# The FreedomBox [[!meta date="2011-03-08"]] [[!tag project debian]] The [FreedomBox][] is a project to develop a tiny box usable by ordinary humans without special computer knowledge, to help gain independence from the disturbing centralization of internet services. I am [[involved|year]] in the project, treating it as a [Debian Pure Blend][]. January 2011 I gave an [interview][] about my involvement. [FreedomBox]: http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox "the FreedomBox - Debian wiki page" [interview]: http://frostbitemedia.libsyn.com/this-week-in-debian-episode-16- "interview (audio) at Frostbite Media [Debian Pure Blend]: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends "Debian Pure Blends - Debian wiki page"