=head1 NAME LedgerSMB::Template::XLS Template support module for LedgerSMB =head1 SYNOPSIS Excel spreadsheet output. For details about the XML template document elements, see Excel::Template. For details about various parameters used, see Spreadsheet::WriteExcel. As this module uses Excel::Template::Plus, flow control and variable substitution are handled with TT with the usual for LSMB tag formatting of <?lsmb foo ?> instead of the more HTML::Template-like forms of Excel::Template. =head1 METHODS =over =item get_template ($name) Returns the appropriate template filename for this format. '.xlst' is the extension that was chosen for the templates. =item preprocess ($vars) Returns $vars. =item process ($parent, $cleanvars) Processes the template for text. =item postprocess ($parent) Returns the output filename. =back =head1 Copyright (C) 2007, The LedgerSMB core team. This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used with permission. It is released under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or, at your option, any later version. See COPYRIGHT file for details. For a full list including contact information of contributors, maintainers, and copyright holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file. =cut package LedgerSMB::Template::XLS; use warnings; use strict; use Error qw(:try); use CGI::Simple::Standard qw(:html); use Excel::Template::Plus; use LedgerSMB::Template::TTI18N; sub get_template { my $name = shift; return "${name}.xlst"; } sub preprocess { my $rawvars = shift; my $vars; my $type = ref $rawvars; #XXX fix escaping function return $rawvars if $type =~ /^LedgerSMB::Locale/; return $rawvars unless defined $rawvars; if ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) { for (@{$rawvars}) { push @{$vars}, preprocess( $_ ); } } elsif (!$type) { return escapeHTML($rawvars); } elsif ($type eq 'SCALAR') { return escapeHTML($$rawvars); } else { # Hashes and objects for ( keys %{$rawvars} ) { $vars->{preprocess($_)} = preprocess( $rawvars->{$_} ); } } return $vars; } sub process { my $parent = shift; my $cleanvars = shift; my $template; my $source; my $tempdir = ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::tempdir}; $parent->{outputfile} ||= "$tempdir/$parent->{template}-output-$$"; if (ref $parent->{template} eq 'SCALAR') { $source = $parent->{template}; } elsif (ref $parent->{template} eq 'ARRAY') { $source = join "\n", @{$parent->{template}}; } else { $source = get_template($parent->{template}); } $template = Excel::Template::Plus->new( engine => 'TT', template => $source, params => {%$cleanvars, %$LedgerSMB::Template::TTI18N::ttfuncs, 'escape' => \&preprocess}, config => { INCLUDE_PATH => $parent->{include_path}, START_TAG => quotemeta('<?lsmb'), END_TAG => quotemeta('?>'), DELIMITER => ';', DEBUG => ($parent->{debug})? 'dirs': undef, DEBUG_FORMAT => '',}, ); $template->write_file("$parent->{outputfile}.xls"); $parent->{mimetype} = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'; } sub postprocess { my $parent = shift; $parent->{rendered} = "$parent->{outputfile}.xls" if $parent->{outputfile}; return $parent->{rendered}; } 1;