path: root/IkiWiki/Plugin
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-01-30Really really fix make space after hash optional in plugin h1title.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Fix fix to make space after hash optional in plugin h1title.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Fix make space after hash optional in plugin h1title.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Add plugin h1title.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Sync plugins farbar and topbar with Ikiwiki 3.20100722 sidebar.Jonas Smedegaard
2008-08-06Add farbar and topbar (clones of sidebar).Jonas Smedegaard
2008-06-20Add plugins copyright, license and varioki, and graphicsmagick wrapper for ↵Jonas Smedegaard