% FreedomBox - a Debian Pure Blend
% Jonas Smedegaard
% BMSIT, Bangalore, November 5th, 2011
# Overview
* Me and Asia
* Eben Moglen and the Cloud
* FreedomBox: Debian Pure Blend + commercial hardware
* Debian - the Universal Operating System
* Customizing Debian - deriving and blending
* Making FreedomBox dead user friendly
* Ways to help
# Me
* Jonas Smedegaard
* One-man company: IT-guide dr. Jonas
* Sysadmin at Kaospilot University
* Sysadmin at Børneuniversitetet
* Sysadmin at DGI-huset
* Sysadmin + webmaster at Københavns Delebiler
# Me and Asia

# Eben Moglen and the Cloud
* Internet was designed non-hierarchical
* Microsoft enslaved us with client-server concept
* Google and Facebook spy on us
# Eben Moglen and the Cloud - solution
* Host personal data under own legal control (in your home)
* Use consumer-appealling hardware (cheap, low-power)
* Make software dead simple to use
# FreedomBox: Debian Pure Blend + commercial hardware
* ✔ Eben persuades Debian to implement a "pure blend"
* Debian blends privacy best practices and services for non-geeks
* Eben persuades hardware vendors to ship with Debian blend
* Companies sell boxes with Debian blend (or rebranded fork)
# Debian - the Universal Operating System
* Generic - choices are exposed to the user
* Mother of other distros (Ubuntu, BOSS, SWECHA, ...)
# Customizing Debian - deriving and blending
>* Deriving: hacking with your face away from Debian
* Blending: Hacking with you face towards Debian
* Debian Pure Blend: Perfection → your hacks integrated into Debian!
# Making FreedomBox dead user friendly
* Nice looking web-based control panel
# Making FreedomBox dead user friendly
* ~~Nice looking web-based control panel~~
* Phone handset and voice menu
* Chat bot: Your personal butler...
# Making FreedomBox dead user friendly
* ~~Nice looking web-based control panel~~
* Phone handset and voice menu
* Chat bot: Your personal spy!
# Ways to help
* Join mailinglist and look at wiki pages
* Install Debian, install relevant packages, and customize configurations
* Play with the blending tool "boxer"
# The End
* Me:
* This talk:
* Asia trip:
* Debian:
* FreedomBox:
* Boxer: