Maintaining a blend

Photo: Thinkgeek
Jonas Smedegaard
Paris, France, November 4th, 2013
18722 source packages
~1000 members
4-5000 non-member contributors
19 years old
Light(er than GNOME) desktop
Specific (non-english) language
Custom-designed taskbar
Custom applications included
Custom emphasized applications in menu
Custom default desktop background
Custom branding
Photo: George Hodan
Sketch: Siri Reiter
Wandering off?
Running ahead?
pick a base distro
hack on it
optimize hacks
get hacks adopted upstream
Photo: Thinkgeek
Social contract
Nice on paper with ideals and priciples, but...
What's in it for me?!?
You don't own your system - you provide one for others to own.
So don't refine it like a (sloppy) user: Handle it like a Debian developer!
Tool to help maintain package lists and prospective packages.
Avoid configuration files...
Reusable scripts compatible with one or more of...
When all is in Debian, with no dirty tricks: