Debian and a healthy Free Software eco system

Jonas Smedegaard

SWECHA, Hyderabad, October 25th, 2011


Free is costly and challenging


FLOSS == Free/Libre Open Source Software

FLOSS - Free Software

Free/Libre: Freedom Fighters wanting to share

FLOSS - Open Source

Open Source: Business folks wanting to trade


FLOSS == Free/Libre Open Source Software

Floss: Friendly cooperation between liberators and liberals

FLOSS - more twists of words

FLOSS parts

FLOSS people

FLOSS parts and people

Software Development Stream

Software Development Stream

FLOSS eco system

Software Code Stream

Software Code Stream

Debian - distro & community

Debian - Universal Operating System

Debian packages

Debian - Mentors + sponsoring

Debian - derivatives

Debian - blends

Debian - future blends

Power & World Peace

Avoid corruption of power: Engage and Share!

The End