Debian and a healthy Free Software eco system

Jonas Smedegaard

SWECHA, Hyderabad, October 25th, 2011



FLOSS == Free/Libre Open Source Software

FLOSS - Free Software

Free/Libre: Freedom Fighters wanting to share

FLOSS - Open Source

Open Source: Business folks wanting to trade


FLOSS == Free/Libre Open Source Software

Floss: Friendly cooperation between liberators and liberals

FLOSS - more twists of words

Free is costly and challenging

FLOSS parts

FLOSS people

FLOSS parts and people

Software Development Stream

Software Development Stream

FLOSS eco system

Software Code Stream

Software Code Stream

Debian - distro & community

Debian - Universal Operating System

Debian packages

Debian - Mentors + sponsoring

Debian - derivatives

Debian - blends

Debian - future blends

Power & World Peace

Avoid corruption of power: Engage and Share!

The End