=head1 NAME

LedgerSMB::Menu:  Menu Handling Back-end Routines for LedgerSMB


Provides the functions for generating the data structures for the LedgerSMB


Copyright (c) 2007 The LedgerSMB Core Team.  Licensed under the GNU General 
Public License version 2 or at your option any later version.  Please see the
included COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more information.


package LedgerSMB::Menu;

use Config::Std;
use base(qw(LedgerSMB::DBObject));

=head1 METHODS


=item LedgerSMB::Menu->new()

Inherited from LedgerSMB::DBObject.  Please see that documnetation for details.

=item $menu->generate()

This function returns a list of menu items.  Each list item is a hashref:
keys %menu_item would return the equivalent of qw(position id level label path 
args).  Returns the complete list and sets $menu->{menu_items} to a referene to 
th result set, This function does not return an entry for the top-level menu.


sub generate {
    my ($self) = shift @_;
    my @args;

    @{$self->{menu_items}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'menu_generate');

    $self->debug({file => '/tmp/menu'});

    shift @{$self->{menu_items}};

    for my $attribute (@{$self->{menu_items}}){
        @args = $self->_parse_array($attribute->{args});
        delete $attribute->{args};
        @{$attribute->{args}} = @args;
	for (@{$attribute->{args}}){
            if ($_ =~ /(module|menu|action)=/){
               @elems = split(/=/, $_);
               print STDERR join(','. @elems) . "\n";
               $attribute->{$elems[0]} = $elems[1];
    return @{$self->{menu_items}};