# LedgerSMB 
# Small Medium Business Accounting software
# http://www.ledgersmb.org/
# Copyright (C) 2006
# This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used
# with permission.
# This file contains source code included with or based on SQL-Ledger which
# is Copyright Dieter Simader and DWS Systems Inc. 2000-2005 and licensed
# under the GNU General Public License version 2 or, at your option, any later
# version.  For a full list including contact information of contributors,
# maintainers, and copyright holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file.
# Original Copyright Notice from SQL-Ledger 2.6.17 (before the fork):
# Copyright (C) 2000
#  Author: DWS Systems Inc.
#     Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
#  Contributors: Jim Rawlings <jim@your-dba.com>
# This file has undergone whitespace cleanup.
# user related functions

package LedgerSMB::User;
use LedgerSMB::Sysconfig;
use LedgerSMB::Session;
use Data::Dumper; 

sub new {
	my ($type, $login) = @_;
	my $self = {};

	if ($login ne "") {

		# use central db
		my $dbh = ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::GLOBALDBH};
		# for now, this is querying the table directly... ugly 
		my $fetchUserPrefs = $dbh->prepare("SELECT acs, address, businessnumber,
												   company, countrycode, currency,
												   dateformat, dbdriver, dbhost, dbname, 
												   dboptions, dbpasswd, dbport, dbuser, 
												   email, fax, menuwidth, name, numberformat, 
												   password, print, printer, role, sid, 
												   signature, stylesheet, tel, templates, 
												   timeout, vclimit, u.username
											  FROM users_conf as uc, users as u
											 WHERE u.username =  ?
											   AND u.id = uc.id;");


		my $userHashRef = $fetchUserPrefs->fetchrow_hashref;

		while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%{$userHashRef}) ) {
			$self->{$key} = $value;


		if(! int($self->{dbport})){#in case there's a space or junk in the dbport
			$self->{dbport} = '5432';

		$self->{dbconnect} = 'dbi:Pg:dbname='.$self->{dbname}.';host='.$self->{dbhost}.';port='.$self->{dbport};

			$self->{login} = $login;
	bless $self, $type;

sub country_codes {
	use Locale::Country;
	use Locale::Language;

	my %cc = ();
	# scan the locale directory and read in the LANGUAGE files
	opendir DIR, "${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::localepath}";

	my @dir = grep !/^\..*$/, readdir DIR;

	foreach my $dir (@dir) {
		$dir = substr($dir, 0, -3);
		$cc{$dir} = code2language(substr($dir, 0, 2));
		$cc{$dir} .= ("/" . code2country(substr($dir, 3, 2)))
			if length($dir) > 2;
		$cc{$dir} .= (" " . substr($dir, 6)) if length($dir) > 5;




sub fetch_config {
#I'm hoping that this function will go and is a temporary bridge
#until we get rid of %myconfig elsewhere in the code

	my ($self, $login) = @_;

	if ($login ne "") {
		# use central db
		my $dbh = ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::GLOBALDBH};
		# for now, this is querying the table directly... ugly 
		my $fetchUserPrefs = $dbh->prepare("SELECT acs, address, businessnumber,
												   company, countrycode, currency,
												   dateformat, dbdriver, dbhost, dbname, 
												   dboptions, dbpasswd, dbport, dbuser, 
												   email, fax, menuwidth, name, numberformat, 
												   password, print, printer, role, sid, 
												   signature, stylesheet, tel, templates, 
												   timeout, vclimit, u.username
											  FROM users_conf as uc, users as u
											 WHERE u.username =  ?
											   AND u.id = uc.id;");


		my $userHashRef = $fetchUserPrefs->fetchrow_hashref;

		while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%{$userHashRef}) ) {
			$myconfig{$key} = $value;

		if(! int($myconfig{'dbport'})){#in case there's a space or junk in the dbport
			$myconfig{'dbport'} = '5432';

		if (! $myconfig{'dbhost'}){ # necessary to avoid many issues
			$myconfig{'dbhost'} = 'localhost';
		$myconfig{'login'} = $login;
		$myconfig{'dbconnect'} = 'dbi:Pg:dbname='.$myconfig{'dbname'}.';host='.$myconfig{'dbhost'}.';port='.$myconfig{'dbport'};
	return \%myconfig;

sub login {

	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	my $rc = -1;
	if ($self->{login} ne "") {
		if (! Session::password_check($form, $form->{login}, $form->{password})) {
			return -1;

		#this is really dumb, but %myconfig will have to stay until 1.3    
		while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%{$self}) ) {
			$myconfig{$key} = $value;

		# check if database is down
		my $dbh = DBI->connect(
			$myconfig{dbconnect}, $myconfig{dbuser}, 
				or $self->error(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.': '.$DBI::errstr);

		# we got a connection, check the version
		my $query = qq|
			SELECT value FROM defaults 
			 WHERE setting_key = 'version'|;
		my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
		$sth->execute || $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.$query);

		my ($dbversion) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

		# add login to employee table if it does not exist
		# no error check for employee table, ignore if it does not exist
		my $login = $self->{login};
		$login =~ s/@.*//;
		$query = qq|SELECT id FROM employee WHERE login = ?|;
		$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

		my ($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

		if (! $id) {
			my ($employeenumber) = 
					\%myconfig, "employeenumber", $dbh);
			$query = qq|
				INSERT INTO employee 
				            (login, employeenumber, name, 
				            workphone, role)
				     VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;
			$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
				$login, $employeenumber, $myconfig{name},
				$myconfig{tel}, $myconfig{role});

		$rc = 0;

		if ($form->{dbversion} ne $dbversion) {
			$rc = -3;
			$dbupdate = (calc_version($dbversion) 
				< calc_version($form->{dbversion}));

		if ($dbupdate) {
			$rc = -4;

			# if DB2 bale out
			if ($myconfig{dbdriver} eq 'DB2') {
				$rc = -2;


sub check_recurring {
	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	my $dbh = DBI->connect(
		$self->{dbconnect}, $self->{dbuser}, $self->{dbpasswd}) 
			or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);

	my $query = qq|
		SELECT count(*) FROM recurring
		 WHERE enddate >= current_date AND nextdate <= current_date|;
	($_) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);



sub dbconnect_vars {
	my ($form, $db) = @_;
	my %dboptions = (
		'Pg' => {
			'yy-mm-dd' => 'set DateStyle to \'ISO\'',
			'mm/dd/yy' => 'set DateStyle to \'SQL, US\'',
			'mm-dd-yy' => 'set DateStyle to \'POSTGRES, US\'',
			'dd/mm/yy' => 'set DateStyle to \'SQL, EUROPEAN\'',
			'dd-mm-yy' => 'set DateStyle to \'POSTGRES, EUROPEAN\'',
			'dd.mm.yy' => 'set DateStyle to \'GERMAN\''

	$form->{dboptions} = $dboptions{$form->{dbdriver}}{$form->{dateformat}};

	$form->{dbconnect} = "dbi:$form->{dbdriver}:dbname=$db";

	if ($form->{dbhost}) {
		$form->{dbconnect} .= ";host=$form->{dbhost}";

	} else {
		$form->{dbconnect} .= ";host=localhost";

	if ($form->{dbport}) {
		$form->{dbconnect} .= ";port=$form->{dbport}";
	} else {
		$form->{dbconnect} .= ";port=5432";

sub dbdrivers {

	my @drivers = DBI->available_drivers();

		#  return (grep { /(Pg|Oracle|DB2)/ } @drivers);
	return (grep { /Pg$/ } @drivers);


sub dbsources {
	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	my @dbsources = ();
	my ($sth, $query);
	$form->{dbdefault} = $form->{dbuser} unless $form->{dbdefault};
	$form->{sid} = $form->{dbdefault};
	&dbconnect_vars($form, $form->{dbdefault});

	my $dbh = DBI->connect(
		$form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, $form->{dbpasswd}) 
			or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);

	if ($form->{dbdriver} eq 'Pg') {

		$query = qq|SELECT datname FROM pg_database|;
		$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
		$sth->execute || $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.$query);
		while (my ($db) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {

			if ($form->{only_acc_db}) {

				next if ($db =~ /^template/);

				&dbconnect_vars($form, $db);
				my $dbh = DBI->connect(
					$form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, 
						or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);

				$query = qq|
					SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables
					 WHERE tablename = 'defaults'
					   AND tableowner = ?|;
				my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
					|| $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.$query);

				if ($sth->fetchrow_array) {
					push @dbsources, $db;
			push @dbsources, $db;

	return @dbsources;


sub dbcreate {
	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	my %dbcreate = ( 'Pg' => qq|CREATE DATABASE "$form->{db}" WITH ENCODING = 'UNICODE'| );

	$form->{sid} = $form->{dbdefault};
	&dbconnect_vars($form, $form->{dbdefault});
	# The below line connects to Template1 or another template file in order
	# to create the db.  One must disconnect and reconnect later.
	if ($form->{dbsuperuser}){
		my $superdbh = DBI->connect(
				or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);
		my $query = qq|$dbcreate{$form->{dbdriver}}|;
		$superdbh->do($query) || $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.$query);
	#Reassign for the work below

	&dbconnect_vars($form, $form->{db});
	my $dbh = DBI->connect(
			or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);
	if ($form->{dbsuperuser}){
		my $superdbh = DBI->connect(
				or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);
		# JD: We need to check for plpgsql, 
		# if it isn't there create it, if we can't error
		# Good chance I will have to do this twice as I get 
		# used to the way the code is structured

		my %langcreate = ( 'Pg' => qq|CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql|);
		my $query = qq|$langcreate{$form->{dbdriver}}|;
	# create the tables
	my $dbdriver = 
		($form->{dbdriver} =~ /Pg/) 
		? 'Pg' 
		: $form->{dbdriver};
	my $filename = qq|sql/Pg-database.sql|;
	$self->process_query($form, $dbh, $filename);
	# load gifi
	($filename) = split /_/, $form->{chart};
	$filename =~ s/_//;
	$self->process_query($form, $dbh, "sql/${filename}-gifi.sql");
	# load chart of accounts
	$filename = qq|sql/$form->{chart}-chart.sql|;
	$self->process_query($form, $dbh, $filename);

	# create custom tables and functions
	my $item;
	foreach $item (qw(tables functions)) {
		$filename = "sql/${dbdriver}-custom_${item}.sql";
		if (-f "$filename") {
			$self->process_query($form, $dbh, $filename);


sub process_query {
	my ($self, $form, $dbh, $filename) = @_;
	return unless (-f $filename);
	$ENV{PGPASSWORD} = $form->{dbpasswd};
	$ENV{PGUSER} = $form->{dbuser};
	$ENV{PGDATABASE} = $form->{db};
	$results = `psql -f $filename 2>&1`;
	if ($?){
 	elsif ($results =~ /error/i){

sub dbdelete {
	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	$form->{sid} = $form->{dbdefault};
	&dbconnect_vars($form, $form->{dbdefault});
	my $dbh = DBI->connect(
		$form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, $form->{dbpasswd}) 
			or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);
	my $query = qq|DROP DATABASE "$form->{db}"|;
	$dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.$query);



sub dbsources_unused {
	my ($self, $form, $memfile) = @_;

	my @dbexcl = ();
	my @dbsources = ();
	$form->error(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.": $memfile locked!") if (-f "${memfile}.LCK");
	# open members file
	open(FH, "$memfile") or $form->error(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.": $memfile : $!");

	while (<FH>) {
		if (/^dbname=/) {
			my ($null,$item) = split /=/;
			push @dbexcl, $item;

	close FH;

	$form->{only_acc_db} = 1;
	my @db = &dbsources("", $form);

	push @dbexcl, $form->{dbdefault};

	foreach $item (@db) {
		unless (grep /$item$/, @dbexcl) {
			push @dbsources, $item;

	return @dbsources;


sub dbneedsupdate {
	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	my %dbsources = ();
	my $query;
	$form->{sid} = $form->{dbdefault};
	&dbconnect_vars($form, $form->{dbdefault});

	my $dbh = DBI->connect(
		$form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, $form->{dbpasswd}) 
			or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);

	if ($form->{dbdriver} =~ /Pg/) {

		$query = qq|
			SELECT d.datname 
			  FROM pg_database d, pg_user u
			 WHERE d.datdba = u.usesysid
			       AND u.usename = ?|;
		my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
		$sth->execute($form->{dbuser}) || $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.$query);
		while (my ($db) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {

			next if ($db =~ /^template/);

			&dbconnect_vars($form, $db);
			my $dbh = DBI->connect(
				$form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, 
					or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);

			$query = qq|
				SELECT tablename 
				  FROM pg_tables
				 WHERE tablename = 'defaults'|;
			my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
			$sth->execute || $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.$query);

			if ($sth->fetchrow_array) {
				$query = qq|
					SELECT value FROM defaults
					 WHERE setting_key = 'version'|;
				my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
				if (my ($version) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
					$dbsources{$db} = $version;



sub dbupdate {
	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	$form->{sid} = $form->{dbdefault};
	my @upgradescripts = ();
	my $query;
	my $rc = -2;
	if ($form->{dbupdate}) {
		# read update scripts into memory
		opendir SQLDIR, "sql/." or $form->error(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.': '.$!);
		@upgradescripts = 
			sort script_version 
				grep /$form->{dbdriver}-upgrade-.*?\.sql$/, 
					readdir SQLDIR;
		closedir SQLDIR;

	foreach my $db (split / /, $form->{dbupdate}) {

		next unless $form->{$db};

		# strip db from dataset
		$db =~ s/^db//;
		&dbconnect_vars($form, $db);
		my $dbh = DBI->connect(
			$form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, 
			$form->{dbpasswd}, {AutoCommit => 0}) 
				or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);

		# check version
		$query = qq|
			SELECT value FROM defaults
			 WHERE setting_key = 'version'|;
		my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
		# no error check, let it fall through

		my $version = $sth->fetchrow_array;
		next unless $version;

		$version = calc_version($version);
		my $dbversion = calc_version($form->{dbversion});

		foreach my $upgradescript (@upgradescripts) {
			my $a = $upgradescript;
			$a =~ s/(^$form->{dbdriver}-upgrade-|\.sql$)//g;
			my ($mindb, $maxdb) = split /-/, $a;
			$mindb = calc_version($mindb);
			$maxdb = calc_version($maxdb);

			next if ($version >= $maxdb);

			# exit if there is no upgrade script or version == mindb
			last if ($version < $mindb || $version >= $dbversion);

			# apply upgrade
			$self->process_query($form, $dbh, "sql/$upgradescript");
			$version = $maxdb;
		$rc = 0;



sub calc_version {
	my @v = split /\./, $_[0];
	my $version = 0;
	my $i;
	for ($i = 0; $i <= $#v; $i++) {
		$version *= 1000;
		$version += $v[$i];

	return $version;

sub script_version {
	my ($my_a, $my_b) = ($a, $b);
	my ($a_from, $a_to, $b_from, $b_to);
	my ($res_a, $res_b, $i);

	$my_a =~ s/.*-upgrade-//;
	$my_a =~ s/.sql$//;
	$my_b =~ s/.*-upgrade-//;
	$my_b =~ s/.sql$//;
	($a_from, $a_to) = split(/-/, $my_a);
	($b_from, $b_to) = split(/-/, $my_b);

	$res_a = calc_version($a_from);
	$res_b = calc_version($b_from);

	if ($res_a == $res_b) {
		$res_a = calc_version($a_to);
		$res_b = calc_version($b_to);

	return $res_a <=> $res_b;

sub save_member {

	my ($self) = @_;

	# replace \r\n with \n
	for (qw(address signature)) { $self->{$_} =~ s/\r?\n/\\n/g }

	# use central db
	my $dbh = ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::GLOBALDBH};

	#check to see if the user exists already
	my $userCheck = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?");
	my ($userID) = $userCheck->fetchrow_array;
	my $userConfExists = 0;

		#got an id, check to see if it's in the users_conf table
		my $userConfCheck = $dbh->prepare("SELECT password, 1 FROM users_conf WHERE id = ?");

		($oldPassword, $userConfExists) = $userConfCheck->fetchrow_array;
		my $userConfAdd = $dbh->prepare("SELECT create_user(?);");
		($userID) = $userConfAdd->fetchrow_array;


		# for now, this is updating the table directly... ugly 
		my $userConfUpdate = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users_conf
											   SET acs = ?, address = ?, businessnumber = ?,
												   company = ?, countrycode = ?, currency = ?,
												   dateformat = ?, dbdriver = ?,
												   dbhost = ?, dbname = ?, dboptions = ?, 
												   dbpasswd = ?, dbport = ?, dbuser = ?,
												   email = ?, fax = ?, menuwidth = ?,
												   name = ?, numberformat = ?,
												   print = ?, printer = ?, role = ?,
												   sid = ?, signature = ?, stylesheet = ?,
												   tel = ?, templates = ?, timeout = ?,
												   vclimit = ?
											 WHERE id = ?;");

		$userConfUpdate->execute($self->{acs}, $self->{address}, $self->{businessnumber},
								 $self->{company}, $self->{countrycode}, $self->{currency},
								 $self->{dateformat}, $self->{dbdriver},
								 $self->{dbhost}, $self->{dbname}, $self->{dboptions}, 
								 $self->{dbpasswd}, $self->{dbport}, $self->{dbuser}, 
								 $self->{email}, $self->{fax}, $self->{menuwidth},
								 $self->{name}, $self->{numberformat}, 
								 $self->{print}, $self->{printer}, $self->{role}, 
								 $self->{sid}, $self->{signature}, $self->{stylesheet},
								 $self->{tel}, $self->{templates}, $self->{timeout}, 
								 $self->{vclimit}, $userID);

		if($oldPassword ne $self->{password}){
			# if they're supplying a 32 char password that matches their old password
			# assume they don't want to change passwords

			$userConfUpdate = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users_conf
												SET password = md5(?)
											  WHERE id = ?");

			$userConfUpdate->execute($self->{password}, $userID);



		my $userConfInsert = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO users_conf(acs, address, businessnumber,
																   company, countrycode, currency,
																   dateformat, dbdriver,
																   dbhost, dbname, dboptions, dbpasswd,
																   dbport, dbuser, email, fax, menuwidth,
																   name, numberformat, print, printer, role, 
																   sid, signature, stylesheet, tel, templates, 
																   timeout, vclimit, id, password)
											VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
												   ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
												   ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, md5(?));");

		$userConfInsert->execute($self->{acs}, $self->{address}, $self->{businessnumber},
								 $self->{company}, $self->{countrycode}, $self->{currency},
								 $self->{dateformat}, $self->{dbdriver},
								 $self->{dbhost}, $self->{dbname}, $self->{dboptions}, 
								 $self->{dbpasswd}, $self->{dbport}, $self->{dbuser}, 
								 $self->{email}, $self->{fax}, $self->{menuwidth},
								 $self->{name}, $self->{numberformat}, 
								 $self->{print}, $self->{printer}, $self->{role}, 
								 $self->{sid}, $self->{signature}, $self->{stylesheet},
								 $self->{tel}, $self->{templates}, $self->{timeout}, 
								 $self->{vclimit}, $userID, $self->{password});

	if (! $self->{'admin'}) {

		$self->{dbpasswd} =~ s/\\'/'/g;
		$self->{dbpasswd} =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;

		# format dbconnect and dboptions string
 		&dbconnect_vars($self, $self->{dbname});

		# check if login is in database
		my $dbh = DBI->connect(
			$self->{dbconnect}, $self->{dbuser}, $self->{dbpasswd}, 
			{AutoCommit => 0}) 
				or $self->error($DBI::errstr);

		# add login to employee table if it does not exist
		my $login = $self->{login};
		$login =~ s/@.*//;
		my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM employee WHERE login = ?;");

		my ($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
		my $employeenumber;
		my @values;
		if ($id) {

			$query = qq|UPDATE employee SET
			role = ?,
			email = ?, 
			name = ?
			WHERE login = ?|;

			@values = ($self->{role}, $self->{email}, $self->{name}, $login);

		} else {

			my ($employeenumber) = Form::update_defaults(
				"", \%$self, "employeenumber", $dbh);
			$query = qq|
				INSERT INTO employee 
				            (login, employeenumber, name, 
				            workphone, role, email, sales)
				    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '1')|;
			@values = ($login, $employeenumber, $self->{name}, $self->{tel},
			$self->{role}, $self->{email})

		$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);


sub delete_login {
	my ($self, $form) = @_;

	my $dbh = DBI->connect(
		$form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, $form->{dbpasswd}, 
		{AutoCommit => 0}) 
			or $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__);
	my $login = $form->{login};
	$login =~ s/@.*//;
	my $query = qq|SELECT id FROM employee WHERE login = ?|; 
	my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
	$sth->execute($login) || $form->dberror(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.': '.$query);
	my ($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
	my $query = qq|
		UPDATE employee 
		   SET login = NULL,
		       enddate = current_date
		 WHERE login = ?|;
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);


sub config_vars {
	my @conf = 
		qw(acs address businessnumber company countrycode
		currency dateformat dbconnect dbdriver dbhost dbname dboptions
		dbpasswd dbport dbuser email fax menuwidth name numberformat
		password printer role sid signature stylesheet tel templates 
		timeout vclimit);



sub error {
	my ($self, $msg) = @_;

		print qq|Content-Type: text/html\n\n|.
			qq|<body bgcolor=ffffff>\n\n|.
			qq|<h2><font color=red>Error!</font></h2>\n|.

	die "Error: $msg\n";
