% Trustworthy computers % Jonas Smedegaard % Oslo, Norway, January 9th, 2018 # Overview * "Secure" is bullshit * Trustworthy systems * Trustworthy computers * Not just you * Conclusion # "Secure" is bullshit >* **Secure** covers anything and everything * Secure = stable * Secure = boring # Keep safe from harm * Nothing to hide... # Keep safe from harm * Nothing to hide, loose, hijack, disturb, disrupt, block, plagiate, impersonate... * No precious digital information or activites # Keep safe - establish trust * Free software, actively and carefully maintained # Systems Debian : Avoid addons (install e.g. Firefox plugins only from Debian) LineageOS (or Replicant) : Addons from [F-Droid][] and the [Guardian Project][guardian] [F-Droid]: https://f-droid.org/ "F-Droid app manager for Android" [guardian]: https://guardianproject.info/fdroid/ "Android app repository, by the Guardian Project" # Keep safe - establish trust * Free software, actively and carefully maintained * Free hardware, actively and carefully maintained # Computers - recommended Phone : Medium: Refurbished [Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9300)][i9300] Desktop / Home server : Most [Linux-ready desktop PC][pc] (avoid NVIDIA/Broadcom stuff) : Light: [Olimex LIME2][lime2] Laptop : Medium: Refurbished [LibreBoot T400][t400] : Strong: Purism [Librem 13 or 15][librem] # Computers - recommended later/assisted Phone : (Light [tricky]: Refurbished [Nokia N900][n900]) : Medium: Refurbished [Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9300)][i9300] : (Medium [future]: [Neo900][neo900]) : (Strong [future]: Purism [Librem 5][librem]) Desktop / Home server : Most [Linux-ready desktop PC][pc] (avoid NVIDIA/Broadcom stuff) : Light: [Olimex LIME2][lime2] Laptop : (Light [tricky]: [ASUS ChromeBook C201][c201]) : (Light [tricky]: Olimex TERES-1) : Medium: Refurbished [LibreBoot T400][t400] : Strong: Purism [Librem 13 or 15][librem] [n900]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_N900 "N900, by Nokia" [neo900]: http://neo900.org/ "Neo900" [i9300]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_S_III "Galaxy S3 (i9300), by Samsung" [pc]: https://linuxpreloaded.com/ "Linux-ready desktop PC (avoid NVIDIA/Broadcom stuff)" [lime2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OLinuXino#A20-OLinuXino-LIME2 "OLinuXino LIME2, by Olimex" [c201]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromebook#List_of_Chromebooks "Chromebook C201, by ASUS" [t400]: https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-t400/ "LibreBoot T400, by Ministry of Freedom" [librem]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purism,_SPC#Products "Librem computers, by Purism" # Keep friends safe too >* Help your friends stay safe too * Help your enemies as well * fsociety # Keep safe - Blind trust is for babies Blind trust = giving up control = **non-free** # Keep safe - Trust paths * Debian secured by PGP Web-of-Trust * Debian operates transparently, securing sane choices through "mockery guarantee" * Free software - "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs shallow" * Open Source Hardware secures longevity: Create spare parts independently # The end * Don't blindly trust promises of "secure" or "safe". * Don't blindly trust me. * Trust what convinces you is trustworthy! * Discuss your assessments with friends and anyone. * Get elected, and integrate into laws. Me: This talk: