Higher priorities - Move all other floats to NUMERICs in the database schemas. - Create a new naming system that allows us to track db schema changes between different versions of SQL-Ledger and LedgerSMB and - update setup.pl, which has a lot of SL specific code. - make utf-8 default - Add protection against duplicate id values. Chris Travers has a fix that will be applied in the next version but will require some extensive testing. - Batch printing of Checks Chris Travers has done this work for another customer for 2.6.15 and can move this code over quickly. - Prevent printing without posting. - Add last cost field to laber/overhead creation screen. - drop Oracle support? Oracle support is already largely abandoned. Not sure if we should drop the code though... Chris Travers - code cleanup (move to established coding standards, not structural yet) - xhtml compliant code - central default database (maybe authentication abstraction here?) - Integrate a sales data report. Available as a diff at http://www.metatrontech.com/projects/ - Bundle script for generating email reports when parts are low. To be included in next version. Work is already done. - Fix reconcilliation summary report. - Remove Dieter's sessionid timestamp since it serves no purpose. - authentication abstraction for Kerberos, LDAP authentication, and the like. - Authentication module for PostgreSQL databases. - Account transactions available from Balance Sheets and Income Statements via links. - Replace the defaults table with one that is more normalized. - Fix printing for Windows. This turns out to be incredibly trivial. - Make batch printing more readible. Medium-longer term - Database schema cleanup/rewrite - Move all config information onto the Form object. - Port SL-POS functionality into the fork. - published API - Command-line wrapper that is easy to use.... - SOAP or HTTP based interfaces (OpenLedger?) - Credit Card Processing - Tighten up integrity controls in schema by replacing the insert/update with a single insert and adding foreign keys. - Portable Data Terminal integration. - Merge web directories so that maintaining frames and no-frames browsers is not a problem. No-frame browsers are important in some areas where screen resolution is limited and text-based keyboard entry is used. I don't think support should be dropped for these browsers-- Chris Travers. - Move to a template-based display system with main application logic being in a separate Perl module. - Convert to use persistant database connections. - Basic payroll module - Multiple Shipto's associated with customers/vendors.