=head1 NAME

LedgerSMB::Template::TTI18N  Template Toolkit i18n support functions


Various functions for Template Toolkit templates for internationalisation

=head1 METHODS


=item <?lsmb gettext(locale, 'string [_1]', param) ?>

Output the gettext translation for the string in the given locale.  If
locale is a LedgerSMB::Locale object, it uses it.  If it is a string, the
locale is loaded, cached, and used.


=head1 Copyright (C) 2007, The LedgerSMB core team.

This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used
with permission.  

It is released under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or, at your 
option, any later version.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.  For a full list 
including contact information of contributors, maintainers, and copyright 
holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file.

package LedgerSMB::Template::TTI18N;

use LedgerSMB::Locale;

my %locales; # Cache string-loaded locales
our $ttfuncs = {};

$ttfuncs->{gettext} = sub {
	my $locale = shift;
	if (ref $locale) {
		return $locale->text(@_);
	} elsif ($locales{$locale}) {
		return $locales{$locale}->text(@_);
	} else {
		$locales{$locale} = LedgerSMB::Locale->get_handle($locale);
		return $locales{$locale}->text(@_);