# main local branch (the one we want checked out) master = master # all local branches (including those needed by child clones) branches = $(master) # local name of origin origin = origin currentbranch = $(shell git branch | grep ^\* | awk '{ print $2 }') noncurrentbranches = $(filter-out $(currentbranch),$(branches)) update: $(if $(filter $(currentbranch),$(master)),,git checkout "$(master)") git pull init: # Assume that initial cloning is done already when invoking this target # git init # git remote add -f -t "$(master)" -m "$(master)" origin "$(origin)" # git merge origin # git config remote.origin.push +"refs/heads/$(master)":"refs/heads/$(master)" $(if $(filter $(currentbranch),$(master)),,git branch -f "$(master)" "$(origin)/$(master)") $(if $(noncurrentbranches),$(foreach branch,$(noncurrentbranches),git branch -f "$(branch)" "$(origin)/$(branch)" &&) true) $(if $(filter $(currentbranch),$(master)),,git checkout -f "$(master)") .PHONY: update init