# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file wikiname: IT-guide dr. Jones adminemail: dr@jones.dk adminuser: - http://dr.jones.dk/ - http://sirireiter.dk/ url: http://dr.jones.dk/ cgiurl: http://dr.jones.dk/ikiwiki.cgi add_plugins: - search - branding - topbar - sidebar - farbar - copyright - license - po - lockedit - wmd - map - linkmap - aggregate - rawhtml - graphviz disable_plugins: - htmlscrubber - passwordauth - theme html5: 0 timeformat: '%c' locale: en_US.UTF-8 hardlink: 1 timezone: Europe/Copenhagen allow_symlinks_before_srcdir: 1 historyurl: http://source.jones.dk/?p=jones/content.git;a=history;f=[[file]] diffurl: http://source.jones.dk/?p=jones/content.git;a=blobdiff;h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_parent]];f=[[file]] #gitorigin_branch: '' gitmaster_branch: master htmlscrubber_skip: '!*/Discussion' allowrss: 1 allowatom: 1 #anonok_pagespec: '*/discussion' locked_pages: '!*/Discussion' multimarkdown: 1 nodiscount: 1 po_master_language: en|English po_slave_languages: - da|Dansk po_translatable_pages: '* and !*/talk/* and !emdebian/fb/*' po_link_to: negotiated aggregateinternal: 1 tagbase: blog tag_autocreate_commit: 1