% Come help hack on Debian!
% Jonas Smedegaard
% Universitas Al Muslim, December 27th, 2011
# Overview
* Me
* Free Software
* Free Society
* You
# Me
* Jonas Smedegaard
* One-man company: IT-guide dr. Jonas
* Sysadmin at Kaospilot University
* Sysadmin at Børneuniversitetet
* Sysadmin at DGI-huset
* Sysadmin + webmaster at Københavns Delebiler
# Me and Asia

# Free Software
* Open Source: Software that is **open to use and edit**
* Free Software: Software that is **free of charge**
# Free Software
* ~~Open Source: Software that is open to use and edit~~
* Open Source: Software with freedoms to **openly use** creatively
* ~~Free Software: Software that is cheap or free of charge~~
* Free Software: Software with **freedoms to** openly **use creatively**
# Debian - distro & community
* Distribution
* Community
# Debian - Distribution
* 9+ hardware architectures
* 2+ kernels
* 35000+ software packages
# Debian - Distribution
* Bound by **Debian Policy**
* Generic - choices are exposed to the user
* Mother of other distros
The Universal Operating System
# Debian - Community
* ~1000 official "Developers"
* ??? unofficial packagers, translators, documentors, bug-fixers...
# Debian - Community
* Democracy
# Debian - Community
* ~~Democracy~~
* Bound by **Debian Social Contract**
* Each passionate maintainer is responsible
# Hacker
* Hacker: Digital "burglar", breaking codes for fun or to **steal** information.
# Hacker
* ~~Hacker: Digital "burglar", breaking codes for fun or to **steal** information.~~
* Cracker: Digital "burglar", breaking codes for fun or to **steal** information.
* Hacker: Digital artist, **creatively using** small pieces.
# Free Society
* Democracy
# Free Society
* ~~Democracy~~
* Everyone has equal **freedoms to** openly **use creatively**
# Free Society
* ~~Democracy~~
* ~~Everyone has equal **freedoms to** openly **use creatively**~~
* Everyone **use** equal **freedoms to** openly **use creatively**
# You
* Hack your computer
* Hack your hair
* Hack your life
* Hack your society
# Essentials
* I am always right!
* Think global, act local!
* There is no spoon!
# Essentials
* I am always right!
* ...because I am the center of my Unviverse. You are right too!
* Heroes do not exist. Only you can fix your Universe.
* Think global, act local!
* Share with the whole world (in english), and engage in local community
* There is no spoon!
* Be a hacker: question and redefine facts
# Links
* Me:
* This talk:
* Asia trip:
* Debian:
* BlankOn: