# Leave me a message I love to chat - both in real time and by exchanging messages. Here is how you can leave me a message... ## Shout You are most welcome to reach me publicly, where others can listen in and potentially join our conversation. If you wanna ask or share something which is potentially relevant for others too, then better do it in public. On [Matrix][] I hang out in the chatrooms [#debian-matrix:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#debian-matrix:matrix.org) and [#community-pureos:talk.puri.sm](https://matrix.to/#/#community-pureos:talk.puri.sm), among others. On [Jabber][] I hang out in the chatroom [openhardware](https://magicbroccoli.de/i/#openhardware@conference.magicbroccoli.de?join) ([more info](https://search.jabber.network/search?q=openhardware), among others. On [IRC][] I hang out in the channels [#tinker](ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/tinker), [#debian](ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/debian) and [#debian-devel](ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/debian-devel) at [OFTC.net](https://oftc.net/), and [#olimex](ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/olimex) at [libera.chat](https://libera.chat/), among others. On email I follow the mailinglists [debian-devel](https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/), [debian-freedombox](https://lists.debian.org/debian-freedombox/), [design-devel](https://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/design-devel), [blend-tinker-devel](ttps://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/blend-tinker-devel), and [pkg-sugar-devel](https://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pkg-sugar-devel) at Debian, [tinkerphones](https://lists.goldelico.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/community) at Goldelico, and [public-rww](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rww/) at W3C, among others. ## Whisper You can also reach me discretely. Please then mention explicitly your reasion(s) for discretion: That helps me respect your secrets/anonymity etc. If you reason for discretion is to not "disturb" a larger crowd with your "noise", then please reconsider: Generally we hang out in public rooms _because_ we want some related "noise". On [Matrix][] I am [@jonas:matrix.jones.dk](https://matrix.to/#/@jonas:matrix.jones.dk) at my own system, and [@jonas.smedegaard:talk.puri.sm](https://matrix.to/#/@jonas.smedegaard:talk.puri.sm) at the system of one of my clients. On [Jabber][] I am [jonas@jones.dk](xmpp:jonas@jones.dk) and [js@debian.org](xmpp:js@debian.org). On [IRC][] I am **jonas** at [OFTC.net](https://oftc.net) and **jonas_s** at [libera.chat](https://libera.chat). My main email address is - alternatives include and . ## Realtime You can also [visit or call me](/info), or we can arrange a virtual audio-only or audio/video meeting. [Matrix]: https://matrix.org/ "Matrix - federated chat system handling chains of encrypted JSON messages" [Jabber]: https://xmpp.org/getting-started/ "Jabber (technically: XMPP) - federated chat system handling streams of optionally encrypted XML messages" [IRC]: https://www.irchelp.org/ "IRC (Internet Relay Chat) - federated chat system handling streams of plaintext messages"