# Asia 2011 [[!meta date="2011-08-28"]] [[!tag debian blog editorial]] In september I visited Brussels, Belgium. [EPFSUG][] had kindly invited me to give a [talk about FreedomBox][] in the European Parliament, and together we extended to also visit other organizations - both grassroots and more formal. I returned home exhausted but also fuelled with renewed energy and passion, and decided to engage in more such activities. Also, an old promise of mine to visit friends in the Aceh region of Indonesia (whom I met in [Taiwan a few years back][]) rumbled in the back of my head. After a bit of juggling with travel routes and sponsoring options, my course was set for a 2½ month journey with [Debian Pure Blends][] as main theme: 1. England: [[London]] 1. India: Khammam, Hyderabad, Mangaluru, Bengaluru 1. Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho 1. Thailand: Bangkok 1. Malaysia: Putrajaya 1. Indonesia: Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bogor, Banda Aceh, Takengon 1. England: Cambridge [Debian will be sponsoring][] East Asia part, and Debian enthusiasts in India seek sponsorship for India part. [EPFSUG]: http://epfsug.eu/ "European Parliament Free Software User Group" [talk about FreedomBox]: http://media.biks.dk/fb/epfsug/ "Video recording of FreedomBox talk" [Taiwan a few years back]: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianTaiwan/MiniDebConf2009 "Mini-DebConf in Taiwan, 2009" [Debian Pure Blends]: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends "Debian Pure Blends" [Debian will be sponsoring]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-blends/2011/08/msg00003.html "Debian will sponsor conference tour on Debian Pure Blends"