% Debian
% Paul Wise, Nguyễn Châu An & Jonas Smedegaard
% Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam, November 12th, 2010

# Overview

 * Debian - Universal Operating System
 * Mentors + sponsoring
 * Debian in Việt Nam

# Debian - Universal Operating System

 * Generic - choices are exposed to the user
 * Mother of other distros
 * Social and political project, not only technical - e.g. DFSG
 * Strong structure, preferrably flat

# Mentors + sponsoring

 * Peer review - many eyes see more bugs
 * Education - Debian quality standards
 * Ideals transfer - get help on packaging
 * debian-mentors mailinglist
 * \#debian-mentors IRC channel
 * http://mentors.debian.net/ site

# Debian in Việt Nam

 * Only one package maintainer
 * Easy to contribute (but weak recognition of non-packaging)