# Trip to Vietnam [[!tag debian trip blog editorial]] On november 12-14 the [FOSSASIA][] conference is held in Việt Nam, with fellow [Debian][] hackers turning it into a [Mini-Debconf][]. When initially confronted with the plan at [Debconf10][] I was thrilled to participate. When returning home, however, I decided (or let my girlfriend decide for us) to move to a beautiful old cottage house -- unfortunately clashing with the FOSSASIA event. Recently Andreas, sceduled to give a speak on [Debian Pure Blends][DDD] at FOSSASIA, had to cancel his trip. I then Idecided to participate after all, as that subject has been a passion of mine for a few years, meaning both that I would be sad if this wasn't promoted at FOSSASIA, and that I should hopefully know enough of it for an interesting talk. After FOSSASIA I will stay another 1½ week offering to exchange ideas and knowledge with hackers in the area of Hồ Chí Minh. Thanks to the friends convincing me to participate, especially Héctor, Andrew and Paul. And thanks a bunch to [Debian][] for sponsoring the flight tickets! [FOSSASIA]: http://fossasia.org/ [Debian]: http://www.debian.org "Debian -- The Universal Operating System" [Mini-Debconf]: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianVietnam/MiniDebConf2010 [Debconf10]: http://debconf10.debconf.org/ "Debconf 10" [DDD]: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianBlends "Debian Pure Blends"