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Lewis" . :cbm a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Christen Bang-Madsen" ; foaf:account [ a foaf:OnlineAccount ; foaf:accountServiceHomepage <http://www.linkedin.com/> ; foaf:accountName "bangmadsen" ; foaf:homepage <http://www.linkedin.com/in/bangmadsen> ] . <index.rdf.asc> a wot:Endorsement ; wot:endorser :pubkey . :inger a foaf:Person ; foaf:firstName "Inger" ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "d69f2b79feb93ae0bf0b0972ddc7e1fde02548fa" ; foaf:name "Inger Smedegaard" ; foaf:surname "Smedegaard" ; foaf:weblog <http://ingersblog-inger.blogspot.com/> ; foaf:made [ a book:Book ; dc:title "Tyv ja tyv : sanglege for voksne" ; book:isbn "8789160053", "9788789160054" ; # dc:subject ddc:398 ; # dc:subject dewey:398 ; rdfs:seeAlso <http://classify.oclc.org/classify2/ClassifyDemo?swid=064403592> ; ] ; rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.viaf.org/viaf/48649414/> . :grit a foaf:Person ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "b4f1bce555f57f1865b80b278553ce13a62c9efb" ; foaf:name "Grit Kölmel" . <images/me/kp_bricks.jpg> foaf:sha1 "e8f581ec550c9e0c907ba585f95c5647adbd2f6a" . :jgh a foaf:Person ; 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trust:trust5 :annika ; trust:trust6 :alboy, :anders, :lp, :stinus ; trust:trust8 :jgh, :ronald, :siri ; bio:event [ bio:date "1972-11-12" ; bio:place "Odense sygehus, Odense, Denmark" ; a bio:Birth ] ; bio:olb "Jonas Smedegaard is a freelance systems administrator and developer working with resource sharing within and between organisations, mostly schools and NGOs; designing systems both intuitive to use, strictly based on open standards, and purely built from Free Software." ; book:toReadCopyOf <http://purl.org/NET/book/isbn/978-0-14-200028-1#book> ; a foaf:Person ; rdfs:seeAlso <facebook/#me>, <linkedin>, <presence/#me> ; contact:nearestAirport [ air:elevation "43" ; air:iataCode "RKE" ; air:icaoCode "EKRK" ; air:latitude "55.583333333333" ; air:location "Roskilde, Denmark" ; air:longitude "12.133333333333" ; air:name "Roskilde Airport" ; air:sameIndividualAs airport:RKE ; a wn:Airport ] ; foaf:account [ a foaf:OnlineAccount ; foaf:accountServiceHomepage <http://db.debian.org/> ; foaf:accountName "js" ; 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foaf:mbox <mailto:dr@jones.dk>, <mailto:jonas@107b.dk>, <mailto:jonas@bitbase.dk>, <mailto:jonas@dgi-huset.dk>, <mailto:jonas@homebase.dk>, <mailto:jonas@jones.dk>, <mailto:jonas@kaospilot.no>, <mailto:js@debian.org> ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "15fe26e26f80dafc3e22723c7e4bdd1d73b5de3b", "2b096208797cd4fab09c6667e8eddc7259610f3f", "2d3cdf1b746bc8970743d0d61cdec74a2933911f", "4e33bf1dc521f6fd0c60c884e3fd7ab88b643f37", "5ce8f4bc9f45ee9b953242b54e49bd66f106e22c", "8fb5238859d200bb4e1de91964c58d779f04a913", "b77d86d18a17f814f2fcd8d393df6ca8e48dcf79", "ffa66c47fb52461e3b97cad4823a83a055c88db9" ; foaf:myersBriggs "INTJ" ; foaf:name "Jonas Smedegaard" ; foaf:nick "dr. Jones", "sPoof", "sanoj", "يونس", "ヨナス", "孔酷特" ; foaf:openid <.> ; foaf:pastProject <http://www.munksoegaard.dk/> ; foaf:phone <tel:+45-40843136> ; foaf:schoolHomepage <http://www.lilleskolen-odense.dk/>, <http://www.mulerne-gym.dk/>, <http://www.tallerupskolen.dk/>, <http://www.vandelefterskole.dk/> ; foaf:surname "Smedegaard" ; foaf:workInfoHomepage <redpill> ; foaf:workplaceHomepage <.> . :propel a foaf:Person ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "cb8bf5f86f9272ca7c4496507376807f2eb3f1e0" ; foaf:name "Kim Lindgren Propel" . :ronald a foaf:Person ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "7953869a713727fbae42ea8bae09a398d1960ddc" ; foaf:name "Ronald Jensen" ; foaf:account [ a foaf:OnlineAccount ; foaf:accountServiceHomepage <http://www.linkedin.com/> ; foaf:accountName "ronaldjensen" ; foaf:homepage <http://www.linkedin.com/in/ronaldjensen> ], [ a foaf:OnlineAccount ; foaf:accountServiceHomepage <http://www.facebook.com/> ; foaf:accountName "istedgade" ; foaf:homepage <http://www.facebook.com/istedgade> ] . :siri a foaf:Person ; rdfs:seeAlso <http://sirireiter.dk/foaf.rdf> ; foaf:firstName "Siri" ; foaf:homepage <http://sirireiter.dk/> ; foaf:jabberID "siri@jones.dk" ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "bf62f0e279fdf15881944a6070fa3c7c78932216" ; foaf:name "Siri Reiter" ; foaf:surname "Reiter" ; foaf:weblog <http://sirireiter.dk/blog/> ; foaf:workplaceHomepage <http://siri.jones.dk/> . :steinbach a foaf:Person ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "2285c1766e808810ae93320d72f9631372ece10f" ; foaf:name "Morten Steinbach" . :stinus a foaf:Person ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "c19d278a77f3fd043b9af6ea94670ed8ee38ca1e" ; foaf:name "Stinus Storm Mikkelsen" . dbpedia:Electronic_music dc:title "Electronic Music" . wp:Linux dc:title "Linux" . <http://ikiwiki.info/> dc:description "Wiki compiler" ; dc:title "Ikiwiki" . <http://last.fm/> dc:title "Last FM" . <http://flickr.com/> dc:title "Flickr" . <http://identi.ca/> dc:title "Identi.ca" . <http://db.debian.org/> dc:title "Debian" . <http://www.facebook.com/> dc:title "Facebook" . <http://purl.org/rss/1.0/> dc:title "RSS" ; a foaf:Document . <http://sirireiter.dk/blog/> dc:title "Skitseblog" . <http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/JonasSmedegaard/recenttracks.rss> a creativeCommons:channel ; dc:title "Last.FM Musical Profile: Jonas Smedegaard" ; dc:description "Jonas Smedegaard's last played tracks, as recorded by Last.FM" . country:BE iso:code "BE" ; iso:name "Belgium" ; a iso:Country . country:BR iso:code "BR" ; iso:name "Brazil" ; a iso:Country . country:CH iso:code "CH" ; iso:name "Switzerland" ; a iso:Country . country:CZ iso:code "CZ" ; iso:name "Czech Republic" ; a iso:Country . country:DE iso:code "DE" ; iso:name "Germany" ; a iso:Country . country:DK iso:code "DK" ; iso:name "Denmark" ; a iso:Country ; foaf:page <http://www.denmark.dk/> . country:ES iso:code "ES" ; iso:name "Spain" ; a iso:Country . country:FI iso:code "FI" ; iso:name "Finland" ; a iso:Country . country:FR iso:code "FR" ; iso:name "France" ; a iso:Country . country:GR iso:code "GR" ; iso:name "Greece" ; a iso:Country . country:HU iso:code "HU" ; iso:name "Hungary" ; a iso:Country . country:IE iso:code "IE" ; iso:name "Ireland" ; a iso:Country . country:IS iso:code "IS" ; iso:name "Iceland" ; a iso:Country . country:IT iso:code "IT" ; iso:name "Italy" ; a iso:Country . country:JP iso:code "JP" ; iso:name "Japan" ; a iso:Country . country:LU iso:code "LU" ; iso:name "Luxembourg" ; a iso:Country . country:NL iso:code "NL" ; iso:name "The Netherlands" ; a iso:Country . country:NO iso:code "NO" ; iso:name "Norway" ; a iso:Country . country:PL iso:code "PL" ; iso:name "Poland" ; a iso:Country . country:SE iso:code "SE" ; iso:name "Sweden" ; a iso:Country . country:TW iso:code "TW" ; iso:name "Taiwan" ; a iso:Country . country:UK iso:code "UK" ; iso:name "United Kingdom" ; a iso:Country . country:US iso:code "US" ; iso:name "United States" ; a iso:Country . usstate:CA state:code "CA" ; state:name "California" ; a usstate:USState . usstate:MA state:code "MA" ; state:name "Massachusetts" ; a usstate:USState . usstate:NY state:code "NY" ; state:name "New York" ; a usstate:USState . <http://www.debian.org/> dc:description "The Universal Operating System" ; dc:title "Debian" . <http://www.foaf-project.org/> dc:title "FOAF Project" ; a foaf:Document . <http://www.lilleskolen-odense.dk/> dc:title "Stærmose Lilleskole" . <http://www.mulerne-gym.dk/> dc:title "Mulernes Legatskole" . <http://www.munksoegaard.dk/> dc:description "An eco-village in the outskirt of the city of Roskilde located about 25 km west of Copenhagen, Denmark." ; dc:title "Munksøgård" . <http://www.tallerupskolen.dk/> dc:title "Tallerupskolen" . <http://www.vandelefterskole.dk/> dc:title "Vandel Ungdomsskole" . <http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/> dc:title "SemWeb" ; a foaf:Document . <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/> dc:title "HTML" ; a foaf:Document . <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/> dc:title "CSS" ; a foaf:Document . 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