Debian Pure Blends - hacking in your parents' house

Jonas Smedegaard

PES, Bangalore, November 3rd, 2011


Me and Asia

Asia trip

Asia trip

Tricky terms

FLOSS: Free/Libre Open Source Software.

Hacking: Being creative with small pieces -- like playing with Lego.

Cracking: Breaking digital "locks", typically to steal digital data.

FLOSS Eco System

Software Code Stream

Software Code Stream

Debian - distro & community

Debian - Community

Debian - Community structure

Debian - Community structure

Debian - Distribution

Debian packages

Debian packaging - Mentors + sponsoring

Debian packaging - Join teams

Debian - derivatives

Debian deriving

Debian - blends


Debian - existing blends

Debian - future blends

Debian blending

Debian Pure Blends - Benefits

Debian Pure Blends - downsides



The End