path: root/ikiwiki
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ikiwiki')
12 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ikiwiki/directive.mdwn b/ikiwiki/directive.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb88aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/directive.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+Directives are similar to a [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]] in form, except they
+begin with `!` and may contain parameters. The general form is:
+ \[[!directive param="value" param="value"]]
+This gets expanded before the rest of the page is processed, and can be used
+to transform the page in various ways.
+The quotes around values can be omitted if the value is a simple word.
+Also, some directives may use parameters without values, for example:
+ \[[!tag foo]]
+A directive does not need to all be on one line, it can be
+wrapped to multiple lines if you like:
+ \[[!directive foo="baldersnatch"
+ bar="supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" baz=11]]
+Also, multiple lines of *quoted* text can be used for a value.
+To allow quote marks inside the quoted text, delimit the block
+of text with triple-quotes:
+ \[[!directive text="""
+ 1. "foo"
+ 2. "bar"
+ 3. "baz"
+ """]]
+ikiwiki also has an older syntax for directives, which requires a space in
+directives to distinguish them from [[wikilinks|ikiwiki/wikilink]]. This
+syntax has several disadvantages: it requires a space after directives with
+no parameters (such as `\[[pagecount ]]`), and it prohibits spaces in
+[[wikilinks|ikiwiki/wikilink]]. ikiwiki now provides the `!`-prefixed
+syntax shown above as default. However, ikiwiki still supports wikis using
+the older syntax, if the `prefix_directives` option is disabled.
+[[!if test="enabled(listdirectives)" then="""
+Here is a list of currently available directives in this wiki:
+[[!listdirectives ]]
diff --git a/ikiwiki/formatting.mdwn b/ikiwiki/formatting.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..befbce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/formatting.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+[[!meta title="Formatting wiki pages"]]
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+Text on this wiki is, by default, written in a form very close to how you
+might write text for an email message. This style of text formatting is
+called [[MarkDown]], and it works like this:
+Leave blank lines between paragraphs.
+You can *\*emphasise\** or **\*\*strongly emphasise\*\*** text by placing it
+in single or double asterisks.
+To create a list, start each line with an asterisk:
+* "* this is my list"
+* "* another item"
+To make a numbered list, start each line with a number (any number will
+do) followed by a period:
+1. "1. first line"
+2. "2. second line"
+2. "2. third line"
+To create a header, start a line with one or more `#` characters followed
+by a space and the header text. The number of `#` characters controls the
+size of the header:
+# # h1
+## ## h2
+### ### h3
+#### #### h4
+##### ##### h5
+###### ###### h6
+To create a horizontal rule, just write three or more dashes or stars on
+their own line:
+To quote someone, prefix the quote with ">":
+> To be or not to be,
+> that is the question.
+To write a code block, indent each line with a tab or 4 spaces:
+ 10 PRINT "Hello, world!"
+ 20 GOTO 10
+To link to an url or email address, you can just put the
+url in angle brackets: <<>>, or you can use the
+form \[link text\]\(url\)
+In addition to basic html formatting using [[MarkDown]], this wiki lets
+you use the following additional features:
+* To link to another page on the wiki, place the page's name inside double
+ square brackets. So you would use `\[[WikiLink]]` to link to [[WikiLink]].
+[[!if test="enabled(smiley) and smileys" then="""
+* Insert [[smileys]] and some other useful symbols. :-)
+[[!if test="enabled(shortcut) and shortcuts" then="""
+* Use [[shortcuts]] to link to common resources.
+ \[[!wikipedia War\_of\_1812]]
+[[!if test="enabled(template) and templates" then="""
+* Create and fill out [[templates]] for repeated chunks of
+ parameterized wiki text.
+* Insert various [[directives|directive]] onto a page to perform useful
+ actions.
+[[!if test="enabled(toc) or enabled(meta) or enabled(inline)" then="""
+ For example, you can:
+[[!if test="enabled(toc)" then="""
+ * Add a table of contents to a page:
+ \[[!toc]]
+[[!if test="enabled(meta)" then="""
+ * Change the title of a page:
+ \[[!meta title="full page title"]]
+[[!if test="enabled(inline)" then="""
+ * Create a blog by inlining a set of pages:
+ \[[!inline pages="blog/*"]]
+[[!if test="enabled(listdirectives)" then="""
+ Full list of [[directives|directive]] enabled for this wiki:
+ [[!listdirectives ]]
diff --git a/ikiwiki/markdown.mdwn b/ikiwiki/markdown.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6841919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/markdown.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+is a minimal markup language that resembles plain text as used in
+email messages. It is the markup language used by this wiki by default.
+For documentation about the markdown syntax, see [[formatting]] and
+[Markdown: syntax](
+Note that [[WikiLinks|WikiLink]] and [[directives|directive]] are not part
+of the markdown syntax, and are the only bit of markup that this wiki
+handles internally.
diff --git a/ikiwiki/openid.mdwn b/ikiwiki/openid.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa972e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/openid.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+[[!meta title="OpenID"]]
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+[[!if test="enabled(openid)"
+ then="This wiki has OpenID **enabled**."
+ else="This wiki has OpenID **disabled**."]]
+[OpenID]( is a decentralized authentication mechanism
+that allows you to have one login that you can use on a growing number of
+If you have an account with some of the larger web service providers,
+you might already have an OpenID.
+[Directory of OpenID providers](
+[[!if test="enabled(openid)" then="""
+To sign in to this wiki using OpenID, just enter it in the OpenID field in the
+signin form. You do not need to give this wiki a password or go through any
+registration process when using OpenID.
+It's also possible to make a page in the wiki usable as an OpenID url,
+by delegating it to an openid server. Here's an example of how to do that:
+ \[[!meta openid=""
+ server=""]]
diff --git a/ikiwiki/pagespec.mdwn b/ikiwiki/pagespec.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aec561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/pagespec.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+To select a set of pages, such as pages that are locked, pages
+whose commit emails you want subscribe to, or pages to combine into a
+blog, the wiki uses a PageSpec. This is an expression that matches
+a set of pages.
+The simplest PageSpec is a simple list of pages. For example, this matches
+any of the three listed pages:
+ foo or bar or baz
+More often you will want to match any pages that have a particular thing in
+their name. You can do this using a glob pattern. "`*`" stands for any part
+of a page name, and "`?`" for any single letter of a page name. So this
+matches all pages about music, and any [[SubPage]]s of the SandBox, but does
+not match the SandBox itself:
+ *music* or SandBox/*
+You can also prefix an item with "`!`" to skip pages that match it. So to
+match all pages except for Discussion pages and the SandBox:
+ * and !SandBox and !*/Discussion
+Some more elaborate limits can be added to what matches using these functions:
+* "`glob(someglob)`" - matches pages and other files that match the given glob.
+ Just writing the glob by itself is actually a shorthand for this function.
+* "`page(glob)`" - like `glob()`, but only matches pages, not other files
+* "`link(page)`" - matches only pages that link to a given page (or glob)
+* "`tagged(tag)`" - matches pages that are tagged or link to the given tag (or
+ tags matched by a glob)
+* "`backlink(page)`" - matches only pages that a given page links to
+* "`creation_month(month)`" - matches only files created on the given month
+* "`creation_day(mday)`" - or day of the month
+* "`creation_year(year)`" - or year
+* "`created_after(page)`" - matches only files created after the given page
+ was created
+* "`created_before(page)`" - matches only files created before the given page
+ was created
+* "`internal(glob)`" - like `glob()`, but matches even internal-use
+ pages that globs do not usually match.
+* "`title(glob)`", "`author(glob)`", "`authorurl(glob)`",
+ "`license(glob)`", "`copyright(glob)`", "`guid(glob)`"
+ - match pages that have the given metadata, matching the specified glob.
+* "`user(username)`" - tests whether a modification is being made by a
+ user with the specified username. If openid is enabled, an openid can also
+ be put here. Glob patterns can be used in the username. For example,
+ to match all openid users, use `user(*://*)`
+* "`admin()`" - tests whether a modification is being made by one of the
+ wiki admins.
+* "`ip(address)`" - tests whether a modification is being made from the
+ specified IP address.
+* "`comment(glob)`" - matches comments to a page matching the glob.
+* "`comment_pending(glob)`" - matches unmoderated, pending comments.
+* "`postcomment(glob)`" - matches only when comments are being
+ posted to a page matching the specified glob
+For example, to match all pages in a blog that link to the page about music
+and were written in 2005:
+ blog/* and link(music) and creation_year(2005)
+Note the use of "and" in the above example, that means that only pages that
+match each of the three expressions match the whole. Use "and" when you
+want to combine expression like that; "or" when it's enough for a page to
+match one expression. Note that it doesn't make sense to say "index and
+SandBox", since no page can match both expressions.
+More complex expressions can also be created, by using parentheses for
+grouping. For example, to match pages in a blog that are tagged with either
+of two tags, use:
+ blog/* and (tagged(foo) or tagged(bar))
+Note that page names in PageSpecs are matched against the absolute
+filenames of the pages in the wiki, so a pagespec "foo" used on page
+"a/b" will not match a page named "a/foo" or "a/b/foo". To match
+relative to the directory of the page containing the pagespec, you can
+use "./". For example, "./foo" on page "a/b" matches page "a/foo".
+To indicate the name of the page the PageSpec is used in, you can
+use a single dot. For example, `link(.)` matches all the pages
+linking to the page containing the PageSpec.
diff --git a/ikiwiki/pagespec/attachment.mdwn b/ikiwiki/pagespec/attachment.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2bc58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/pagespec/attachment.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+[[!if test="enabled(attachment)"
+ then="This wiki has attachments **enabled**."
+ else="This wiki has attachments **disabled**."]]
+If attachments are enabled, the wiki admin can control what types of
+attachments will be accepted, via the `allowed_attachments`
+configuration setting.
+For example, to limit most users to uploading small images, and nothing else,
+while allowing larger mp3 files to be uploaded by joey into a specific
+directory, and check all attachments for viruses, something like this could be
+ virusfree() and ((user(joey) and podcast/*.mp3 and mimetype(audio/mpeg) and maxsize(15mb)) or (mimetype(image/*) and maxsize(50kb)))
+The regular [[ikiwiki/PageSpec]] syntax is expanded with the following
+additional tests:
+* "`maxsize(size)`" - tests whether the attachment is no larger than the
+ specified size. The size defaults to being in bytes, but "kb", "mb", "gb"
+ etc can be used to specify the units.
+* "`minsize(size)`" - tests whether the attachment is no smaller than the
+ specified size.
+* "`ispage()`" - tests whether the attachment will be treated by ikiwiki as a
+ wiki page. (Ie, if it has an extension of ".mdwn", or of any other enabled
+ page format).
+ So, if you don't want to allow wiki pages to be uploaded as attachments,
+ use `!ispage()` ; if you only want to allow wiki pages to be uploaded
+ as attachments, use `ispage()`.
+* "`mimetype(foo/bar)`" - checks the MIME type of the attachment. You can
+ include a glob in the type, for example `mimetype(image/*)`.
+* "`virusfree()`" - checks the attachment with an antiviral program.
diff --git a/ikiwiki/pagespec/po.mdwn b/ikiwiki/pagespec/po.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f995640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/pagespec/po.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+[[!if test="enabled(po)"
+ then="This wiki has po support **enabled**."
+ else="This wiki has po support **disabled**."]]
+If the [[!iki plugins/po desc=po]] plugin is enabled, the regular
+[[ikiwiki/PageSpec]] syntax is expanded with the following additional
+tests that can be used to improve user navigation in a multi-lingual
+* "`lang(LL)`" - tests whether a page is written in the language
+ specified as a ISO639-1 (two-letter) language code.
+* "`currentlang()`" - tests whether a page is written in the same
+ language as the current page.
+* "`needstranslation()`" - tests whether a page needs translation
+ work. Only slave pages match this PageSpec. A minimum target
+ translation percentage can optionally be passed as an integer
+ parameter: "`needstranslation(50)`" matches only pages less than 50%
+ translated.
+Note that every non-po page is considered to be written in
+`po_master_language`, as specified in `ikiwiki.setup`.
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
diff --git a/ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting.mdwn b/ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccd7f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Some [[directives|ikiwiki/directive]] that use
+[[PageSpecs|ikiwiki/pagespec]] allow
+specifying the order that matching pages are shown in. The following sort
+orders can be specified.
+* `age` - List pages from the most recently created to the oldest.
+* `mtime` - List pages with the most recently modified first.
+* `title` - Order by title (page name).
+[[!if test="enabled(sortnaturally)" then="""
+* `title_natural` - Orders by title, but numbers in the title are treated
+ as such, ("1 2 9 10 20" instead of "1 10 2 20 9")
+[[!if test="enabled(meta)" then="""
+* `meta(title)` - Order according to the `\[[!meta title="foo" sortas="bar"]]`
+ or `\[[!meta title="foo"]]` [[ikiwiki/directive]], or the page name if no
+ full title was set. `meta(author)`, `meta(date)`, `meta(updated)`, etc.
+ also work.
+In addition, you can combine several sort orders and/or reverse the order of
+sorting, with a string like `age -title` (which would sort by age, then by
+title in reverse order if two pages have the same age).
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
diff --git a/ikiwiki/searching.mdwn b/ikiwiki/searching.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c12879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/searching.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+[[!if test="enabled(search)"
+then="This wiki has searching **enabled**."
+else="This wiki has searching **disabled**."]]
+If searching is enabled, you can enter search terms in the search field,
+as you'd expect. There are a few special things you can do to construct
+more powerful searches.
+* To match a phrase, enclose it in double quotes.
+* `AND` can be used to search for documents containing two expressions.
+* `OR` can be used to search for documents containing either one of
+ two expressions.
+* Parentheses can be used to build up complicated search expressions. For
+ example, "(foo AND bar) OR (me AND you)"
+* Prefix a search term with "-" to avoid it from appearing in the results.
+ For example, "-discussion" will omit "discussion".
+* To search for a page with a given title, use "title:foo".
+* To search for pages that contain a "bar" link, use "link:bar".
diff --git a/ikiwiki/subpage.mdwn b/ikiwiki/subpage.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..862f45e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/subpage.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+ikiwiki supports placing pages in a directory hierarchy. For example,
+this page, [[SubPage]] has some related pages placed under it, like
+[[SubPage/LinkingRules]]. This is a useful way to add some order to your
+wiki rather than just having a great big directory full of pages.
+To add a SubPage, just make a subdirectory and put pages in it. For
+example, this page is subpage.mdwn in this wiki's source, and there is also
+a subpage subdirectory, which contains subpage/linkingrules.mdwn. Subpages
+can be nested as deeply as you'd like.
+Linking to and from a SubPage is explained in [[LinkingRules]].
diff --git a/ikiwiki/subpage/linkingrules.mdwn b/ikiwiki/subpage/linkingrules.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e547f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/subpage/linkingrules.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+To link to or from a [[SubPage]], you can normally use a regular
+[[WikiLink]] that does not contain the name of the parent directory of
+the [[SubPage]]. Ikiwiki descends the directory hierarchy looking for a
+page that matches your link.
+For example, if FooBar/SubPage links to "OtherPage", ikiwiki will first
+prefer pointing the link to FooBar/SubPage/OtherPage if it exists, next
+to FooBar/OtherPage and finally to OtherPage in the root of the wiki.
+Note that this means that if a link on FooBar/SomePage to "OtherPage"
+currently links to OtherPage, in the root of the wiki, and FooBar/OtherPage
+is created, the link will _change_ to point to FooBar/OtherPage. On the
+other hand, a link from BazBar to "OtherPage" would be unchanged by this
+creation of a [[SubPage]] of FooBar.
+You can also specify a link that contains a directory name, like
+"FooBar/OtherPage" to more exactly specify what page to link to. This is
+the only way to link to an unrelated [[SubPage]].
+You can use this to, for example, to link from BazBar to "FooBar/SubPage",
+or from BazBar/SubPage to "FooBar/SubPage".
+You can also use "/" at the start of a link, to specify exactly which page
+to link to, when there are multiple pages with similar names and the link
+goes to the wrong page by default. For example, linking from
+"FooBar/SubPage" to "/OtherPage" will link to the "OtherPage" in the root
+of the wiki, even if there is a "FooBar/OtherPage".
+Also, if the wiki is configured with a userdir, you can link to pages
+within the userdir without specifying a path to them. This is to allow for
+easy linking to a user's page in the userdir, to sign a comment. These
+links are checked for last of all.
diff --git a/ikiwiki/wikilink.mdwn b/ikiwiki/wikilink.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf3b89c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ikiwiki/wikilink.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]
+WikiLinks provide easy linking between pages of the wiki. To create a
+[[WikiLink]], just put the name of the page to link to in double brackets.
+For example `\[[WikiLink]]`.
+If you ever need to write something like `\[[WikiLink]]` without creating a
+wikilink, just prefix it with a `\`, like `\\[[WikiLink]]`.
+There are some special [[SubPage/LinkingRules]] that come into play when
+linking between [[SubPages|SubPage]].
+WikiLinks are matched with page names in a case-insensitive manner, so you
+don't need to worry about getting the case the same, and can capitalise
+links at the start of a sentence, and so on.
+It's also possible to write a WikiLink that uses something other than the page
+name as the link text. For example `\[[foo_bar|SandBox]]` links to the SandBox
+page, but the link will appear like this: [[foo_bar|SandBox]].
+To link to an anchor inside a page, you can use something like
+`\[[WikiLink#foo]]` .
+If the file linked to by a WikiLink looks like an image, it will
+be displayed inline on the page.
+You can also put an url in a WikiLink, to link to an external page.
+Email addresses can also be used to generate a mailto link.