path: root/LedgerSMB
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2006-09-05updating login function to regen user.conf at every login, members and user.c...christopherm
2006-09-04Removed the underscore from valid login names since it was causing regex errors.einhverfr
2006-09-04Added release notes.einhverfr
2006-09-04Added changelog.einhverfr
2006-09-01UI fix: menu items are now clickable as expectedchristopherm
2006-09-01fixing typo in error function that was making the error message invisblechristopherm
2006-09-01Adding disclaimer to session_destroy function, it won't likely be useable unt...christopherm
2006-09-01no need for logic to display favicon, plus it wasn't reliable anywaychristopherm
2006-09-01Initial Importchristopherm