Known versions of software incompatible with LedgerSMB:
The following PostgreSQL versions suffer from a bug which causes problems with 
LedgerSMB:  8.2.2, 8.1.7, and 8.0.11

These versions produce an error concerning wrong data types but the error shows 
that the data types are indeed correct.


W3M does not handle the <BUTTON> element properly and does not work.


Pocket Internet Explorer:
Pocket IE does not handle BUTTON elements so is entirely unsupported.


Minimo's SSR settings can cause tables to be badly represented.  We recommend 
disabling SSR.  Minimo is the preferred alternative to Pocket IE.

Note that on the Symbol MC50, Minimo 0.2 does not install or run.  The cab 
installer for 0.16 does run but complains about the software being designed for
a previous version of Windows Mobile.  Once the cab installation completes, the
software can be run from the appropriate installation directory (in Program 


Internet Explorer < 7.0
This browser submits incorrect data when using the <BUTTON> element and is not
supported.  Users of Windows XP and Vista may try Internet Explorer 7 or 
Firefox at their option. Users of older versions of WIndows should use Firefox.