LedgerSMB 1.3 (svn trunk) INSTALL ================================= This document aims to provide a detailed step by step process to configure a working instance of LedgerSMB 1.3 from subversion repository or pre-alpha release tarball. Subsitute your own values for file paths and definitions shown in ALL_CAPS. Install LedgerSMB 1.3 Source ------------------------------------ LedgerSMB 1.3 is still in pre-beta, with no tarball release files. Check out LedgerSMB 1.3 from svn trunk: $ svn co https://ledger-smb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ledger-smb/trunk /path/to/ledgersmb13 Change working directory to WORKING_DIR: ---------------------------------------- WORKING_DIR is the location you have manually installed the LedgerSMB 1.3 source or checkout. LedgerSMB 1.3 in pre-alpha form is not currently packaged for any distribution. $ cd /path/to/ledgersmb13/ /path/to/ledgersmb13 $ All commands from this point forward are executed from WORKING_DIR unless otherwise noted. Automating Installation ----------------------- You can extract the commands in this document with: $ grep -e '^\$' INSTALL This provides a decent approximation of what would be required for a scripted install as of this writing. Apache Configuration ==================== LedgerSMB uses Apache-2.x, with mod_rewrite. Create up an Apache conf file for the WORKING_DIR location ---------------------------------------------------------- Configure ledgersmb-httpd.conf for apache, subsituting WORKING_DIR with the absolute path of your LedgerSMB installation (e.g. /path/to/ledgersmb13): The following sed command applies the repetitive substitution automatically. $ cat ledgersmb-httpd.conf | sed "s|WORKING_DIR|$(pwd)|" > ledgersmb-httpd-13.conf You can also apply the substitution manually in your preferred text editor. Install the Apache conf file ---------------------------- Move the apache conf file ledgersmb-httpd-13.conf to a location where it will be picked up on apache restart: $ sudo mv ledgersmb-httpd-13.conf /etc/apache2/app/ledgersmb13.conf Restart apache: $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart * Stopping apache2 ... [ ok ] * Starting apache2 ... [ ok ] Verify that RewriteRule is working ---------------------------------- LedgerSMB 1.3 depends on mod_rewrite's ReWriteRule. Make sure that your Apache has module or built-in support for mod_rewrite. You can test this if you are unsure. Use an .htaccess file to check that mod_rewrite is working and that our directory alias has been loaded by apache: $ echo -e 'RewriteEngine on\nRewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.google.com [R]' > /path/to/ledgersmb13/.htaccess $ wget -qO /dev/stdout http://localhost/ledgersmb | grep -c 'Google' 1 If you saw the grep output "1" above, RewriteRule is working. Remove your temporary .htaccess file: $ rm .htaccess Apache must be able to read and write WORKING_DIR ------------------------------------------------- Make sure the WORKING_DIR directory is read-writable by user:group apache:apache, or as appropriate for your distribution's Apache conventions. Check And Satisfy Perl Dependencies =================================== LedgerSMB depends on Perl-5.8, and several CPAN packages, which may or may not be available as system packages for your linux distribution: $ perl -v | grep v5. This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i686-linux Run Makefile.PL to check for LedgerSMB's Perl dependencies. The output should be similar to the following: $ perl Makefile.PL include /path/to/ledgersmb13/inc/Module/Install.pm include inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm include inc/Module/Install/Base.pm include inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm include inc/Module/Install/Include.pm include inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... [Core Features] - Test::More ...loaded. (0.8) - Test::Trap ...loaded. (0.0.23) - Test::Exception ...loaded. (0.27) - Data::Dumper ...loaded. (2.121) - Locale::Maketext ...loaded. (1.13) - Locale::Maketext::Lexicon ...loaded. (0.64 >= 0.56) - DBI ...loaded. (1.601 >= 1.00) - MIME::Base64 ...loaded. (3.07) - Digest::MD5 ...loaded. (2.36) - HTML::Entities ...loaded. (1.35) - DBD::Pg ...loaded. (1.49) - Math::BigFloat ...loaded. (1.51) - IO::File ...loaded. (1.13) - Encode ...loaded. (2.12) - Locale::Country ...loaded. (2.07) - Locale::Language ...loaded. (2.07) - Time::Local ...loaded. (1.18) - Cwd ...loaded. (3.2701) - Config::Std ...loaded. (0.0.4) - MIME::Lite ...loaded. (3.01) - Template ...loaded. (2.19 >= 2.14) - Error ...loaded. (0.17012) - CGI::Simple ...loaded. (1.0) [POS module credit card processing support] - Net::TCLink ...loaded. (3.4) [Experimental scripting engine] - Parse::RecDescent ...loaded. (1.94) [Developer tool dependencies] - Getopt::Long ...loaded. (2.35) - FileHandle ...loaded. (2.01) [PDF and Postscript output] - Template::Latex ...loaded. (2.17) [OpenOffice.org output] - XML::Twig ...loaded. (3.32) - OpenOffice::OODoc ...loaded. (2.035) [Excel output] - Excel::Template::Plus ...loaded. (0.03) *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. include inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm include inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm Writing META.yml include inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm include inc/Module/Install/Can.pm include inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm include inc/Module/Install/Build.pm Writing Makefile for LedgerSMB Use your distribution's CPAN or packaging tools to satisfy the dependencies shown above. ========================= PostgreSQL Configuration ========================= LedgerSMB 1.3 is tightly integrated with PostgreSQL. In the current pre-alpha state, it is necessary to run several PostgreSQL commands and SQL statements exactly as shown below. Automated installers will ease this process in future releases. TODO: Securing PostgreSQL with LedgerSMB ======================================== An experienced PostgreSQL expert should author a section which describes how to properly modify the typical default pg_hba.conf etc., such that LedgerSMB 1.3 works, but without opening up the database to unneccessary network access. Installing PostgreSQL Contrib Function Libraries (Not Optional) =============================================================== LedgerSMB 1.3 depends on several function libraries distributed with PostgreSQL, but typically not installed by default in most distributions. Identify the system package containing the files tsearch2.sql, tablefunc.sql, and pg_trgm.sql. Install that package, and locate the files on the filesystem. You only need to install these function libraries once per postgresql cluster. For the remainder of this INSTALL procedure, you will need to become user postgres, or have the ability to log in to psql as your current user, or issue the commands with: sudo -u postgres [cmd]. Install Tsearch2 Full Text indexing engine for PostgreSQL --------------------------------------------------------- $ psql -U postgres -d template1 -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3/contrib/tsearch2.sql Install tablefunc.sql for PostgreSQL ------------------------------------ $ psql -U postgres -d template1 -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3/contrib/tablefunc.sql Install pg_trgm.sql for PostgreSQL ---------------------------------- $ psql -U postgres -d template1 -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3/contrib/pg_trgm.sql TODO: Test install of tsearch2, tablefunc, pg_trgm -------------------------------------------------- Create test functions for user to verify proper contrib library loading. Instruct the user how to run them. Configure a LedgerSMB PostgreSQL role ===================================== Create the ledgersmb PostgreSQL role (optional): $ createuser --no-superuser --createdb --no-createrole -U postgres --pwprompt --encrypted ledgersmb Make a note of the password you enter, we'll refer to it as LSMB_PASSWORD. Configure a LedgerSMB Company Database ====================================== Create a LedgerSMB company database. The user and configuration information are stored alongside the accounting data as of this writing: $ createdb -U postgres -O ledgersmb mycompany Install the plpgsql procedural language to the company database: $ createlang plpgsql mycompany Apply the SQL statements in /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/Pg-database.sql to the company database: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/Pg-database.sql Apply the in-development SQL statements in the files WORKING_DIR/sql/modules/ to the company database, in exactly the following order: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Drafts.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/chart.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Account.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Session.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Business_type.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Location.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Company.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Customer.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Date.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Defaults.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Settings.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Employee.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Entity.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Payment.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Person.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Report.sql $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Voucher.sql At the time of this writing, the following files are in an earlier state of development and not ready to be loaded: admin.sql security.sql Reconciliaton.sql Generate A Custom Roles SQL Statement File ------------------------------------------ Preprocess the sql/modules/Roles.sql file with sed, generating a custom SQL file in WORKING_DIR: $ sed -e 's//mycompany/g' /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Roles.sql > /path/to/ledgersmb13/mycompany_roles.sql Apply the SQL statements in the sed-generated file mycompany_roles.sql to the company database: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/mycompany_roles.sql Create A PostgreSQL Role ------------------------ Create a postgresql role which you will use to log into the company database: $ createuser --no-superuser --createdb --no-createrole -U postgres --pwprompt --encrypted myuser Note the password entered at the prompt as MYUSER_PASSWORD. You will use this to login to the LedgerSMB 1.3 instance. Create A Company User ===================== The following section creates a company user 'myuser' and configures that user for use with 'mycompany'. Insert myuser Entity -------------------- Using the psql console, insert myuser to the entity table. $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity (name, entity_class, created) VALUES ('myuser', 3, NOW()) RETURNING name, entity_class, created;" myuser | 3 | 2008-08-08 INSERT 0 1 Insert myuser Persion --------------------- Insert the myuser entity into the person table: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO person (entity_id, first_name, last_name, created) VALUES (2, 'Firstname', 'Lastname', NOW()) RETURNING entity_id, first_name, last_name, created;" 2 | Firstname | Lastname | 2008-08-08 INSERT 0 1 Insert myuser Employee ---------------------- Insert the myuser person into the entity_employee table: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity_employee (person_id, entity_id, startdate, role) VALUES (1, 2, NOW(), 'myuser') RETURNING person_id, entity_id, startdate, role;" 1 | 2 | 2008-08-08 | myuser INSERT 0 1 Insert myuser User ------------------ Insert the myuser username and its entity id into the users table: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO users (username, entity_id) VALUES ('myuser', 2) RETURNING username, entity_id;" myuser | 2 INSERT 0 1 Insert myuser Preferences ------------------------- Insert the myuser's person_id into user_preferences: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO user_preference (id) VALUES (1) RETURNING id;" 1 Temporary Workaround: Grant All Roles To myuser ----------------------------------------------- As of this writing, the following workaround is recommended to apply all LedgerSMB 1.3 roles (i.e. rolname LIKE 'lsmb%') to a company user. Create the following function: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION grant_all_roles(in_login varchar) RETURNS INT as \$\$ DECLARE role_info RECORD; BEGIN FOR role_info IN select * from pg_roles WHERE rolname LIKE 'lsmb%' LOOP EXECUTE 'GRANT ' || role_info.rolname || ' TO ' || in_login; END LOOP; RETURN 1; END; \$\$ language plpgsql;" CREATE FUNCTION And execute the function for myuser: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "SELECT grant_all_roles('myuser');" Login to LedgerSMB 1.3 Instance =============================== It should now be possible to log into your LedgerSMB 1.3 instance at: http://localhost/ledgersmb With cookies enabled for localhost. Name: myuser Password: MYUSER_PASSWORD Company: mycompany Workarounds =========== In its pre-alpha state, when accessing certain parts of the LedgerSMB 1.3 system you may encounter permission errors. For example: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: permission denied for relation warehouse Error! SELECT id, description FROM warehouse ORDER BY 2 ERROR: permission denied for relation warehouse It is possible to grant the permissions directly, until a bug is filed, and the code and this INSTALL document is updated to fix the bug. As of this writing, the following SQL statements help avoid these types of errors: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON warehouse TO public;" GRANT $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON translation TO public;" GRANT $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON pricegroup TO public;" GRANT $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON taxmodule TO public;" GRANT $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON sic TO public;" GRANT How-To Section ============== Q: How do I remove the 90+ roles for mycompany created by the INSTALL process? A: First, since most objects in the mycompany database depend on these roles, you must drop the mycompany database first, obviously with loss of data. $ dropdb -U postgres mycompany After that, you must issue the droprole command for each rolname in the query embedded in the following command: $ for role in `psql -U postgres -t -c "SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname LIKE 'lsmb_mycompany%';"`; do dropuser -U postgres $role; done Q: The Admin UI isn't functional yet, how to I set my preferred CSS stylesheet? A: You might find another CSS stylesheet to your liking, but there is currently no UI to set it. Run the following command. If you know your users.id, you can modify the query: $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -c "UPDATE user_preference SET stylesheet='ledgersmb-smallgray.css';" UPDATE 1