
# -n do not include custom_ scripts
# -a build all file
# -m do not generate missing files

use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;

$basedir = "../..";
$bindir = "$basedir/bin";
$customdir = "$bindir/custom";
$menufile = "menu.ini";

my $excludeCustom = 0;
my $buildAll = 0;
my $noMissing = 0;
my $goodOpt = 0;
$goodOpt = GetOptions (
	'n' => \$excludeCustom, 'no-custom' => \$excludeCustom,
	'a' => \$buildAll, 'build-all' => \$buildAll,
	'm' => \$noMissing, 'no-missing' => \$noMissing);

if (!$goodOpt) {
	printf "Invalid options\n";
	exit 1;

open(FH, "LANGUAGE");
$language = <FH>;
chomp $language;
$language =~ s/\((.*)\)/$1/;
$charset = $1;

opendir DIR, "$bindir" or die "$!";
@progfiles = grep { /\.pl/; !/(_|^\.)/ } readdir DIR;
seekdir DIR, 0;
@customfiles = grep /_/, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;

# put customized files into @customfiles
@customfiles = () if ($excludeCustom);

if ($excludeCustom) {
  @menufiles = ($menufile);
} else {
  opendir DIR, "$bindir" or die "$!";
  @menufiles = grep { /.*?_$menufile$/ } readdir DIR;
  closedir DIR;
##  unshift @menufiles, $menufile;
##  opendir DIR, "$customdir" or die "$!";
##  @menufiles = grep { /^$menufile$/ } readdir DIR;
##  closedir DIR;
  unshift @menufiles, $menufile;

if (-f "all") {
  eval { require "all"; };
  %all = %{$self{texts}};
  %{$self{texts}} = ();
} else {
  # build %all file from individual files
  foreach $file (@progfiles) {
# remove the old missing file
if (-f 'missing') {
  unlink "missing";
foreach $file (@progfiles) {
  next if -d "$bindir/$file";
  %locale = ();
  %submit = ();
  %subrt = ();
  @missing = ();
  %missing = ();

  # scan custom_{module}.pl or {login}_{module}.pl files
  foreach $customfile (@customfiles) {
    if ($customfile =~ /_$file/) {
      if (-f "$bindir/$customfile") {
  # if this is the menu.pl file
  if ($file eq 'menu.pl') {
    foreach $item (@menufiles) {
  $file =~ s/\.pl//;
  if (-f "$file.missing") {
    eval { require "$file.missing"; };
    unlink "$file.missing";

    for (keys %$missing) {
      $self{texts}{$_} ||= $missing->{$_};

  open FH, ">$file" or die "$! : $file";

  if ($charset) {
    print FH qq|\$self{charset} = '$charset';\n\n|;

  print FH q|$self{texts} = {

  foreach $key (sort keys %locale) {
    $text = ($self{texts}{$key}) ? $self{texts}{$key} : $all{$key};
    $text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
    $text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;

    $keytext = $key;
    $keytext =~ s/'/\\'/g;
    $keytext =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
    if (!$text) {
      push @missing, $keytext;
    print FH qq|  '$keytext'|.(' ' x (27-length($keytext))).qq| => '$text',\n|;

  print FH q|};

$self{subs} = {
  foreach $key (sort keys %subrt) {
    $text = $key;
    $text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
    $text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
    print FH qq|  '$text'|.(' ' x (27-length($text))).qq| => '$text',\n|;

  foreach $key (sort keys %submit) {
    $text = ($self{texts}{$key}) ? $self{texts}{$key} : $all{$key};
    next unless $text;

    $text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
    $text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;

    $english_sub = $key;
    $english_sub =~ s/'/\\'/g;
    $english_sub =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
    $english_sub = lc $key;
    $translated_sub = lc $text;
    $english_sub =~ s/( |-|,|\/|\.$)/_/g;
    $translated_sub =~ s/( |-|,|\/|\.$)/_/g;
    print FH qq|  '$translated_sub'|.(' ' x (27-length($translated_sub))).qq| => '$english_sub',\n|;
  print FH q|};



  close FH;

  if (!$noMissing) {  
    if (@missing) {
      open FH, ">$file.missing" or die "$! : missing";

      print FH qq|# module $file
# add the missing texts and run locales.pl to rebuild

\$missing = {

      foreach $text (@missing) {
	$text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
	$text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
	print FH qq|  '$text'|.(' ' x (27-length($text))).qq| => '',\n|;

      print FH q|};


      close FH;

  # redo the all file
  if ($buildAll) {
    open FH, ">all" or die "$! : all";

    print FH q|# These are all the texts to build the translations files.
# to build unique strings edit the module files instead
# this file is just a shortcut to build strings which are the same

    if ($charset) {
      print FH qq|\$self{charset} = '$charset';\n\n|;

    print FH q|
$self{texts} = {

    foreach $key (sort keys %all) {
      $keytext = $key;
      $keytext =~ s/'/\\'/g;
      $keytext =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
      $text = $all{$key};
      $text =~ s/'/\\'/g;
      $text =~ s/\\$/\\\\/;
      print FH qq|  '$keytext'|.(' ' x (27-length($keytext))).qq| => '$text',\n|;

    print FH q|};


    close FH;


$per = sprintf("%.1f", ($count - $notext) / $count * 100);
print "\n$language - ${per}%\n";

# eof

sub scanfile {
  my ($file, $level) = @_;

  my $fh = new FileHandle;
  return unless (-e $file or $file !~ /custom/);
  open $fh, "$file" or die "$! : $file";

  $file =~ s/\.pl//;
  $file =~ s/$bindir\///;
  %temp = ();
  for (keys %{$self{texts}}) {
    $temp{$_} = $self{texts}{$_};
  # read translation file if it exists
  if (-f $file) {
    eval { do "$file"; };
    for (keys %{$self{texts}}) {
      $all{$_} ||= $self{texts}{$_};
      if ($level) {
	$temp{$_} ||= $self{texts}{$_};
      } else {
	$temp{$_} = $self{texts}{$_};

  %{$self{texts}} = ();
  for (sort keys %temp) {
    $self{texts}{$_} = $temp{$_};
  while (<$fh>) {
    # is this another file
    if (/require\s+\W.*\.pl/) {
      my $newfile = $&;
      $newfile =~ s/require\s+\W//;
      $newfile =~ s/\$form->{path}\///;
      &scanfile("$basedir/$newfile", 1) if $newfile !~ /_/;
    # is this a sub ?
    if (/^sub /) {
      ($null, $subrt) = split / +/;
      $subrt{$subrt} = 1;
    my $rc = 1;
    while ($rc) {
      if (/Locale/) {
	if (!/^use /) {
	  my ($null, $country) = split /,/;
	  $country =~ s/^ +["']//;
	  $country =~ s/["'].*//;

      if (/\$locale->text.*?\W\)/) {
	my $string = $&;
	$string =~ s/\$locale->text\(\s*['"(q|qq)]['\/\\\|~]*//;
	$string =~ s/\W\)+.*$//;

        # if there is no $ in the string record it
	unless ($string =~ /\$\D.*/) {
	  # this guarantees one instance of string
	  $locale{$string} = 1;

          # is it a submit button before $locale->
          if (/type="?submit"?/i) {
	    $submit{$string} = 1;

      # exit loop if there are no more locales on this line
      ($rc) = ($' =~ /\$locale->text/);
      # strip text



sub scanmenu {
  my $file = shift;

  my $fh = new FileHandle;
  open $fh, "$file" or die "$! : $file";

  my @a = grep /^\[/, <$fh>;

  # strip []
  grep { s/(\[|\])//g } @a;
  foreach my $item (@a) {
    $item =~ s/ *$//;
    @b = split /--/, $item;
    foreach $string (@b) {
      chomp $string;
      if ($string !~ /^\s*$/) {
	$locale{$string} = 1;