% Debian and a healthy Free Software eco system % Jonas Smedegaard % CDAC, Hyderabad, October 24th, 2011 # Overview * Free Software * FLOSS * Debian - distro & community * The bigger picture # Free Software * Free from **some** limits (maybe not money!) * Choice → Control → Independence # FLOSS * Free/Libre Open Source Software * Free/Libre: Freedom Fighters wanting to **share** * Open Source: Business folks wanting to **trade** * Like "peace": we all want it, but at different cost # FLOSS things >* Hardware * Firmware * Kernel (like "Linux") * System tools * Desktop elements * Applications * Translations * Documentation * Beautification * Explanation # FLOSS people >* Hardcore technicians * Simple technicians * Data organizers * Designers * Politicians * Business folks * Patient users * Impatient users * Testers (**very** patient users) * Cheerleeders # Debian - distro & community * Distribution * Community * Free! # Debian - Universal Operating System * Generic - choices are exposed to the user * Mother of other distros * Social and political project, not only technical - e.g. DFSG * Strong structure, preferrably flat # Debian packages * Packages = components * Mozilla Iceweasel (Firefox): ~3 packages (+ ~70 lang packages) * OpenOffice.org: ~30 packages (+ ~90 lang packages) * Debian: ~30.000 packages # Debian - Mentors + sponsoring * Peer review - many eyes see more bugs * Education - Debian quality standards * Ideals transfer - get help on packaging * debian-mentors mailinglist * \#debian-mentors IRC channel * http://mentors.debian.net/ site # Debian - derivatives * Knoppix * Ubuntu * BOSS * ... # Debian - blends * Debian Jr * Debian Med * Debian Edu * Debian Science * Debian EzGo * BrDesktop * Debian Accessibility * Debian Lex * DebiChem * Debian GIS * Debian Multimedia # Debian - future blends * FreedomBox * Debian LAN * BOSS? # Debian in a larger perspective  # Debian in a larger perspective  # The End * Me: <dr@jones.dk> * Debian: <http://www.debian.org> * This talk: <http://dr.jones.dk/blends/talk/cdac> * Graphics: <http://sirireiter.dk/blog/entry/110310/>