $form->{todate} ) { $todate = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1 ); } $form->{period} = "$fromdate - $todate"; } else { $form->{period} = $locale->date( \%myconfig, $form->current_date( \%myconfig ), 1 ); } $form->{period} = "<a href=$form->{prevreport}>$form->{period}</a>" if $form->{prevreport}; $options .= $form->{period}; # construct callback $department = $form->escape( $form->{department}, 1 ); $projectnumber = $form->escape( $form->{projectnumber}, 1 ); $title = $form->escape( $form->{title}, 1 ); $form->{prevreport} = $form->escape( $form->{prevreport}, 1 ); $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=list_transactions&department=$department&projectnumber=$projectnumber&title=$title"; for ( qw(path direction oldsort accno login sessionid fromdate todate accounttype gifi_accno l_heading l_subtotal l_accno prevreport) ) { $form->{callback} .= "&$_=$form->{$_}"; } $form->header; print qq| <body> <table width=100%> <tr> <th class=listtop>$form->{title}</th> </tr> <tr height="5"></tr> <tr> <td>$options</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width=100%> <tr class=listheading> |; for (@column_index) { print "$column_header{$_}\n" } print qq| </tr> |; # add sort to callback $form->{callback} = $form->escape( $form->{callback} . "&sort=$form->{sort}" ); if ( @{ $form->{CA} } ) { $sameitem = $form->{CA}->[0]->{ $form->{sort} }; } $ml = ( $form->{category} =~ /(A|E)/ ) ? -1 : 1; $ml *= -1 if $form->{contra}; if ( $form->{accno} && $form->{balance} ) { for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = "<td> </td>" } $column_data{balance} = "<td align=right>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $form->{balance} * $ml, 2, 0 ) . "</td>"; $i++; $i %= 2; print qq| <tr class=listrow$i> |; for (@column_index) { print "$column_data{$_}\n" } print qq| </tr> |; } foreach $ca ( @{ $form->{CA} } ) { if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) { if ( $sameitem ne $ca->{ $form->{sort} } ) { &ca_subtotal; } } # construct link to source $href = "<a href=$ca->{module}.pl?path=$form->{path}&action=edit&id=$ca->{id}&login=$form->{login}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}&callback=$form->{callback}>$ca->{reference}</a>"; $column_data{debit} = "<td align=right>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ca->{debit}, 2, " " ) . "</td>"; $column_data{credit} = "<td align=right>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $ca->{credit}, 2, " " ) . "</td>"; $form->{balance} += $ca->{amount}; $column_data{balance} = "<td align=right>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $form->{balance} * $ml, 2, 0 ) . "</td>"; $subtotaldebit += $ca->{debit}; $subtotalcredit += $ca->{credit}; $totaldebit += $ca->{debit}; $totalcredit += $ca->{credit}; $column_data{transdate} = qq|<td>$ca->{transdate}</td>|; $column_data{reference} = qq|<td>$href</td>|; $column_data{description} = qq|<td>$ca->{description} </td>|; $column_data{cleared} = ( $ca->{cleared} ) ? qq|<td>*</td>| : qq|<td> </td>|; $column_data{source} = qq|<td>$ca->{source} </td>|; $column_data{accno} = qq|<td>|; for ( @{ $ca->{accno} } ) { $column_data{accno} .= "<a href=$drilldown&accno=$_>$_</a> "; } $column_data{accno} .= qq| </td>|; if ( $ca->{id} != $sameid ) { $i++; $i %= 2; } $sameid = $ca->{id}; print qq| <tr class=listrow$i> |; for (@column_index) { print "$column_data{$_}\n" } print qq| </tr> |; } if ( $form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' ) { &ca_subtotal; } for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = "<td> </td>" } $column_data{debit} = "<th align=right class=listtotal>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totaldebit, 2, " " ) . "</th>"; $column_data{credit} = "<th align=right class=listtotal>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $totalcredit, 2, " " ) . "</th>"; $column_data{balance} = "<th align=right class=listtotal>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $form->{balance} * $ml, 2, 0 ) . "</th>"; print qq| <tr class=listtotal> |; for (@column_index) { print "$column_data{$_}\n" } print qq| </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><hr size=3 noshade></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> |; } sub ca_subtotal { for (@column_index) { $column_data{$_} = "<td> </td>" } $column_data{debit} = "<th align=right class=listsubtotal>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotaldebit, 2, " " ) . "</th>"; $column_data{credit} = "<th align=right class=listsubtotal>" . $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $subtotalcredit, 2, " " ) . "</th>"; $subtotaldebit = 0; $subtotalcredit = 0; $sameitem = $ca->{ $form->{sort} }; print qq| <tr class=listsubtotal> |; for (@column_index) { print "$column_data{$_}\n" } print qq| </tr> |; }